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Ozempic and Anxiety: Is There A Relationship?

Image courtesy of Daily Mail

Ozempic is a diabetes and weight loss drug that can lead to some superior results, and those results can come with some downsides. Any medication you take can come with some risks, and Ozempic has its own set of risks, some of which may surprise you. If you are prone to anxiety, or worried about it, it may be one of your top concerns, and we can help you figure out if Ozempic is right for you despite your anxiety. 

When you’re working on losing weight, the last thing you need is something making the process harder for you, and that is something that anxiety can do. Anxiety can get in the way of your everyday life, and if it is something that you may have to face, you have to decide if it is worth it for you. Ozempic has the power to make weight fall off in ways you haven’t seen before, but does it also cause anxiety? And if Ozempic does cause anxiety, is it difficult to manage?

What Is Ozempic?

This drug can have a big impact on your weight. 

A combination of things go into Ozempic treatment. Image courtesy of Kera Think

Ozempic is a diabetes turned weight loss drug that brings fast results. It is used to help people with type II diabetes regulate their blood sugar, and to bring on weight loss for people with high BMIs. It is a once weekly home injection that comes in a small pen. It has to be prescribed by a doctor, and the doctor will show you how to use it before you try it out for yourself. It does not work for people with type I diabetes, and is not recommended for people who don’t have too much weight to lose. 

Ozempic is one brand name of semaglutide, a substance that prompts the body to produce insulin. It works the same way as the GLP-1 hormone in your body, and replaces it when it isn’t functioning properly. Then through prompting the pancreas to produce more insulin, it also suppresses the appetite, leading to large amounts of weight loss. When someone takes Ozempic, they aren’t tempted to eat as much as they normally would, and end up dropping lots of weight. 

Ozempic was FDA approved in 2017 and has been growing in popularity ever since. Famous people have played a large part in popularizing it, they realized just how quickly it worked, and in an industry where quick weight loss can be required for jobs, it became the perfect solution. Ozempic is made to be used long term, and not as a temporary fix. It has the potential to come with some side effects, but the weight based benefits are vast. 

How Does Ozempic Work?

Ozempic has a specific way to target your weight. 

You will need a demonstration before you can start Ozempic. Image courtesy of Medical News Today

Ozempic is the brand name of semaglutide,  a glucagon-like peptide that works to control blood sugar. It is a GLP-1 agonist, that is meant as a replacement when the naturally occuring GLP-1 in the body doesn’t perform its functions properly. It prompts the pancreas to secrete extra insulin, whether or not it is doing it on its own. Semaglutide also lowers the appetite. Through its functions, it manages to lower the risk of heart attack, stroke, high blood sugar, and other weight related ailments, and it also reduces the appetite and makes users eat significantly less. 

Semaglutide reduces the appetite by inducing a feeling of fullness, which causes the user to eat a whole lot less than normal. Many people with a high BMI struggle with portion control, and Ozempic eliminates that problem. It causes the hormone levels in the body rise, and when those rise, they travel to the brain to give it the ‘full’ signal. It also slows the digestion process, causing food to exit your system quicker, giving you that feeling of fullness. Your appetite may eventually cease to be a problem for you, but there is a chance that you may need to avoid having the opposite problem, eating too little.

Ozempic needs to be administered weekly, through injections under the skin. It is best when injected at the front of the thighs, in the upper arms, and especially in the abdomen. The abdomen is the best injection spot, but with Ozempic, it is ideal that you change the injection spot each time. You will need to do this to avoid any skin irritation from the needle. The higher the dose, the more pronounced the effects. You will need to work with your doctor to figure out the dose that will work for you. 

Ozempic’s Side Effects

There are a few side effects that can come with Ozempic that you should pay attention to. Some are more rare, and some are more common, and the most common side effects you might experience are digestive ones. Those side effects include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and constipation. They are most likely to occur at the beginning, at the start of Ozempic treatment. Each time you up your dose, you are also likely to experience these symptoms. They can also come when you eat more than you can handle. Ozempic can cause nausea when you eat too much. 

You can also experience dizziness, fatigue, and hypoglycemia on Ozempic. Hypoglycemia can be caused because of the way Ozempic lowers blood sugar. If you aren’t using it for Diabetes, there is a chance it could lower your blood sugar too much, especially if you aren’t paying attention to your food intake. A serious, but very rare side effect that can come from Ozempic is thyroid cancer. There is a very low risk of this, but it is still something you should keep in mind, especially if your family has a history of thyroid cancer. 

Ozempic can cause a few skin related side effects. Since it causes rapid weight loss, it can leave you with loose or sagging skin. This side effect can depend on how much weight you have to lose and how quickly you lose it. The faster you lose weight, the more likely your skin is to sag. If you hold a lot of your weight in your backside, that part is most likely to end up with saggy skin. Same goes if you mostly hold weight in your stomach or in your face.  This side effect has been labeled “Ozempic face” or “Ozempic butt” because those are the places users tend to be affected most. 

Another potential side effect of Ozempic is malnutrition. Ozempic decreases your appetite, which will change the way you interact with food each day. You might be used to struggling not to eat as much, but on Ozempic, you can have the opposite problem. You won’t want to eat as much as you normally would, and there is a chance that you may eat less than you need at this time. You may need to start keeping track of your meals just to make sure that you get enough. This side effect can also lead to fatigue. If you aren’t getting enough nutrients throughout the day, your body won’t be getting what it needs to make energy, and you may feel fatigued. 

Does Ozempic Cause Anxiety?

Ozempic comes with a few symptoms, and anxiety could be one of them. 

Racing thoughts can be a frustrating result of anxiety. Image courtesy of MyPsychiatrist

Ozempic can lead to several different side effects, but what about anxiety? Anxiety doesn’t have a clear link to Ozempic at this point. It is a link that is still being studied. Some people on Ozempic do experience anxiety, but so far, other factors have been linked to the anxiety rather than Ozempic. People who take Ozempic are often more prone to anxiety due to other conditions that can cause it. For one, people who struggle with obesity are very prone to anxiety and depression because of the effects the extra weight has on the body. 

For people who struggle with obesity or diabetes, symptoms of anxiety can come on with or without medication, so it is tough to figure out the role that Ozempic might play in it. Mental illnesses like depression and anxiety also happen to be common among the general population, which makes it even tougher to determine what role Ozempic plays in the anxiety symptoms of the people who take it. 

If you experience anxiety while taking Ozempic, it isn’t a guarantee that the Ozempic caused your anxiety, but there is still a chance that it did. To determine if your anxiety was caused by the Ozempic or something else, you have to rule out alternatives. Is there something going on in your life that could be making you feel anxious? Maybe you haven’t quite thought about it, but life’s expectations can sometimes cause you anxiety even if you aren’t keenly aware of it. If you’re someone who likes to push stressful thoughts out of your mind rather than acknowledge them, you can experience anxiety without knowing the cause. 

At times, emotional issues like anxiety can also come up as a result of having a bad diet. This can be ruled out by managing your diet properly. The gut is very connected to your moods because of its relationship with serotonin, and if you mostly neglect food because you don’t feel hungry on Ozempic, your body will lack the nutrients that it truly needs, which can lead to symptoms like depression and anxiety. 

Dr. Emil’s 5 htp supplement was made with the right mix of ingredients to reduce anxiety, and might be the perfect companion to your Ozempic treatment. It is made up of 5 htp, vitamin B6, and SAMe, a serotonin synthesizer. This combination will do a lot to relieve your anxiety, and all the other symptoms that can come from it. 

Dr. Emil’s 5 htp:

  • Improves mood. 5 htp is what this supplement mainly consists of, and it is used to improve mood and lower anxiety. 
  • Improves brain function. This supplement helps raise the levels of serotonin in the brain, keeping it at healthy levels. When serotonin levels are adequate, many functions in the body go more smoothly. The vitamin B6 that’s included also has an effect on brain health. 
  • Improves sleep. 5 htp makes it easier to sleep when taken a few minutes before bedtime. Anxiety can be a barrier to getting adequate sleep, and 5 htp prevents that. 
Support your brain’s health with lion’s mane. Image courtesy of Dr. Emil. 

This lion’s mane supplement is a brain and immunity booster that will support your brain’s functions. It helps support your focus and memory, and can potentially help out with anxiety as well. This supplement contains the highest dose of lion’s mane available so you can get the maximum benefits it has to offer. 

Ozempic is a powerful drug with powerful effects, but whether one of those effects is anxiety is still under debate. If you believe that Ozempic is the source of your anxiety, you can speak to a doctor to figure it out through a process of elimination, and if you find it to be another source, you can work on addressing it alongside your Ozempic treatment. The right methods can keep you in the right state of mind through the duration of your time on Ozempic.

You should consult a licensed health care professional before starting any supplement, dietary, or exercise program, especially if you are pregnant or have any pre-existing injuries or medical conditions.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases.

Author: Dr. Emil Hodzovic

Holding degrees in both medicine and Sports + Exercise Science from renowned research institution Cardiff University, Dr. Emil Hodzovic has the dual distinction of being a practicing clinician and respected authority in nutrition and supplementation.

During his parallel careers as a personal trainer and professional athlete, Dr. Emil recognized a critical flaw in the supplement space: too much emphasis on appearance and performance—and zero concern for making holistic health and happiness accessible to everyone.

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