Multi Collagen Plus

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Can I Take Berberine Before Bed? Your Guide to the Proper Time to Take This Supplement

Main image courtesy of Addiction Resource

Everyone has their very own bedtime routine before crawling into their big, comfy bed and getting a good night's rest. If you use the toothbrush, do a skincare routine, shower or even an essay rewriter tool for your thoughts, apart from all these, making it a point that you get the proper rest is also very important.

There are many people who opt to take their supplements before they go to bed, and with certain supplements, such as melatonin, this is essential as it is a sleep aid. Berberine is a popular weight loss supplement that many people decide to take to help get rid of stubborn fat, promote better energy levels, and even to reduce metabolism. Many users also take Berberine supplements to support overall health.

Since berberine is a weight loss supplement, can you take it before you go to bed to help shed weight even while sleeping? Here’s everything that you need to know when it comes to when you should take berberine!

Berberine Plus - 60 Capsules by dr emil
Berberine Plus is packed with organic compounds to naturally strengthen immunity, gut health, and glucose regulation.

Supplements are meant to work as an aid to support your body from necessary vitamins and minerals that your body may be missing. With so many supplement brands out there, it can be hard to find one that not only provides natural ingredients, but is all about holistic health, and that is Dr. Emil’s brand. Dr. Emil has created some of the best supplements on the market that are high quality and made using natural ingredients that are better for your health. There are a bunch of supplements that he offers that provide tons of positive benefits, including his berberine supplement, which can help to promote healthy weight loss!

In this article, we’ll discuss the following topics:

  • When is the Right Time to Take Berberine
  • Can You Take Berberine Before Bed?
  • How to Burn Fat in Your Sleep

When is the Right Time to Take Berberine

Getting an idea of what time to take berberine can help to ensure that you’re safely taking the supplement.

woman looking at a supplement bottle while she sits in the kitchen
Taking supplements is an important part of your everyday routine, but berberine needs to be taken at a certain time. Image courtesy of GHP News.

Supplements are an important contribution to your health that can help keep you healthy each and every day. Berberine is a supplement that works best when you take it at the right time, but knowing when that time is can help to enhance the benefits of the supplement.

What Time of Day Should You Take Berberine?

When it comes to berberine, it is recommended to take it right before eating a meal to absorb the supplement fully so you can get all of the necessary benefits that your body may need from it. 

Doctors recommend taking berberine before eating a meal, or shortly after because it can help regulate your blood glucose. Taking berberine at this time also allows your body to take advantage of the lipid spike you get when you eat. Lipids help your body regulate energy levels by storing energy throughout your body. 

Berberine can be taken at any time that you’re planning on eating a meal. It is important to eat three healthy meals a day, breakfast, lunch, and dinner because it allows your body to fuel up with energy and the nutrients it needs in order to function properly. 

It is also recommended to take berberine before eating to avoid any of the common side effects that you could experience. These side effects can be enhanced if you take berberine on an empty stomach since your body uses the food that you eat to absorb the supplement.  

People who take berberine on an empty stomach mainly experience the symptoms of an upset stomach, or the other commons side effects:

  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation
  • Gas

What Dosage of Berberine Should You Take?

No matter if you’re taking berberine, or any other type of supplement, it is important to consider your body and how you believe it would respond. There are a few different ways to take berberine, such as taking one dosage all at once, or you can split it up three times a day, once for each meal. 

Doctors recommend that you can take anywhere from 900mg to 1,500mg of the capsule form of berberine, which should be taken before you eat. If you prefer the drinkable powder method, you can also measure out 500mg of the powder to mix in with a drink of your choice to get the same benefits and absorption

One of the best reasons that many people love taking berberine is because of how natural it is. Since it is derived from plants such as the European barberry, goldenseal, goldthread, the Oregon grape, tree turmeric, and even the phellodendron, it is a 100% natural ingredient. Many people enjoy taking berberine because it’s  free of gluten, soy, gelatin, dairy, and even extra additives that can be potentially harmful to your body. 

It is also important to note that berberine comes in many different forms, including capsules, tablets, in a drinkable powder, and even as a topical cream. 

How Long to Take Berberine For

When it comes to taking berberine, it is a supplement that shouldn’t be taken on a daily basis for many years, and it’s important to understand why that is. For berberine, long term use of the supplement can actually be harmful and have negative effects on your body the longer you take it.

Berberine, if taken long term, could potentially harm proteins in your body, along with the DNA of certain bacterial variants. Bacterial variants could cause inflammation to areas of your body such as the heart, or even the liver, which could trigger diabetes, which is ironic considering that many diabetes patients take this supplement for their symptoms.

Knowing how long to take berberine is crucial, and many doctors recommend taking berberine for three months consecutively. After taking it for three months, it is recommended to wait another three months before starting it again. This can help avoid any unwanted side effects of the supplement, avoid any inflammation from taking it long term, and also to prevent any serious long-term effects.

When taking the supplements, it is normal to experience very little nausea, but in some cases, people have experienced extreme vomiting. If this happens, it is important to talk to your doctor to see if berberine is a supplement that works well for your needs to ensure that you won’t suffer from any negative effects of it.

Can You Take Berberine Before Bed?

Taking a supplement before going to bed seems the easiest, but is it necessary with berberine?

woman sleeping in her bed
Berberine is a supplement that can help promote weight loss and help individuals who have been diagnosed with diabetes. Image courtesy of Healthline

Some people like taking their supplements before going to bed, but is it possible to do the same with berberine? Many doctors recommend taking berberine at least once a day before eating a meal, or even three times a day before eating, but knowing if it's safe to take before falling asleep is a common question first-time users have. 

Is it Safe to Take Berberine Before Bed?

Supplements are most often taken on an empty stomach around thirty minutes before eating for the best results and for your body to absorb all of its nutrients. 

When taking berberine at bedtime, many doctors say that it is a safe option. This is due to berberine allowing you to have a better night’s sleep because it helps you  fall asleep and it can slow down your breathing.

It is crucial to know that you should never combine berberine and sleeping pills together due to the negative impact that it can have on your body. Taking berberine with sedative medication can cause potential breathing problems and make you extra sleepy, which can continue on into the next day to make you drowsy. 

How to Burn Fat in Your Sleep

Berberine can help you to shed off weight like never before, but how can it help when you’re sleeping?

person sleeping in their bed
Getting enough sleep is extremely important, and it is possible to burn fat as you are snoozing with the help of supplements. Image courtesy of Sleep Foundation

Burning fat is sometimes difficult for some people, but luckily there are a ton of ways that you can do it. By combining berberine into your everyday routine by taking it before you eat, or even at bedtime, you can not only burn fat, but avoid any unnecessary eating.

Let’s check out some of the best ways to continue to burn fat in your sleep!

Take a Cold Shower Before Bed

If you are someone who takes a shower before going to bed, you’re in luck because you can actually promote fat burning while you’re sleeping by doing so. Next time you are in the shower at night, take your normal hot shower and then switch over to cold water for about thirty seconds. By doing this, it can help to activate your body’s brown adipose tissue, or "brown fat." 

Just by taking a thirty second cold shower, it can help to shed up to 400 calories while you sleep. Make sure to get the back of your neck and shoulders wet with the cold water the most because this is where the brown fat is stored on your body.

Try Out Intermittent Fasting

One of the most popular dieting trends out there is intermittent fasting because of the fast results that you can achieve. Intermittent fasting is the practice of not eating for certain amounts of time during the day and throughout the week. Some people can go up to sixteen hours without food. To put it into perspective, you can start eating at around 11 am, but you need to stop around 7pm and then wait until the next day for the diet to work. 

By trying out intermittent fasting, your body starts to break down fat due to low insulin levels. Whenever you eat insulin, which is also the storage area for fat, levels rise, but when you don’t the levels go back down and break down fat in the process. It also prompts your body to make more mitochondria and when this is done, the more fat that you can burn. It is also important to note that mitochondria take  in carbs and other nutrients to burn them for energy in your body. 

Berberine Plus - 60 Capsules by dr emil

Explore Resistance Training

If you are someone who is very into doing yoga because of how stress-free it can make you feel, you should continue to explore it more along with other resistance training methods. This can help you to ultimately burn fat when you sleep at the end of the day.

Resistance training is designed to increase the body's strength, power, and muscular endurance through resistance exercise. While weight training is the most common form of resistance training, muscle-building yoga is also another popular option. 

Resistance training before bed can help you to burn fat by increasing your metabolic rate, or RMR. Your RMR is the number of calories that your body burns when your body is resting, and it can increase just by doing resistance training. 

Berberine is an amazing supplement that many people consider taking just because of the benefits it can have on your body, including helping you to lose weight and fast. Whether you wish to take berberine before every meal, or even before you go to bed is up to you, but make sure to consider it to see the fat fall right off!

You should consult a licensed health care professional before starting any supplement, dietary, or exercise program, especially if you are pregnant or have any pre-existing injuries or medical conditions.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases.

Author: Dr. Emil Hodzovic

Holding degrees in both medicine and Sports + Exercise Science from renowned research institution Cardiff University, Dr. Emil Hodzovic has the dual distinction of being a practicing clinician and respected authority in nutrition and supplementation.

During his parallel careers as a personal trainer and professional athlete, Dr. Emil recognized a critical flaw in the supplement space: too much emphasis on appearance and performance—and zero concern for making holistic health and happiness accessible to everyone.

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