Multi Collagen Plus

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Running Supports Mental Health Rehabilitation - On the Run to Recovery

Mental health rehabilitation primarily depends on the use of proper medication, but other factors can boost the process of getting better. Working on physical strength and endurance is one of the best ways to stimulate your progress on the way to recovery. Running, in particular, has numerous positive effects on our mental health, and if you wish to learn more about it, continue reading.

What Happens During a Run?

Whether you are in great shape or you’re a novice looking for running tips, once you get going, the body goes through a transition, Your breathing becomes heavy, your pulse goes up, and the heart begins pumping harder to move oxygenated blood to the brain and muscles. But when you reach your stride, the body starts releasing the hormones called endorphins. In popular culture, these hormones are known as the chemicals that fuel the so-called “runner’s high” which is a short, euphoric state that follows an intense exercise. 

However, some studies show that endorphins are unlikely to be the cause of the famous euphoric feeling since they do not pass the blood-brain barrier. Instead, they attribute the feeling to endocannabinoids - substances naturally produced by the body. Exercise boosts the levels of endocannabinoids in a person's bloodstream, and the chemicals can move freely through the barrier that separates the brain from the bloodstream. As a result, the person experienced calmness and reduced anxiety. 

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The Main Benefits of Running

Take a look at some of the top benefits that running brings to your body and mind:

Long-Term Mood Improvements

Evidence shows that running and some other types of exercise can help alleviate the symptoms of anxiety and other conditions that affect mood and the overall quality of life. It was proven that continuous engagement of up to 20 weeks leads to improvements in a wide range of mental health states. Runners tend to experience lower levels of anxiety and depression than non-runners, and their psychological well-being is also better.

Moreover, it was proven that lower fitness levels lead to a greater risk of depression. Also, it was found that regular exercise leads to significant mood improvements and increased calmness. Even though running is not more effective than medication, it does help reduce depressive symptoms when it comes to individuals who do not follow any kind of therapy.


Going for a run can provide short-term stress relief by helping you distance your thoughts from daily troubles. However, running offer long-lasting benefits, as well. Runners are known to experience lower stress levels and higher psychological well-being. Also, if you stick to your regular running regimen during stressful times, you will establish higher resilience that will help you cope with challenges more easily. Moreover, running provides you with quality time with yourself where you can calmly strategize about all the key troubles in your life, which can help you come up with a practical plan to solve them.

Better Brain Health

Running is a great way to train both body and the mind. As you start your exercise, you get a hold of different ways you can build the determination that can help you overcome fatigue and other obstacles. Running builds the endurance that gets your body through long runs, and that is a trait that gives you strength in other segments of your life. 

Running also spikes additional changes in the brain, and it had been proven that the runners have better connections between the frontal-parietal network and other brain parts associated with working memory and self-control. Many researchers believe that memory improves thanks to the increased aerobic capacity and other cognitive demands that come with running. 

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More Self-Esteem

Running builds more confidence than many other individual sports. Every foot strike makes runners stronger and more sure of themselves. The activity gives you a true feeling of freedom and empowerment that comes from the fact that your body and your legs are strong

Researchers have proven that running is directly related to increased self-esteem. Regular physical activities improve the perceptions of each individual’s body image which has a huge impact on self-confidence. Running helps you set new goals, move your limits, and build confidence. And if you choose to join a running club and exercise with others, it will help you feel less lonely and more accepted and encouraged. 

Coping with mental health issues requires professional help, but once you start taking appropriate therapy, you can also turn to other beneficial activities such as running. Regular running exercises have been proven to provide actual mental health benefits, and including such activities in your routine can help you transform the current state of both your body and the mind.

You should consult a licensed health care professional before starting any supplement, dietary, or exercise program, especially if you are pregnant or have any pre-existing injuries or medical conditions.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases.

Author: Dr. Emil Hodzovic

Holding degrees in both medicine and Sports + Exercise Science from renowned research institution Cardiff University, Dr. Emil Hodzovic has the dual distinction of being a practicing clinician and respected authority in nutrition and supplementation.

During his parallel careers as a personal trainer and professional athlete, Dr. Emil recognized a critical flaw in the supplement space: too much emphasis on appearance and performance—and zero concern for making holistic health and happiness accessible to everyone.

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