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Have you been searching for a supplement that can help out your gut health, lower your cholesterol levels, assist with blood sugar regulation, and even lose weight? Then look no further than berberine, a plant-derived natural supplement. Although it’s been used in Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine for centuries, we are now just learning all that this plant compound can do for human bodies. Once thought to only reduce inflammation and treat nausea and upset stomach, it turns out berberine actually has some pretty amazing benefits, without all the side effects that you can typically expect from prescription medication.
But it today’s article, we’re going to focus on berberine’s effect on the liver, specifically:
- Why you might want to take berberine in the first place
- Berberine and your liver
- Whether or not berberine damages your liver
- If there are other toxic effects of berberine
- How to keep your liver healthy
If you’re interested in taking control of your health, consider checking out Dr. Emil’s supplements. Created by a medical doctor, these supplements are designed with the highest quality ingredients, and will work with your body to achieve the results you’re looking for. Dr. Emil’s Berberine Plus is available on the website if you’d like to try out this helpful supplement yourself!

Why take berberine in the first place?
Why are people flocking to take berberine, and what are some of its benefits?

Have you heard about berberine from social media or other news sources? It’s been a popular topic of conversation lately, mostly due to the fact that people have had success using it as a way to curb appetite and lose a few pounds. But is there any truth to that claim? And how do you know if berberine is a supplement that you might want to take?
It turns out there are more than a few benefits to taking berberine.
May help you lose weight
If you find it difficult to resist snacking throughout the day, you may be searching for a supplement that can help with appetite control. One of the major benefits of berberine is that it has been shown to help patients lose weight while they’re taking it. Keep in mind that doctor’s state that you should not expect a dramatic amount of weight to come off, and a few pounds or a reduction in your overall BMI is much more realistic.
Studies done on people with obesity proved that taking berberine did have an effect, and that they were able to lose more weight than those participants that did not take the supplement. This is great news if you’re dealing with this condition, as obesity is a common underlying cause for a variety of other chronic conditions such as diabetes and heart disease.
Although more studies are needed, there may even be evidence that berberine can inhibit the growth of fat cells. One of the main reasons berberine appears to be so effective is because it can have an impact on molecules at the cellular level, which can change how bodily processes work.
Helps lower cholesterol
Another benefit of berberine is that it can have a significant impact on your cholesterol levels. This is great news for anyone who currently has high cholesterol or high blood pressure levels, or is dealing with heart disease. High levels of both cholesterol and blood pressure can significantly increase your chances of developing a heart condition, which is why berberine might be right for you.
Berberine can:
- Reduce bad cholesterol
- Increase good cholesterol
- Decrease blood pressure levels
- Decrease triglycerides
Can be used to regulate blood sugar levels
Diabetics often struggle to regulate their blood sugar levels, and run into insulin resistance when the body cannot properly absorb insulin. There have been several studies that show diabetics with type 2 diabetes have benefited from taking a berberine supplement. Berberine works to make insulin more effective to balance blood sugar levels, helps the body break down sugar, and can even decrease sugar production in your liver.
Improves gut health
We all need our gut to function properly if we’re to feel our best. Unfortunately, sometimes the delicate balance of bacteria can get lopsided, and cause a disruption. Our gut needs a certain amount of good bacteria in it to properly digest and absorb food, but if there is too much bacteria present, it means our bodies have difficulty digesting and getting the important vitamins and minerals we need each day. Berberine supplements may be able to restore balance back to your guy by rebalancing the bacteria that is present.
Fights inflammation
One of the first uses of berberine was to fight inflammation, which is one of the most common underlying factors to conditions such as obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. When there is inflammation somewhere in your body, you're also at a greater risk of a weakened immune system, which means you may not be able to fight off infections as easily. Taking a berberine supplement daily could reduce any inflammation present and give your immune system a boost at the same time.
Berberine and your liver
Can berberine benefit or damage your liver?

Now we know why berberine is a popular supplement, as it has a lot of helpful benefits for certain conditions. But what about its effect on the liver? As one of the most important organs in our body, the liver is responsible for a variety of tasks, including:
- Production of bile
- Production of proteins
- Converting glucose
- Regulating amino acids
- Metabolizing drugs
- Detoxification
- Storage of essential vitamins and minerals
When your liver is supported, it also means your immune system is functioning as it should, and can protect you from feeling run down or fatigued. This is a pretty important organ, which is why no one wants to take a supplement or medication that can have an adverse effect on it. There is a lot of research to be done on the effects of berberine on the liver, but as of now, it does not appear to have damaging effects on the liver.
In fact there is ongoing research to confirm that when taken in the right dosage, berberine may actually be beneficial at restoring the liver if there has been damage caused by non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Since the liver is also the organ that metabolizes drugs, it bears the brunt of consistent use of acetaminophen. Berberine may also be helpful with restoring the liver to its full functionality after high doses of this over the counter pain reliever.
However, in trials with animals, it appears there is research to show that taking too much berberine can cause negative effects on the liver. It should be noted that in human trials, it appeared that the supplement provided the liver protection against liver damage, but more research is needed to make a conclusive statement.
For now, if you think berberine might be something you’re interested in, consult your doctor. If you’re concerned about liver damage, they will be able to discuss a plan of treatment that’s right for your situation.
Does berberine hurt your kidneys?
We previously discussed that one of the major benefits of berberine was that it can help with the management of gut bacteria. Having the right balance is important for the body, as an imbalance upsets the immune system and can be an underlying factor for disease—such as chronic kidney disease. Most patients rely on dialysis when they have this condition, however there is research that shows targeting the gut bacteria (with a berberine supplement) may help patients improve.
Are there toxic effects of berberine in the liver or kidneys?
It does not appear that berberine damages your liver or your kidneys, but can actually have a therapeutic benefit. This is based on following the dosage administered by your doctor, since they know what would be beneficial for your situation. Taking too much berberine may result in adverse affects or even damage, so always consult with your doctor and follow their instructions on dosage. Typically people consume up to 500-1,000mg of berberine each day, either all at once or spread out before three meals.
It should be noted that there may be toxic effects if pregnant or breastfeeding mothers use berberine, as it can result in brain damage. They should refrain completely from taking this supplement.
How long can you stay on berberine?
Most doctors recommend to their patients to stay on berberine for six months, and then evaluate the results. If you’re taking berberine along with other medication, they may want to see how your blood sugar levels, cholesterol levels, or gut bacteria levels are doing. There are no long term studies done on the efficacy of berberine.
Tips to keep your liver healthy
Looking for easy ways to keep your liver healthy? Try out these!

It’s so important to maintain the health of your liver. After all, it is the organ that metabolizes, detoxifies, and promotes blood flow throughout the body. If you’re looking for some easy ways to ensure you’re treating your liver right so you can be at your best, consider adding these tips to your daily routine.
- Limit alcohol. It’s important to drink in moderation, which means limiting yourself to one or two drinks per day. The liver is responsible for detoxifying the effects of alcohol, but it can only do so a small amount at a time.
- Have an active lifestyle. Keeping an active lifestyle is essential for a lot of reasons, one being that it helps your liver stay healthy. It’s important to get out and move with some form of cardio, whether it’s walking, jogging, or biking (or something else entirely!) most days of the week. Many people forget the importance of strength training as well, so incorporate the use of weights or bodyweight training at least two days a week. Once you start an active lifestyle, you’ll notice other positive benefits such as losing weight, more energy, and less stiffness in your joints.
- Keep a balanced diet. Try to eat less fatty foods and more fiber rich foods. While you may want to enjoy a steak once in a while, it’s important to try and limit red meat and incorporate more white meat, fish, beans, whole grains, and nuts into your diet. Of course don’t forget about fruits and veggies.
- Pay attention to medication. Certain over the counter medication may have an impact on your liver. Overuse of painkillers or fever reducers may inflict damage on the liver and affect its proper function.
- Protect yourself from hepatitis. You can be vaccinated against hepatitis A and B, but not C. Get vaccinated, practice safe sex and don’t share personal items to avoid contracting hepatitis C. If you’re unsure if you’re a carrier, ask your doctor about screening.
- Be aware if you have diabetes or high cholesterol. Diabetes and high cholesterol increase your chances of fatty liver disease. Work with your doctor to manage your condition, and be aware that some medication for these conditions can affect the liver negatively.
Berberine is considered a safe supplement that does not damage the liver. It’s important that you speak to your doctor before starting on this supplement to ensure it’s right for you.