Multi Collagen Plus

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What Are People Saying About Dr. Emil’s Bedtime Burn?

Interested in trying Dr. Emil’s Bedtime Burn but unsure whether it will work for you? While we’re confident in this amazing product's capabilities, we understand that sometimes it’s best to hear what other people are saying about this product before you buy it. 

That’s why we’ve collected some of our favorite reviews of Dr. Emil’s Bedtime Burn to share with you today! Once you’ve read through some reviews, head on over to our shop or click here to try Bedtime Burn for yourself.  


But first…what is bedtime burn?

Bedtime Burn is a non-stimulant metabolism booster, PM fat burner, and sleep aid made up of all natural vitamins, minerals, and herbal extracts and no harmful additives or hormones. Unlike other fat burners, Bedtime Burn gives you all the benefits without the side effects of nausea, insomnia, or the jitters. 

To put it simply, you take two capsules before bed, fall into a deep and wonderful sleep, and wake up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated after a restful night in which you burned calories! Amazing, right?

Well, you don’t have to take my word for it. Here’s what customers are saying about Dr. Emil’s Bedtime Burn sleep aid, fat burner, and appetite suppressant

“Buy this product, you won’t regret it!”

Amazon user, Bill Esco, said that Bedtime Burn puts them to sleep within 30-45 minutes of taking it. As “the type of person that has a hard time shutting off my mind at the end of the night” and an incredibly light sleeper,  Bill found that Bedtime Burn has helped them to sleep more deeply and have an easier time falling asleep if they did wake up. Other benefits that Bill praised Bedtime Burn for was the lack of grogginess upon waking up and the easy to swallow pill with no bad aftertaste. 

“Surprised at how well this worked!” 

Now we’re not surprised that there are skeptics out there. You’ve certainly heard the phrase “too good to be true” and Bedtime Burn is certainly so good that it keeps skeptics raising their eyebrows. 

Well, once skeptical Kay says that Bedtime Burn helped with two of their biggest issues: late night eating/snacking and the inability to get a full night’s sleep. “I literally stumbled onto this product. I didn’t even know something like this existed. Once I saw the Bedtime Burn, and did my homework, it seemed like a ‘too good to be true’ thing. Something that helps you sleep, burn calories and suppress your appetite? And I was even more intrigued that there were so few products that were like it…the price was reasonable as well.” 

Kay added that with Bedtime Burn they get a solid 6-7 hours of sleep each night compared to the 2-3 hours of broken sleep they were getting previously. Though they don’t keep track of calories, they said that they can tell that Bedtime Burn is cutting back their late night cravings. 

“I've gotten about 4 other people on the Bedtime Burn bandwagon as well! And honestly, I'm not one to really push products like this at all!” Thanks for the promotion Kay!

“You need to try to believe it - from a skeptic like me!”

Another self-proclaimed skeptic, MRCouture on Amazon states that “The effect is immediate. You feel relaxed and calm, as if you’ve taken some melatonin or natural sleep aid-it’s not the type of feeling you get from those high powered prescription sleep aids.” 

They went on to add that in approximately two weeks they’ve shed about 10 pounds and seen improvement in their daily eating habits. “I can’t say enough good things about this product!” 

Well, MRCouture, we’re glad it’s working so well for you. It feels natural because it is natural. Dr. Emil’s Bedtime Burner is made of all-natural vitamins and minerals so that you get all the benefits of a good night sleep and decreased cravings and none of the side effects!

Dr. Emil's Bedtime Burn helps to burn fat, suppress cravings, and provide you with better sleep, all in two little capsules!
Dr. Emil’s Bedtime Burn is doctor-formulated to aid with better sleep, weight loss, and the control of late night cravings. 


This review was written in all caps, so we can feel the excitement from here!

Amazon user, Jay Powell, shared their excitement and amazement of Dr. Emil’s Bedtime Burn with a capitalized statement stating that they have been trying to lose weight for a long time with the help of many pills on Amazon and have found none to work; “they make me feel weird during the day”. 

However when Jay found Bedtime Burn, everything changed. “I’ve been taking these for two weeks and I’ve already lost 11 pounds. I’ve been eating one light meal and one moderate meal per day, I haven’t craved junk lately.” 

As Jay pointed out, many weight loss pills can leave you feeling nauseous and jittery, which is why Bedtime Burn is designed to have no side effects and all the benefits! 

“Works wonderfully for sleep without the morning hangover!”

Another Amazon user, Charissa D, shared that they bought this product to help with appetite suppression, but fell in love with it because of its ability to soothe anxiety. 

“I saw that it actually contained a few supplements recommended for anxiety patients. I have severe anxiety that keeps me awake at night so I wanted to give this a try. I LOVE it. I take this product and within 30 min or so I am OUT. Like dead out,” said Charissa in their review.

We’re glad that the natural ingredients of Bedtime Burn helped with Charissa’s anxiety as well as appetite struggles and insomnia! If you struggle with anxiety that keeps you up at night, take a look at Dr. Emil’s Bedtime Burn and see for yourself the soothing effects of ingredients like valerian root powder and passion flower. 


Amazon user, Maia said that Dr. Emil’s Bedtime Burner was “Amazing” with a period. They went on to add that they are “completely obsessed with this product” and that they were a little surprised when it actually worked because so many other tactics that they have tried for weight loss and sleep have failed in the past. 

“I am pleased to say that I've noticed a huge difference since I've started taking this. Not only am I sleeping better, but also burning fat in the meantime. I am actively trying to sleep better and lose weight right now in my life, and this product knocks out 2 birds with one stone.”

woman holding dr emil bedtime burn bottle

“It has changed my life.”

“It calms you down at night. Puts you off to sleep gently. I wake up feeling like I’ve had the best clean sleep,” said Amazon user, Raghu. “I’ve been using it for 3 months and don’t plan on stopping.” 

They added that they do cardio and weight training every day and had to struggle to get good sleep before starting on Bedtime Burner. “My rest and recovery has improved significantly. Recommend it if you are planning to lose weight and you struggle to sleep at night.” 

“They really work, don’t miss out”

We support this advice from Amazon user, Mayra, who states that they were already trying to lose weight, exercising 3-4 times a week and trying to eat less carbs. While that routine was slowly working, they decided to try this product to aid in their weight loss goals. 

“I work night shifts and would always crave food right after work which wasn't good because I would need to go to sleep right after. I initially bought this product only caring to suppress those nightly cravings, being skeptical about the fat burner part. Turns out I was surprised at how good they work…I thought it was going to be a lot harder to lose my belly fat but these pills helped so much and they don't even have any side effects. I love them! I recommend them to anyone.” 

We’re glad the Bedtime Burner pills pleasantly surprised you, Mayra! 

The masses agree

It is clear that a large majority of those who buy Dr. Emil’s Bedtime Burner are amazed by the incredible results and benefits. It is the perfect combination of a sleep aid, appetite suppressor, and weight loss pill and all you have to do is take two capsules before bed! 

Head over to the shop on Dr. Emil’s website or find Dr. Emil’s Bedtime Burner on Amazon to see all the incredible benefits for yourself! 

You should consult a licensed health care professional before starting any supplement, dietary, or exercise program, especially if you are pregnant or have any pre-existing injuries or medical conditions.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases.

Author: Dr. Emil Hodzovic

Holding degrees in both medicine and Sports + Exercise Science from renowned research institution Cardiff University, Dr. Emil Hodzovic has the dual distinction of being a practicing clinician and respected authority in nutrition and supplementation.

During his parallel careers as a personal trainer and professional athlete, Dr. Emil recognized a critical flaw in the supplement space: too much emphasis on appearance and performance—and zero concern for making holistic health and happiness accessible to everyone.

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