Multi Collagen Plus

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Postbiotics 101: Everything You Need to Know About Them, and Why to Use Them

Main image courtesy of NutraIngredients-USA. 

We know that you’ve probably heard of prebiotics and probiotics, and also postbiotics, but what do they really do? There are actually a lot of helpful things that they can do for the human body that may even be essential for your health as well. They all can help support and maintain a healthy bacteria count in your body, along with other healthy microorganisms that are in your body as well.

We should get down to the nitty gritty when it comes to postbiotics though, and why is that? Postbiotics have a lot of important functions in your body to help it keep going, and they feed on both prebiotics and probiotics as well. 

Are you looking to start taking postbiotics more, but want to know how they can help you? Continue reading to learn:

  • What are Postbiotics?
  • How Can They Work Together With Prebiotics and Probiotics?
  • Are There Side Effects to Taking Postbiotics?

What are Postbiotics?

We know you’ve heard of them, but what exactly can they do for your health?

Postbiotics can help out in many ways, but it is important to understand why and how they work! Image courtesy of Gut Microbiota for Health.

There are a lot of amazing reasons why postbiotics are something that you need. Overall, they help to support gut health, and other aspects of your health. From helping to improve your gut  health, immune health, and so much more.

Now, the question is how do they work and what are they? Postbiotics are considered to be bioactive compounds made with the healthy bacteria within your gut that feed on the prebiotics in your gut. These prebiotics can consist of fibers and more. 

There are also many different types of postbiotics that range from: 

  • Enzymes
  • Short-chain fatty acids
  • Cell wall fragments
  • Lipopolysaccharides
  • Vitamins
  • Amino acids
  • Vitamins
  • And more

Are you interested in what some of the benefits of postbiotics can consist of? Well, you should know that there are plenty of benefits that come from taking them everyday, such as:

  • May help reduce digestive issues
  • Can help prevent and treat diarrhea
  • Helps with allergies
  • Aids weight loss
  • Helps manage blood sugar levels
  • Lower your risk of heart disease
  • Can be tolerated better than probiotics

Did you know that you can also find postbiotics in food too? No matter how you decide to ingest postbotics, you can easily get them in your system in the form of the food you eat, or by supplements. With foods such as yogurt, sauerkraut, miso soup, sourdough bread, soft cheeses, pickles, buttermilk, and more, you are getting a nice daily intake of postbiotics. If you love eating any of these foods, you’re in the right direction to getting the postbiotics that your body needs.

Although postbiotics are fairly new to the market, there is still a lot of research being done on them. While they may not be widely known as of right now, you can always increase your intake of prebiotic foods, probiotics, and postbiotics in your body. 

How Can They Work Together With Prebiotics and Probiotics?

How do postbiotics work with the already preexisting prebiotics and probiotics in your body?

Drinking Prebiotics
Postbiotics can help improve your gut health alongside prebiotics and probiotics, so make sure you understand why that is! Image courtesy of Newsweek.

Since postbiotics are very important to your gut health along with prebiotics and probiotics, how can they work together to make your gut healthier? Have you ever thought about how they work side-by-side in order to accomplish this? Well, there are many ways that they can do this, and it’s important to know how.

Prebiotics can be considered the “food” that your gut needs, as they are the microorganisms living in your gut and then postbiotics are the end results of the probiotics consuming the “food” in your gut. You can almost think of postbiotics as the probiotics' waste, so they all work together in order to support a healthy gut with healthy microorganisms. 

Are There Side Effects to Taking Postbiotics?

Understand that postbiotics may not work well for your body and why that is!

Side Effects
Side effects can be quite common when it comes to taking postbiotics, so it’s important to know what they are if you are experiencing some. Image courtesy of GoodRx. 

With every supplement comes some potential side effects that you can experience as well. While we hate for this to be the case, it can happen with any supplement and to anyone as well. It’s important to keep this in mind whenever starting postbiotics as well because they can also come with their own set of side effects you should keep in mind too.

Some of these side effects can consist of:

  • Constipation
  • Increased thirst
  • Gas 
  • Bloating
  • Mild stomach discomfort
  • Headaches
  • Increase histamine levels (which can cause water eyes, itching, breathing issues, and even a runny nose)
  • Can cause allergies to act up
  • Can increase infection rate for some people

While postbiotics are generally safe to consume because of all of the health benefits that they can provide for you, they can also trigger side effects in many others. Postbiotics can really help when it comes to improving your health and they go perfectly with your supplement regimen. 

It’s important for you to talk to your doctor about taking any kind of supplement before doing so to make sure that you won’t experience any negative side effects. If you are interested in trying out postbiotics, but are concerned with the effects it can have on your body, make sure to consider talking to your doctor first. 

Postbiotics are extremely important when it comes to your overall gut health. If you are interested in improving your gut health, you should consider talking to your doctor about it and see if they’re right for you!

If you are interested in trying out an amazing probiotic, make sure to try out Dr. Emil’s Total Gut Complex! With just two capsules a day, you can get the benefits of prebiotics, probiotics, and even postbiotics to help support a completely healthy gut!

You should consult a licensed health care professional before starting any supplement, dietary, or exercise program, especially if you are pregnant or have any pre-existing injuries or medical conditions.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases.

Author: Dr. Emil Hodzovic

Holding degrees in both medicine and Sports + Exercise Science from renowned research institution Cardiff University, Dr. Emil Hodzovic has the dual distinction of being a practicing clinician and respected authority in nutrition and supplementation.

During his parallel careers as a personal trainer and professional athlete, Dr. Emil recognized a critical flaw in the supplement space: too much emphasis on appearance and performance—and zero concern for making holistic health and happiness accessible to everyone.

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