Multi Collagen Plus

$ 23.95 

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Does NMN Make You Look Younger?

Image courtesy of MixKit

NMN is a naturally occurring substance that people are widely recognizing the benefits of. It turns into NAD+, an anti-aging substance in the body, which is what leads to its anti-aging benefits. It is being touted as an anti-aging miracle cure, and that is for very good reasons. Unlike most anti-aging products on the market, NMN targets the problem at a cellular level rather than just taking care of the surface. 

Anti-aging creams don’t penetrate as deeply as they need to, and anti-aging treatments can be difficult and expensive. NMN is a way to slow the physical signs of aging to keep you looking younger naturally. 

What is NMN?

NMN, also known as Nicotinamide Mononucleotide, is a naturally occurring molecule known as a bioactive nucleotide. A nucleotide is a basic building block the body needs to function properly. It works to activate NAD+, which is a coenzyme that works as an anti-aging molecule and turns food into energy. It also helps prevent damage to our cells by helping the enzymes that repair DNA

NMN is known for being good for the skin. This is in large part due to the fact that it turns into NAD+ in the body, and NAD+ can reduce the effects of aging, something that has a significant impact on the skin. NMN is something that can be taken through capsules, food, and powder form, and can be found in stores and online. 

What Does NMN Do In The Body?

Nicotinamide converts to NMN and then into NAD+ when it makes contact with the body. To understand what NMN does in the body, you need to understand NAD+. NAD+ is a coenzyme that metabolizes energy in the body. It is found in every cell and decreases in presence with age. NAD+ is known as a cure for aging. What it does is transfers electrons from one molecule to another within cells, and then those molecules are used by those cells to carry out many processes and reactions within the body that keep it in top shape. 

Does NMN Reverse the Skin’s Aging Process? 

NMN powder in a container
This white powder can improve your skin a lot. Image courtesy of Amazon

NMN is known to be an effective anti-aging agent. Several studies over the years have found this to be true. One factor related to aging that NMN helps combat is advanced glycation end products, also known as AGEs. AGEs are linked to age related illnesses like diabetes, and advanced skin aging. It affects the skin’s elasticity and blood perfusion valves, both of which greatly affect the appearance of the skin. When you take NMN, you give your skin a chance to thrive without losing so much of its elasticity as you age. 

NMN will help to tighten your loose skin. Loose skin is an effect of aging, and with NMN bringing more NAD+ into the body helps to reverse those effects. NMN will help to reduce loose and sagging skin along with preventing age spots. Any signs of aging on your skin will be reduced to some extent when you take NMN. It might not be dramatic, but it will be a noticeable change. 

NMN can get rid of signs of aging, and that includes wrinkles. All the signs of aging that are already on your skin won’t be gotten rid of completely, but NMN can certainly reduce some of the wrinkles. NAD+ has powerful effects on the skin, and that means the power to reduce wrinkles. You won’t get rid of all your wrinkles, but there is a big chance that you can get rid of some. 

Does NMN Make You Look Younger?

NAD+ can reduce the effects of aging in the body, and the more NMN you get, the more NAD+ you will have in your body. NAD+ targets the aging process at a cellular level and helps slow it down, which is why NMN is said to make you look younger. Experts agree that this assertion is true to a large extent. While more research is needed to know the full breadth of the benefits that NMN provides, researchers agree that it is practically a miracle aging cure. And while NMN will help with the side effects of aging, you shouldn’t use it on its own. The best thing to do is get proper sleep and exercise, and enjoy a healthy diet in conjunction with taking NMN. It works best when you take care of yourself in other ways as well. 

Does NMN Make You Feel Younger?

NMN not only helps you look younger, it helps you feel younger too. NAD+ targets all the effects of aging, and that means the things that impact your physical health as well as the ones that impact your appearance. It will boost your metabolism, protect cell health, and enhance energy levels. It also helps with joint health, as joint health is something that really impacts people when they are aging. NMN will do a lot to make you feel younger over time when you take it. 

How Long Does it Take to See Results From NMN? 

Like with any substance, NMN will take some time to really take effect. The buildup of this substance in the body can really take some time, but the time it takes will vary for each person. Some people will experience results pretty quickly while some will have to wait much longer to notice an effect. It can finally take effect within the first two or three weeks or even a full 6 months. How long it takes for you depends on your body. 

At What Age Should You Start Taking NMN? 

NMN should be taken by people who are nearing a need for it. NAD+ levels start falling around the time that people are 35, which is the perfect time to start taking NMN. It is especially important to take NMN when you are 35 if you are an active person. With less NMN in your system, your joints will start taking more of a hit when you are active, and it is a good idea to take NMN to prevent that once it is about to happen. Younger people do not need to take NMN since they have adequate levels of NAD+ in their bodies. 

What Happens When You Stop Taking NMN? 

When you stop taking NMN, your body will go back to producing NMN at its original levels. It won’t cause you any harm or negative side effects, your body will just go back functioning the way it was before. If you have low levels of NAD+ in your body naturally, you will have to continue dealing with the effects of that once you quit NAD+. If your NAD+ levels were normal in the first place, absolutely nothing will change. 

Sources of NMN

various vegetables on a counter
All these foods are a great addition to a healthy diet. Image courtesy of Hello100

NMN is as of now a little known substance, but it is not impossible to find. You can find NMN in some surprising food sources as well as in capsules and powder form. Each of these methods comes with their own benefits and drawbacks as some are more easily absorbed than others, but any method you use to get NMN will give you a positive effect in some way. Here are your options:


NMN isn’t necessarily abundant in food, but you can still manage to find it in certain food sources. In some cases, these foods provide NMN directly, and in other cases, they provide precursors to NMN that will turn into NMN in the body. Once you know what these foods are, adding them to your diet can slightly boost your NMN levels, especially if you prefer to get your nutrients from food rather than supplements. Though with NMN, even a diet with foods that contain it isn’t usually enough. Most foods that contain NMN contain very low amounts and won’t have too much of an effect on the NMN levels in your body. 

But even though NMN levels in foods aren’t that high, they still provide something, and you can’t lose anything from adding foods with more NMN to your diet. The foods that contain NMN are broccoli, avocado, cabbage, mushrooms, cucumber, tomatoes, beef, potatoes. Some of these foods are higher in NMN than the others, and those foods include broccoli, edamame, mushrooms, and avocado. Beef, cabbage, shrimp, and tomatoes contain less NMN, but still have enough to give you a slight benefit. 

And while broccoli is already a small source of NMN, broccoli sprouts have a much bigger impact on NMN levels in the body in a different way. Broccoli sprouts contain high levels of glucosinolates, which is an NMN precursor in the body that converts to NMN in the body. Because of its benefits, you can find broccoli sprouts in powder form as well as whole. 


Another source of NMN is through capsules. You can find these capsules in a number of places online and in person, but you will certainly have an easier time finding them online. You can get pure NMN from these capsules, which are usually packed in powder form into veggie capsules. In order to get the best effects from the NMN capsule, your best bet is to take it on an empty stomach about an hour before you have your first meal of the day. This will allow for the best possible absorption of NMN in the body. 

There is even NMN with better absorption qualities on the market. There is a liposomal formula available that combines NMN with properties that make it more easily absorbed. These capsules come combined with resveratrol, folate, vitamin B12, and betaine. Resveratrol is a naturally occurring substance in the body that acts as an antioxidant. It can be found in several plant foods, especially grapes and berries, and provide a handful of health benefits. Vitamin B12 is found in animal foods and helps form red blood cells and attach protein to the foods we eat, folate is important to healthy cell formation and growth, and betaine is involved in cellular production and liver function. So this version of NMN capsules packs far more benefits than NMN already provides on its own. 


Another way to get NMN in your system is in powder form. It is an effective way to take in NMN, and can be more enjoyable depending on what you mix it into. NMN powder can be added to all types of drinks and food. It won’t be very noticeable in any drink you put it into. You can easily drink it down daily if you choose to. Though NMN is best absorbed on an empty stomach, so even though you can mix it with food, it is best when taken with water before you eat. 

Where to Get NMN

3 NMN bottles
These bottles hold the key to your skin’s longevity. Image courtesy of Dr. Emil.

Dr. Emil’s NMN supplement has several amazing benefits that make it worth it to grab a bottle. The list of benefits this NMN provides includes:

  • Supporting healthy aging. NMN boosts NAD+, a natural substance that depletes as we get older. Replacing this lost substance helps to reverse the effects of aging. 
  • Increases energy. NMN supports a healthy metabolism and helps suppress age related weight gain. This will keep you energetic and therefore healthier. 
  • Regulates glucose. Glucose metabolism is something that plays a part in the effects of aging, and NMN can help keep it in check. 
  • Lowers inflammation. High levels of inflammation cause damage over time. NMN lowers this damage and helps with the signs of aging. 

You can find NMN at several online retailers. You can get them at Amazon, at Target online, at Dr. Emil, and iHerb. Each place offers different versions of the supplement to choose from, including the powder. 

NMN is a substance that provides many benefits because of what it's a precursor to, and there are several reasons that it makes a big impact on the body. The appearance of youth is one of NMNs most loved benefits, and anyone gets to enjoy its benefits as soon as they need it.

You should consult a licensed health care professional before starting any supplement, dietary, or exercise program, especially if you are pregnant or have any pre-existing injuries or medical conditions.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases.