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Berberine Weight Loss Reviews: Learn if This Supplement is for You

Main image courtesy of Longevity Technology

There is nothing worse than battling stubborn weight loss. No matter what diets you try, how much exercise you do, and even following along with exercise & diet tips from professionals,  sometimes nothing seems to work. After a while, it can become discouraging to not see the results that you desperately want, but it’s important to never give up.

If you’re looking for a supplement to tie into your normal, everyday diet, but also supports weight loss, then berberine may be what you need. Berberine is a supplement that helps to burn fat and support weight loss, and it can easily become a part of your everyday routine and diet.


Want to know if berberine really works? Here is some of the best information out there about this weight loss supplement—including reviews too!

There is no better feeling than finding a supplement brand that responds to your body well, and Dr. Emil provides a brand that promotes holistic health all around. Dr. Emil’s brand brings you some of the best supplements on the market that are high in quality, using the best ingredients available. Dr. Emil’s products can help improve your overall health, and his berberine supplement can help to promote healthy weight loss for results you will love!

In this article, some of the topics we will discuss include:

  • What is Berberine?
  • Weight loss reviews of Berberine
  • How to Take Berberine

What is Berberine?

Get an in depth look at berberine and what it can do for your body when it comes to weight loss!

close up of berberine plant
Berberine is an incredible supplement that can help promote weight loss and speed up your metabolism. Image courtesy of Self Decode Supplements

There are many types of supplements out there that each have their own purpose that  target  your body to create a happier and healthier you. If weight loss is something that you have been struggling with, berberine may be the supplement you need.

What Exactly is Berberine?

The first most important thing when learning about a new supplement is to get to know exactly what it is and where it comes from. Berberine is actually a chemical that is found in plants, such as the European barberry, goldenseal, goldthread, the Oregon grape, tree turmeric, and even the phellodendron. 

Berberine is a bitter tasting chemical that comes from any of these plants, and it is the main ingredient in the supplement with a ton of benefits. This is a chemical that has been popular among Chinese medicine for years because of the many positive benefits it can have on your body that isn’t just weight loss.

The main action that berberine does is activate an enzyme in your cells called AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), which helps to regulate metabolism and energy levels in your body. It is also known to affect molecules in the cells of your body and turn certain genes on or off, which may help prevent  chronic health conditions. 

It is  important to note that berberine can be taken orally or topically, but the most common form is taken by mouth. 

What Are the Benefits of Berberine?

Berberine is known to have a ton of benefits that can affect almost every aspect of your body, and isn’t limited to just weight loss, even though this is the reason it appeals to so many people. 

Some of the most common benefits of berberine include:

  • Strengthen the heartbeat
  • Helps aid with certain heart conditions
  • Supports metabolism
  • Aids in weight loss
  • Increases energy levels
  • Regulates sugar in blood
  • Helps reduce swelling
  • Helps with symptoms of diabetes
  • Lowers high cholesterol
  • Lower high blood pressure
  • Prevents the build-up of a fatty liver
  • Reduces risk of heart disease
  • Reduces the risk of heart failure
  • Reduces symptoms of depression
  • Reduces the growth and the spread of certain types of cancers

Are There Side Effects to Berberine?

You may be interested in berberine, but wondering if there are any side effects to taking the supplement. Many people have stated that they haven’t had any major issues from taking berberine and any side effects have been very minor.

Some of the most common side effects that come from taking berberine include:

  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation
  • Gas
  • Upset stomach

Berberine is safe to take both orally and topically. It can be consumed orally up to 1.5 grams daily for up to six months, then you can lower how much you take  during the week. When used topically, it is also very safe to apply on your skin, but it is crucial to stop taking it if you become pregnant. If applied while pregnant, it can cross the placenta and potentially harm the fetus. The most common type of birth defect that can harm unborn babies is Kernicterus, which is a type of brain damage that is developed in newborns who are exposed to berberine. 

Weight Loss Reviews of Berberine

Berberine may be for you, so why not see some of its successes for inspiration!

dr emil holding berberine plus bottle
Berberine supplements have a ton of benefits to them, and satisfied customers that have lost weight from taking it have left great reviews. Image courtesy of Dr. Emil Nutrition.

Learning more about berberine supplements is crucial to getting a better sense if it's right for you or not. Berberine supplements have a ton of success stories, including satisfied customers who have lost weight, along with receiving other health benefits too. 

Check out some of the best raving reviews of berberine and how it has affected the lives of many satisfied customers!

“So if anyone out there is looking to lower their blood sugar or weight, or just get better control of their hunger cues, it would be worth your time to at least look at the research on berberine. I am pretty delighted with the results thus far.” - User on Reddit

Berberine has satisfied many customers by helping to regulate how hungry they get throughout the day and also to suppress any type of unnecessary eating. Many people turn to food whenever they’re bored, which can be one of the biggest causes of weight gain. Berberine helps control any random hunger cravings to help regulate a healthy weight, along with regulating blood sugar levels, and increasing energy to help motivate fitness.

Many people wonder if taking berberine every day will help them to stay at a regular weight, but take a look at what one reddit user who takes berberine has to say:

“I know from experience that when I am at my healthy weight and exercising regularly, my blood sugar will stay in a healthy range. So I view this more as a tool to use for a while as I am getting my health back.” - User on Reddit

Taking a supplement every single day can feel like a chore, but they can be beneficial to keeping you happier and healthier. When it comes to berberine, doctors recommend taking it for three months consecutively, or longer if you’re not having any adverse reactions to it. 

Like the Reddit user above, taking it around the time that a major holiday is approaching can be a great way to ensure that you remain healthy and at the body weight you want, even through the busy holidays. 

“Berberine is very good for the microbiome and it benefits good bacteria. For me it stopped bloating. There may be some possible short-term initial effects as you get a better microbiome. I have been taking it for over a year and confirm similar results to the poster.” - User on Reddit

There is nothing worse than bloating and many satisfied customers of berberine have taken this supplement to help control it. Berberine is an anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-inflammatory gastrointestinal remedy that can decrease uncomfortable bloating that can be caused from the food that you eat

How to Take Berberine

There always comes the question of how much of a supplement you should take for the best results!

woman holding a glass of water and putting a pill into her mouth
Adding supplements to your daily routine can be beneficial, depending on what areas of your body need extra help. Image courtesy of Self

Getting the best supplements to help aid your body is crucial. It’s important to know what you need in order to help you feel better on the inside and outside.  Berberine can help promote weight loss to get to the healthy weight you need. 

Take a look at how much berberine to take that is healthy for you and that can also get the results you’ve been dying to see!

How to Know What Dose of Berberine to Take

Knowing the correct dosage can help support healthy weight loss and prevent any negative side effects from taking too much, or prevent a lack of results from taking too little.

According to The American Association of Naturopathic Physicians (AANP), it is recommended to take 900 to 1,500mg of berberine per day in order to see the results that you wish to achieve. Whether you want to take this dosage all at once, or three times a day in up to 500mg doses is up to you and how your body reacts to it. 

Available as supplements or capsules, berberine is a vitamin that can help to promote weight loss, increase energy levels, and even lower blood sugar no matter what form you take it in. It is recommended for people new to the supplement to take 500mg doses three times a day. This way you can avoid any kind of adverse side effects that may be worse if taken all at once. Once you get more used to the supplement and your body adjusts to it, you can up your dosage, or take it all at once.

It is also advised to talk to your doctor first before taking berberine to make sure that it is right for you. There isn’t anyone that knows what’s better for your health than your doctor does and getting their medical advice on if it’s the right supplement for you if you’re looking to lose weight, and how much of it to take is important. 

When to Take Berberine

It is also necessary to consider when you should take berberine, and doctors recommend taking it before eating a meal, or shortly after to help regulate your blood glucose. It is also  better to take berberine before eating to avoid any of the common side effects that you could experience if taken without food in your stomach. 

Losing weight can be difficult, especially if you are someone who has been struggling with it for a long time, or if you just want to get to a healthier weight. Make sure to consider taking berberine supplements and talk to your doctor today if it’s the right supplement for you on your weight loss journey!

If you are looking for the best berberine supplement to take, check out Dr. Emil’s Berberine Plus, which is focused on holistic health. Berberine Plus is packed with a ton of organic compounds which are better for your health, and they can also strengthen your immunity, gut health, and help with glucose regulation too.

You should consult a licensed health care professional before starting any supplement, dietary, or exercise program, especially if you are pregnant or have any pre-existing injuries or medical conditions.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases.

Author: Dr. Emil Hodzovic

Holding degrees in both medicine and Sports + Exercise Science from renowned research institution Cardiff University, Dr. Emil Hodzovic has the dual distinction of being a practicing clinician and respected authority in nutrition and supplementation.

During his parallel careers as a personal trainer and professional athlete, Dr. Emil recognized a critical flaw in the supplement space: too much emphasis on appearance and performance—and zero concern for making holistic health and happiness accessible to everyone.

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