Sleep is essential to our overall health, and making sure you get enough of it is vital to maintaining your health. If you’re like many other people who have a hard time sleeping through the night, you’ve probably spent a good deal of time researching tips and tricks to help you get a better night’s sleep. But with all of the information out there on the internet, how can you be sure that the tips you’re following have any facts behind them?

This is where Dr. Emil comes in. Dr. Emil has a reputable medical background and real life experience in the medical field, making him a great resource for tips to help you live a healthier life. So if you’re one of the unlucky people in the world who can’t seem to stay asleep throughout the night, then you’ve come to the right place for some tricks to help you sleep through the night without waking up.
In this article we’ll look at several ways you can improve your overall sleep quality. Here’s a quick look at what you can expect to learn about by the time you are finished reading:
- Why sleep is so important for our health
- How using sleep aids and supplements can help to promote better sleep
- How to make your room ready for bedtime
- How taking a break from screen time before bed can be beneficial
- How the right bedtime routine can make all the difference
- How limiting caffeine can help you rest easier at night

Why is Sleep so Important for Our Health?
Getting enough sleep each night is essential to our health; let’s talk about why
It is no secret that sleep is important, but why exactly is that? Not only is sleep an essential component to a healthy lifestyle, but it is something every person needs in order for their body to function properly. Having enough sleep is needed to maintain both your mental and physical health and the better you sleep the better you will feel. So if you are looking for ways to improve your overall health, then starting with your sleeping patterns is a good place to begin.
When a person gets an adequate amount of sleep, they are less likely to experience weight gain, have a lower risk of heart disease, and a lower chance of dealing with depression. Sleep is also important in helping you stay focused through the day and can help keep your immune system strong to prevent other diseases and illnesses. If you often find yourself feeling lousy throughout the day, you have a lack of energy, or you have generally just not felt like yourself, then your sleeping patterns might be able to explain.
So when you skip out on sleep your body begins to suffer. You might notice symptoms like feeling sluggish, having a hard time concentrating, a lack of energy, and just an overall feel of being unwell. But how do you help yourself get the sleep you need? Identifying that not enough sleep is your problem is the easy part; the hard part comes after when figuring out how to fix it. It isn’t always as easy as saying that you need more sleep. Saying it and actually getting sleep are two entirely different things. Luckily, here are a few tips to help make bedtime a little easier for you.
1. Using Sleep Aids or Supplements
Sometimes you need a little extra help to get a good night’s rest

Whether you are someone who struggles with winding down for the night and actually falling asleep or your issue is more that you keep waking through the night, incorporating a sleep aid into your nighttime routine might be the perfect solution for you. Some people just need a little extra help getting to or staying asleep; this is where a sleep aid comes in handy.
One sleep aid you can think about is melatonin. Melatonin is something that our bodies naturally produce, and while it won’t instantly knock you out and put you to sleep, melatonin helps our bodies relax before bed. There are plenty of melatonin supplements out there and they all come in different dosages. If you’re trying melatonin for the first time, consider beginning with a lower dose and working your way up to avoid feeling groggy in the morning.
Another sleep aid that you can incorporate into your nightly routine to help with a better sleep is Dr. Emil’s Bedtime Burn. What is great about this supplement is that not only does it include a sleep aid in its formula to help you get and stay asleep, but it also acts as an appetite suppressant, boosts your metabolism so you can burn fat while you sleep, and it is made with all natural and safe ingredients.

2. Make Your Room Your Sanctuary
Get your room ready to be a place of relaxation

If you really think about it, your bedroom is the focal point of your nightly routine, so it only makes sense that your room should reflect a calm and soothing environment to help you get to and stay asleep longer. You don’t have to completely revamp your room, but something as simple as a pile of laundry resting on your bed, those pesky lights shining from your chargers, or a cluttered dresser can be enough to inadvertently keep you up at night.
Instead, try to keep your room free of clutter and anything else that might cause you stress and prevent you from finding relaxation and sleep at night. Also consider upgrading your bedding or mattress to treat yourself to something extra comfy so sleeping through the night will be easier. When you’re comfortable, your body naturally relaxes. And when you’re more relaxed, you’re more likely to be able to stay asleep longer.
3. Take a Break From Your Phone
Putting away blue light screens before bed promotes healthy sleep

It is not an uncommon idea that using your phone before bed can disrupt your sleep, but have you ever really considered why that is? Not only does playing on your phone keep you more awake and interested in what you’re reading or watching, but the blue light from your phone is actually tricking your body into thinking it isn’t time for bed. Our bodies are naturally programmed to begin relaxing and getting ready for rest as the day goes on and the sun sets. Using a phone before bed can upset this natural response and make it harder to fall asleep and to get a quality night’s sleep.
Instead, make your room a no phone zone and leave your phone on the charger in another room. Or, make yourself a rule that after a certain time you stop using your phone in order to allow your brain to begin getting ready for bed. If you’re someone who uses their phone as an alarm clock, think about investing in a physical alarm clock so you don’t have to have your phone next to your bed and you can avoid the temptation to start scrolling while laying in bed.
4. Take Your Bedtime Routine to the Next Level
A good routine before bed can make sleep that much easier at night

If you struggle to stay asleep through the night, then something that might help you is a more structured bedtime routine. Good sleep begins before bed when your body is trying to unwind and relax from the day. Incorporating a nighttime routine that promotes this relaxation and helps your body get itself ready to fall asleep and stay asleep can help you have a better night’s sleep and might just help you stay asleep until the morning.
Having a structured nighttime routine doesn’t mean you have to have a long one or that you have to strictly stick to it each night. A healthy bedtime routine can consist of limiting your screen time before bed, taking a relaxing bath, reading a few pages from your current novel, or doing something that makes you feel relaxed. Incorporating a routine each night will help to train your body to know when it is time to unwind for sleep and, over time, can help improve your sleep quality.
5. Avoid Caffeine Close to Bedtime
Caffeine can keep you too wired to rest

While limiting your caffeine intake (particularly before bed) isn’t a newfound concept, it might be one of the harder changes to make to give yourself a better chance at sleeping through the night. Using caffeine to keep yourself awake after a restless night is a ruthless cycle that is bound to repeat itself. Think about it; you can’t sleep because you’re too wired from caffeine, but you need caffeine throughout the day to function because you couldn’t sleep. So how do you break this cycle?
The simple answer is to just stop drinking so much caffeine, whether that’s in coffee, energy drinks, or tea. But cutting back on caffeine isn’t as easy as it sounds, especially if you have grown accustomed to having it in your day to day life. Instead, try starting small by limiting the times during the day that you allow yourself to have caffeine. Try setting a boundary to stop drinking caffeinated beverages in the evening to allow your body to settle down before bed. You can still have your morning cup of joe and your afternoon pick-me-up, but try to limit your caffeine intake the rest of the time and you might see your sleep improve.

If you’re someone who struggles to stay asleep throughout the entire night, you are not alone. Many people struggle with their sleep, and unfortunately there are no easy fixes when it comes to making changes to help improve your sleep quality. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t anything you can do to help yourself get better sleep at night so that you can wake up feeling refreshed. Sometimes making small changes in your diet, your health routine, or incorporating a sleep aid can help you fall asleep faster, stay asleep through the night, and wake up feeling rested.
Use these 5 tips to help you take back control over your sleeping habits so that you can start feeling like yourself again. Everyone deserves a good night’s rest and everyone needs one to function properly throughout the day, so don’t give up if you feel like your sleeping habits are stopping you from enjoying your day. Test out these 5 tips to help you sleep through the night and you might find yourself with healthier sleeping habits in no time and a lot more energy to go about your day.