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Muscle and joint pain can be debilitating symptoms to deal with, especially when they are chronic, so before you start using a new medication, it can be useful to figure out if joint and muscle pains will be part of the equation. Every drug comes with benefits and drawbacks, and that includes Ozempic. Ozempic gives people some of the most drastic results ever seen, but can that weight loss come with muscle and joint pain?
Depending on the severity of joint pain, it can either be easy to deal with, or it can be incredibly difficult to deal with. You could find some mild pain to be worth it for getting the results you want, or you might find severe pain not to be worth it. We have gathered information about the muscle and joint pain that can come with Ozempic so that you can decide on what to do. Will there be joint and muscle pain? How much of it will there be? And how long will it last? We have information about all that and more below.
Who Should Take Ozempic?

Ozempic was originally created as a medication for type II diabetes, so someone with type II diabetes is one of the best candidates for it. Ozempic mimics a substance in the body that prompts the production of insulin. People with type II diabetes lack this substance, which is what creates issues metabolizing glucose in the body. Ozempic will get the body to function the way it did before its trouble making insulin, removing several debilitating symptoms along the way. Ozempic will do a lot to change your life for the better for anyone with type II diabetes.
People with a BMI over 30 are the next type of person who can benefit from taking Ozempic. Ozempic causes rapid weight loss, and weight loss can help someone with a high BMI avoid certain illnesses that come from having too much fat in the system. Ozempic will bring someone with too high of a BMI down to a healthy weight range, and it will save them from having to take medications for more serious illnesses in the future. This can cause a serious improvement to someone’s lifestyle, leading to overall better health outcomes.
Someone with a BMI of 27 and up, who has weight related issues is the next type of person who should take Ozempic. People with a BMI of under 30 aren’t prescribed Ozempic unless they are already suffering from illnesses caused by weight. Weight related illnesses that can make you eligible for Ozempic when your BMI is 27 include high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, and sleep apnea. There are other illnesses that can occur due to weight, and if you know that you have an illness as a result of your extra weight, you are a prime candidate for Ozempic.
How Do You Get Ozempic?
Getting access to Ozempic requires a trip to the doctor’s office. Your doctor can determine if you have the risk factors necessary to be prescribed Ozempic, and if your body chemistry works well with it. That can depend on current illnesses or any medications you may be on. You can’t simply go to the drug store and pick up some Ozempic, it is a bit more complicated than that, but as long as you meet the above requirements, you are very likely to get a prescription.

If you are on the fence about Ozempic, or are considering another weight loss method, you can always try out Dr. Emil’s Carb control complex. It is made with several ingredients that contribute to weight loss, and it includes white kidney bean extract, bitter melon extract, berberine, and cambogia garcinia. This carb control complex is a powerhouse of stopping carbs’, and can help contribute to a significant amount of weight loss. This supplement will help manage your weight, control your carb intake, and regulates your blood sugar.
What To Expect When Taking Ozempic
Ozempic comes with positives and negatives, and figuring out what those are ahead of time will help you figure out if it's right for you. There are some universal benefits for everyone using it, and a list of drawbacks that won’t affect everyone the same. Depending on your body, it can take longer for you to achieve the weight results you want, or you can get there a lot quicker than other people. Side effects will also affect each person in a different way. You might end up with several side effects or almost none. Sometimes you won’t know why you will experience certain side effects, but sometimes a doctor can clarify that for you. Here are the general drawbacks and benefits that come with taking Ozempic.
Ozempic controls blood sugar levels and keeps them from being too high. High blood sugar levels can lead to side effects that are short term and long term. When someone has high blood sugar for a long period of time, they can incur permanent damage. Prolonged high blood sugar can cause damage to the eyes, kidneys, nerves, and blood vessels. This can happen after years of prolonged high blood sugar levels, and it can also happen after a few months of it. Ozempic will lower your blood sugar so that damage to your body parts is far less likely to become a reality.
More short term symptoms of high blood sugar include frequent urination, thrist, blurred vision, and recurrent infections like UTIs, skin infections, and thrush. These symptoms won’t likely cause permanent damage, but they can become more serious when left untreated. Ozempic will keep these symptoms from being a problem at all.
Rapid weight loss is one of the biggest benefits of Ozempic, and it is mostly a side effect. Ozempic wasn’t originally intended for weight loss, but is often used for weight loss due to how quickly it causes the user to shed weight. When weight is rapidly shed, a list of weight related illnesses will be narrowly avoided. The longer you hold onto extra weight, the more likely you will experience some of the adverse effects that come from carrying too much weight.
Side Effects
Potential side effects you may experience using Ozempic include dizziness, fatigue, and low blood sugar. These are symptoms that can be caused by Ozempic’s glucose lowering effects. High glucose levels can be dangerous, but low ones can be as well, so when you are on Ozempic you need to pay attention to them. Whenever you feel dizzy, you can make sure to up your glucose levels with food or snacks. These symptoms don’t have to be long lasting. Over time using Ozempic, you can learn to figure out when you should eat to avoid any symptoms of low blood sugar.
Rapid weight loss can come with negative effects on the skin. When a person rapidly loses weight, they are prone to loose skin. The skin won’t shrink at the rate of the fat loss, and so it will hang loose over the muscle. How much of the skin hangs loose will depend on how much of it there is, so people with higher BMIs will have looser skin than those with lower BMIs. There will also be looser skin in the fattiest parts of your body. Someone who holds most of their weight in their midsection will have more loose skin there, and someone who holds more weight on their backside will have more loose skin there. This symptom has been nicknamed “Ozempic face” because loose skin can be apparent on the face.
Does Ozempic Cause Muscle and Joint Pain?

Joint and muscle pain aren’t the stated side effects of Ozempic, but some people who use it do report these symptoms. Ozempic can sometimes cause symptoms that are in line with arthritis, but it is not something that happens with all users. This connection between Ozempic and joint pain is still being studied, but there are some theories. Joint and muscle pain can occur as a result of inflammation. Inflammation can happen when you take Ozempic because of the body’s attempts to metabolize it. When the body works to metabolize Ozempic, it can lead to inflammation, which then causes pain.
Another possibility is that Ozempic can cause joint pain because of its effects on GLP-1 receptors. GLP-1 receptors are found on the beta cells of the pancreas, and the neurons in the brain. Since Ozempic affects these receptors, it can potentially cause nerve disruptions that lead to pain in the joints or muscles. Though GLP-1 receptors have been found to have antiinflammatory properties, and Ozempic acts as a GLP-1 receptor in the body. Anti-inflammatory properties can normally lessen joint pain, so more research is needed to figure out this connection.
The good news is that most people who take Ozempic do not have joint and muscle pain. Ozempic comes with several potential side effects, but joint and muscle pain aren’t normally part of the list. There is a low chance that you will experience these side effects, and if they do occur, there could likely be a combination of reasons for it, and it will potentially be something that you can treat.
What Kind of Joint Pain Does Ozempic Cause?
When anticipating joint pain, it can be helpful to know what kind of joint pain you might end up experiencing. Not all joint pain is created equal, and some joint pain is more tolerable than others. So is Ozempic joint and muscle pain more like arthritis pain, injury pain, or overuse pain? Or does it vary?
Joint pain from Ozempic can be different depending on the reason you are experiencing it. On Ozempic, you could experience joint stiffness, aching and swelling. Some people report feeling shooting or stabbing pains or a dull pain. Everyone who experiences joint pain on Ozempic does for different reasons, and so the type and level of joint pain will vary from person to person. The pain can be present in one joint or in multiple joints, and it can range from mild to more severe.
Nailing down the exact reason for your joint pain on Ozempic can require you to visit your doctor. The symptoms can occur as a result of a combination of factors, and that includes your health, your dosage, and how long you have been taking it. Other factors that can contribute to this joint pain are still unknown and being studied at this time. Your doctor can do tests to help you determine what the most likely causes are, and help you deal with it. The pain could be something that goes away with time or it might be something you’ll need other medication to deal with.
Joint pain can potentially be a drawback large enough to keep you from taking certain medications, including Ozempic. The good news is that you aren’t likely to experience joint pain on Ozempic. Most users don’t. But there is a chance that you could be one of the few to one day trace your joint pain to your Ozempic usage. In that rare case, you will have to decide if all the benefits are worth this drawback in the long run.