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Our Guide to Help You Celebrate National Women’s Fitness Day 2022

Life can be a lot sometimes, and that’s alright. Most people understand the struggles that come alongside day-to-day responsibilities and how they can often result in lack of personal care, poor health, and an absence of motivation.

While a complete change in mindset might seem impossible when you can’t muster up the energy for it, it's crucial you take that first step and spark a change in your life. With National Women’s Health and Fitness Day just around the corner, you’re not gonna find a better opportunity to transform your health and your life. 

And for the women who already make a habit of engaging in regular exercise, don’t worry, you won’t be left out. This guide is meant to help women from all backgrounds celebrate this year’s National Women’s Fitness Day and realistically work towards their goals by using holistic solutions. 

Some of the key points this article will be discussing include the following:

  • What National Women’s Health and Fitness Day is and why it exists
  • Different ways you can observe National Women’s Fitness Day
  • If supplements can help enhance your experience

What is National Women’s Fitness Day?

If you’re someone who identifies as a woman and haven’t heard of National Women’s Fitness and Health Day before, don’t panic – it doesn’t make you any less of the woman you are, nor does it mean you take your health for granted. It’s simply a day dedicated to honoring the well-being of women who come from all backgrounds, including you and those you love.

Even if you are someone who takes their health seriously and commits to an overall active lifestyle, it’s still important to get acquainted with this special holiday for the betterment of women everywhere. Having a physically healthy body is one thing, but understanding that true wellness depends on nurturing aspects of yourself that are beyond just physical. 

The last Wednesday of September is reserved for celebrating National Women’s Fitness Day, which means the holiday will be observed on September 28th for the year 2022. Whether you feel prepared for this upcoming celebration or not, I’m here to break down the significance of the day and why it exists. 

A smiling woman holds a towel over her shoulders
You don’t have to make a big deal out of National Women’s Fitness Day in order to celebrate it, nor do you need to be an avid gym-goer. Taking even small steps in the direction of better health paves the way for positive change.

Why It’s Important 

At first glance, it might not seem like there is any need for a day dedicated specifically to the well-being of women. There’s little point segregating men’s and women’s health when they should both be a priority, but exclusion isn’t the point of National Women’s Fitness Day – inclusion is. 

Women have faced a lot of stigma, bias, and stereotyping by societies predominantly controlled by men throughout the entire course of history. As a result, their overall wellness has not been prioritized, or even considered in good faith, until very recently in western culture. Even looking a century or two back in history reveals the alarming societal norms that perpetuated ignorance regarding women’s health, such as the infamous corset that many women were expected to wear constantly, harming them physically for the sake of acceptable appearances. 

Topics like childbirth and fitness were rarely discussed at length during those oppressing times. Superstition, conjecture, and an association of the taboo all surrounded the subject of women’s bodies over the course of history. Women weren’t supposed to devote time to physical fitness, or even be seen working out in a public setting. 

There are even well-known myths regarding women’s health and bodies in general that some individuals assume to be true. Here are some of the following that pose a danger to aspects of women’s health, which are easily debunked:

  • Women aren’t at a risk for heart disease – while men may be more prone to heart disease, it can still affect women and must be looked out for. 
  • Gynecologist appointments are for pregnancy – every women should make a habit of visiting the gynecologist when they become sexually active or turn eighteen.
  • Pregnant women shouldn’t get flu vaccines – vaccinating reduces the risk of infection, meaning it is a vital step to ensure a healthy fetus. 
  • Cancer can be caused by bras – this is untrue and the best way to prevent breast cancer is by attending regular screenings and checkups.
  • Certain food choices increase the likelihood of pregnancy – it’s possible that a diet of plant-based foods can improve fertility, but a diet like that isn’t for everyone. 

A majority of women in the United States take on roles as caregivers in some capacity. Whether that means they are raising children of their own, looking after family members, or performing caregiving responsibilities in a professional setting doesn’t take away from the fact that it is draining work. 

Providing regular support to others, even your own children, is a physically and mentally exhausting task that wears you down over time. This is not to say you can’t do it, but to highlight the importance of self-care and prioritizing personal needs. 

While there is certainly still much to improve on overall, it is nice to see western society moving in the right direction and putting emphasis on the importance of women’s health issues. In the future things will likely be even better, but it’s vital to acknowledge the significance of contemporary developments in the health field. 

Two women happily sitting next to each other
Women of all types and backgrounds deserve to have their health needs prioritized by medical experts. While the history of women’s health may seem bleak in retrospect, there is nothing stopping society from continuing to make improvements to the subject. 

How to Celebrate National Women’s Fitness Day

There’s no right or wrong way to celebrate National Women’s Health and Fitness Day, but if this is your first time participating in the holiday, then you might be a little unsure of how to proceed. The good news is that there are no secret rules you have to follow or knowledge you must have access to in order to participate; all that you need is the motivation to make a positive improvement in your life, and that might be far more easy than you think. 

Let’s consider some possible options that will help you make the most out of National Women’s Fitness Day

Attend an Event 

It is estimated that anywhere between 50,000 to 75,000 women will participate in health and fitness related activities at local events hosted throughout the country for this upcoming National Women’s Fitness Day. That’s a lot of people, but with hundreds of groups located in local communities, there’s certain to be an event that works for you. 

There are many different options for group participation and this includes places like hospitals, senior centers, schools, retirement communities, recreation centers, parks, local health organizations, and health clubs. 

Schedule a Doctor’s Appointment 

This doesn’t necessarily have to happen on National Women’s Fitness Day, but it is something to consider in the near future if you haven’t been to the doctor’s office in quite some time. Many people only find the motivation, albeit reluctantly, to visit the doctor when they have contracted an illness or are faced with an alarming physical issue. 

Stay on top of your health before things take a turn for the worse with regular doctor’s appointments!

Get a Friend Involved

Doing things by yourself isn’t always fun. Some prefer to be lone wolves, but sometimes committing to exercise and fitness seems almost impossible to do on your own. If you need another person to keep you motivated, try inviting a friend to participate in events with you. 

Even if neither of you want to attend community events, it is totally okay to celebrate the holiday in other ways. Try going on a run with your friend, or even taking a little jog through the park. The intent is all that truly matters in order to make an effort to improve your health.

Discover a New Fitness Activity

Routines are nice, but doing the same thing during every single workout session can take its toll on your mind and body. Why not swap the weight lifting and treadmills for other equally exciting activities? From yoga to dance classes, there’s no limit on what you can do to enhance your lifestyle and improve your health. 

Take Care of Your Mental Health

Mental health is no less important than physical health, and they are more intertwined than you might think. Poor mental health can negatively influence various aspects of your life, including your well-being and how you feel on a daily basis. This can make things like exercise and self-care immensely difficult. 

Keep your mind free from anxieties and other negative feelings to make the most out of your life. You can achieve this by participating in mindfulness activities and seeking out care for mental health concerns.  

Consider if Supplements are Right for You

I’m sure you’ve not been blind to the recent rise in popularity of dietary supplements and the beneficial effects they can have for your health. Whether you are doubtful or not, there is much evidence supporting the claim that supplements can actually improve your overall quality of life, but that depends on your personal health needs and what you take. 

In regards to women’s fitness and health, there are many supplements on the market that can work to improve your overall well-being. For active women who are looking to make a significant change to their wellness routine and achieve realistic goals, the Dr. Emil Nutrition Women’s Mana products are undeniably helpful and effective. 

Of course, always consult a health professional before beginning any type of dietary supplement. A majority of them won’t harm you, but preexisting health conditions may complicate things and lead to serious issues down the line. Remember, not all supplements are the same and the quality can vary by brand, so use your best judgment and do your research beforehand. 

There’s so much to love about National Women’s Health and Fitness Day. From promoting healthy behaviors to acknowledging the reality of how women’s health issues were viewed as frivolous concerns over the course of history, the importance of this day for women everywhere cannot be emphasized enough. 

We hope that all women can enjoy this day and feel better about their bodies!

You should consult a licensed health care professional before starting any supplement, dietary, or exercise program, especially if you are pregnant or have any pre-existing injuries or medical conditions.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases.

Author: Dr. Emil Hodzovic

Holding degrees in both medicine and Sports + Exercise Science from renowned research institution Cardiff University, Dr. Emil Hodzovic has the dual distinction of being a practicing clinician and respected authority in nutrition and supplementation.

During his parallel careers as a personal trainer and professional athlete, Dr. Emil recognized a critical flaw in the supplement space: too much emphasis on appearance and performance—and zero concern for making holistic health and happiness accessible to everyone.

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