Multi Collagen Plus

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Top 10 Healthiest Mushrooms: Boost Your Brain, Support Your Immune System, and More

Mushrooms have been used in medicine for thousands of years – our ancestors have used them to treat asthma, cauterize wounds, suppress cancer, and promote wellness as a supplement as far back as ancient China and Greece. Every year, more studies confirm what folk medicine has known for a long time to be true – that mushrooms can can be a nutritional powerhouse.

But with so many varieties of mushrooms out there (some of them are very dangerous!), heading out into the forest to forage your own superfoods may not be the best choice. And there are tons of mushroom supplements out there that claim every sort of benefit – but what should you be looking for on the ingredients list? Which mushrooms are actually the healthiest mushrooms out there that you’ll want to include in your wellness routine?

That’s why today we’re going through some of the heavy hitters in the healthy mushroom game. We’re covering mushrooms that have:

  • Immune-boosting properties to keep you feeling your best
  • Mushrooms that boost your brain by supporting cognitive function and reducing stress
  • And even mushrooms that have been shown to have antitumor and anticancer properties

We’ve got a lot of information to get through, so let’s jump right in!

1. Lions Mane

The Nerve Growth Mushroom

This fuzzy and funny looking mushroom can actually do a lot of good for your cognitive function by stimulating brain cell growth. Image courtesy The Guardian.

Lion's Mane mushroom, scientifically known as Hericium erinaceus, has gained lots of attention in recent years for its many health benefits. One of the key reasons why Lion's Mane is considered one of the healthiest mushrooms is its potential to support brain health and cognitive function. Studies suggest that Lion's Mane contains compounds that may stimulate the growth of brain cells and enhance cognitive abilities, making it a promising natural remedy for conditions like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease.

Lion's Mane is also rich in antioxidants, which help combat oxidative stress and inflammation in the body. These antioxidants, including various polysaccharides and hericenones, contribute to Lion's Mane's potential to boost the immune system and protect against chronic diseases.

Moreover, Lion's Mane is valued for its ability to promote digestive health. This mushroom contains compounds like beta-glucans and polysaccharides that support gut health by promoting the growth of beneficial bacteria and improving digestion.

Not to mention, preliminary research even suggests that Lion's Mane may have potential benefits for heart health, blood sugar regulation, and reducing anxiety and depression symptoms.

With so many impressive health benefits and more being discovered, Lions Mane is a clear candidate for the top spot on our list of healthiest mushrooms you can get.

Want to reap the benefits of Lions Mane mushrooms? Dr. Emil has several powerful supplements that deliver all of Lions Mane’s brain boosting, inflammation busting power in just a few capsules. Try Dr. Emil’s Mushroom Coffee for an extra mental boost.

2. Turkey Tail

The Immune Boosting + Inflammation Busting Mushroom

Turkey tail mushrooms might be pretty, but they’re definitely not too pretty to eat when you check out all of the benefits they provide. Image courtesy of Missouri Department of Conservation.

Turkey Tail mushroom, scientifically known as Trametes versicolor, also offers a wide range of wellness benefits that land it high on our list of healthiest mushrooms. And the benefit that stands out among the rest? Turkey tail has been found to possess robust immune-boosting properties. The mushrooms contain compounds like polysaccharopeptide (PSP) and polysaccharide-K (PSK), which are well known for their ability to help defend the body against illness-causing pathogens, making it a powerful tool for supporting overall immune health.

Like other mushrooms on this list, Turkey Tail mushroom is also packed full of antioxidants, including phenols and flavonoids, which stop damaging free radicals in their tracks. This can support longevity by mitigating the risk of chronic health concerns such as cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

Turkey Tail has also shown promise in nurturing gut health. Its prebiotic attributes foster a flourishing microbiome, enhancing digestion and nutrient absorption while promoting the proliferation of beneficial gut bacteria.

Looking for an easy way to try Turkey Tail? Dr. Emil has a variety of powerful mushroom products that boost immunity, support cognitive function, and more. If you want to pack the power of turkey tail into your wellness routine, make sure to try Dr. Emil’s Lions Mane Elite Mushroom Capsules, which contain a blend of healthy mushrooms including turkey tail, chaga, reishi, and maitake mushrooms.

3. Maitake

Nootropic Blood Sugar Controller

Maitake mushrooms are a heavy hitter in the immune boosting game. Image courtesy of Wikipedia.

Mistake Mushrooms pack a punch when it comes to boosting your immune system. Loaded with immune-boosting compounds like beta-glucans and polysaccharides, these fungi are like little soldiers ready to defend your body against invaders.

But wait, there's more! Mistake Mushrooms are also chock-full of antioxidants. We're talking about a powerhouse of phenols, flavonoids, and other antioxidants that wage war against pesky free radicals, keeping inflammation at bay and supporting your overall health.

And let's not forget about gut health. Mistake Mushrooms are like the best friends your gut bacteria never knew they needed. With their prebiotic properties, they nourish your gut flora, promoting a happy and harmonious digestive system.

Now, here's the real kicker: Mistake Mushrooms might just be your secret weapon against stress and anxiety. Studies suggest that certain compounds in these mushrooms have adaptogenic properties, helping your body adapt to stress and promoting a sense of calm.

In a nutshell, Mistake Mushrooms are a powerhouse of immune-boosting, antioxidant-rich, gut-loving goodness. So next time you're at the market, don't make the mistake of passing them by.

Ready to make Maitake mushrooms yours? Try one of Dr. Emil Nutrition’s powerful mushroom supplements, like the Multi-Collagen Plus Immune Mushroom.

4. Reishi

Immune Boosting, Stress Reducing, Sleep Improving Multitasker

Reishi mushrooms could be right for you. Image courtesy Double Blind Magazine.

The reishi mushroom is another rockstar among mushrooms. With immune-boosting power and stress-busting abilities, it’s no wonder they wound up on our list. Packed with antioxidants and adaptogens, these fungi keep you feeling grounded and resilient no matter what the day throws at you. Not to mention, they have the added benefit of improving sleep and fighting back against neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Huntingtons. With every sip of reishi tea or bite of a supplement, you're inviting a wave of vitality into your life.

Ready to boost your longevity with Reishi Mushroom? Try Dr. Emil Nutrition’s Mushroom Complex supplement! With a blend of powerful mushrooms like Reishi, you’ll be reaping the benefits in no time.  

5. Chanterelle

The Cell Protecting Super Shroom

Chanterelle mushrooms are colorful and powerful. Image courtesy The Spruce Eats.

Known for their beautiful golden hue, chanterelle mushrooms aren't just delicious—they're bursting with health benefits too! Rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, these mushrooms strike it gold with plenty of support for overall wellbeing. 

Those benefits include anti-inflammatory properties, which soothe the body from the inside out. Plus they're a gut-friendly powerhouse, promoting better digestion and gut health. They’re a culinary delight that find their way into all sorts of recipes, but you can also reap the benefits of this colorful fungi with a few simple supplement capsules as well.

6. Oyster

An Antioxidant Powerhouse

Oyster mushrooms are a culinary delight and nutritional powerhouse! Image courtesy Healthline.

Oyster mushrooms earned their name – with a flavor that mimics the popular seafood, they often find their way into culinary creations. However oyster mushrooms are also an unsung hero of the fungi work, packing a nutritional punch that will leave you craving more!

Oyster mushrooms are loaded with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. And with their immune-boosting properties, oyster mushrooms help keep you feeling strong and resilient all year round. This gut-friendly fungi promotes healthy digestion and overall gut health with every tasty bite. Whether sautéed, grilled, or tossed in a stir-fry, oyster mushrooms are a delicious and nutritious addition to any meal.

Not sold on the seafood flavor? You can also reap the benefits of oyster mushrooms when you find a supplement that includes them in the mix!

7. White Button

With Cholesterol Lowering, Gut Health, and Anti-Cancer Benefits

White button mushrooms are so much more than meets the eye. Image courtesy The Spruce Eats.

When you pass these humble little mushrooms at the grocery store or chomp down on them as a pizza topping or sauce ingredient, you probably don’t think about all of the power packed into those little slices! These stealthy super foods are packed with essential nutrients like vitamins B and D, minerals, and antioxidants, which lead to a variety of health benefits. 

They have immune-boosting properties and the ability to lower inflammation, plus they're a gut-friendly option as well. Whether sliced raw in salads, sautéed in stir-fries, or grilled to perfection, white button mushrooms are a versatile addition to any dish— or any wellness supplement routine!

8. Porcini

Inflammation Reducer and Weight Loss Supporter

Porcini mushrooms may be delicious, but they’re healthy mushrooms too. Image courtesy Instacart.

Porcini mushrooms aren’t just the “kings of the forest”... they’re king of the kitchen as well! They  reign supreme not only in flavor but also in health benefits. Porcini mushrooms bring the benefits of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, plus they have nutty/earthy flavor and meaty texture that make them a popular ingredient in dishes like soup, risotto, pasta, and they’re even great sautéed on their own.

These tasty little mushrooms can also reduce inflammation, support digestive health, promote weight loss, and even kill off colon cancer cells. Talk about impressive. 

So make room for this superfood on your plate, or if the culinary delight isn’t fit to your taste buds, find a supplement that includes them instead!

9. Shimeji

For Anti-Cancer, Cholesterol Lowering, and Diabetes Supporting Super Powers

These mushrooms have been used for centuries in folk medicine. Image courtesy Diet and Health Foundation.

Isn’t it great when modern science backs up ancient medicinal traditions? Shimeji mushrooms have been used in Japan for centuries as a treatment for respiratory issues like asthma. And as it turns out, these little powerhouses are packed full of beta-glucans, which are known to suppress allergic reactions and boost the immune system.

Plus the antioxidants in shimeji mushrooms have been linked to preventing cellular damage that can lead to certain types of cancer. The Cancer Center of Japan has even done clinical studies that support claims of shimeji mushrooms’ antitumor effects.

10. Meshima

Powerful Anti-Tumor, Anti-Angiogenic, Immunomodulatory Properties

Meshima mushrooms may not look like it but they provide many benefits.Image courtesy Wikipedia.

In the wild, meshima mushrooms can be found growing on mulberry trees in black or brown growths. Easily confused with other common fungi, like the phellinus igniarius that causes tree rot, this one would be difficult to forage or find in a grocery store – but in a mushroom supplement, they can provide powerful benefits.

These hidden gems of the forest are prized for their remarkable health benefits. Rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, meshima mushrooms are a nutritional powerhouse. Meshima mushrooms are also known for their potential to support heart health and improve blood circulation, making them a valuable addition to any wellness regimen. Whether enjoyed in soups, teas, or as a supplement, meshima mushrooms offer a natural way to promote health and vitality.

That’s it for our list of the best brain-boosting, immune-supporting, healthiest mushrooms out there.

Mushrooms can provide many benefits, and today, we’ve covered several of the heavy hitters in the world of healthy mushrooms. For more information about the different medicinal mushrooms covered here, explore our blog. Our mushroom supplements take advantage of these superfoods, so we’re always digging into the many benefits they provide, best ways to consume them, and more.

You should consult a licensed health care professional before starting any supplement, dietary, or exercise program, especially if you are pregnant or have any pre-existing injuries or medical conditions.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases.