Ozempic is currently taking the world by storm. It is gaining recognition as a miracle weight loss drug that is shaping figures on red carpets all over. You might have gained some interest in it seeing what it can do for other people, but now you need to know: what is Ozempic? Are you a candidate? How does Ozempic work? And what are the side effects? Getting an answer for each of these questions can lead you to finally finding the solutions to your weight loss problems or at least bring you closer towards finding them!
When trying out a new drug, it is imperative to know how it will affect your day to day life. You need to know how much energy you will have on it, how much you will be tempted to sleep while taking it, and any other potential effects that can impact your life in a significant way. The last thing you need is a drug that helps you solve one problem while giving you another. So if there are some major or mild side effects you may encounter, you will need to know how to navigate them. If you know what’s to come ahead of time, you will be prepared for whatever comes next on your Ozempic journey!
What Is Ozempic?

Despite everything you may have heard so far in the media, Ozempic isn’t a drug that was designed for weight loss. Weight loss happens to be a side effect that occurs as a result of the drug fulfilling its main purpose. Ozempic is a once weekly injection that is prescribed to people with type 2 diabetes. It was approved by the FDA in 2017, which is one reason it is just now gaining popularity. It is not also used to treat type 1 diabetes, only type 2. And Ozempic was not put on the market as a weight loss drug, but is sometimes prescribed for weight loss by physicians who have noticed just how well Ozempic works in that area.
Ozempic is made for long term use. The active ingredient in it is called semaglutide. Semaglutide is a glucagon-like peptide that mimics the GLP-1 hormone that is released by the body during the digestion process. The role of GLP-1 is to make the body produce insulin, so when it lacks that ability, semaglutide will take its place to make it happen. That is how it helps with type 2 diabetes. What it is becoming most well known for, its weight loss properties, happens in part because of Ozempic’s effect on the appetite. On top of prompting the pancreas to produce insulin, semaglutide also acts as an appetite suppressant. It induces a feeling of fullness for the user, which makes them eat a lot less over time. This is an ideal function for people who have trouble controlling their calorie intake on their own.
How Does Ozempic Work?

Ozempic works by mimicking a naturally occurring hormone in the body. The active ingredient in it is called semaglutide. It is a substance that works to control blood sugar and also has an effect on weight loss. It is also used to lower patient risks of heart attack, stroke, and any other ailments that tend to come alongside type 2 diabetes. Weight loss is a side effect of Ozempic and wasn’t originally intended to be its main purpose. Though it happens to function extremely well as a weight loss drug.
When Ozempic is injected into the bloodstream, it acts as a GLP-1 receptor agonist that binds to and activates the GLP-1 receptor. This move stimulates insulin secretion from the pancreas, which helps the body better metabolize glucose. It also suppresses the appetite on some level. Doctors recommend that if you use Ozempic for weight loss, that you also make sure to eat healthy and exercise. This solution works best when you work with it instead of against it, so do what you can to maximize Ozempic’s effects when you take it.
As the hormone levels in the body rise, they will go up to the brain and give the signal that you are full. So even when you are not eating much, you won’t feel hungry the way you normally would. Ozempic causes the body to often feel satiated, leaving you craving food a lot less. It also slows your digestion, so the food you eat will take longer to leave your system, also making you feel more full. Ozempic has similar effects to bariatric surgery, except it works hormonally.
Ozempic is used through a once-weekly injection. When you get your Ozempic, it will come with supplies. You will get an Ozempic pen that you will use to inject the clear liquid stored inside of it. All you will need to do is stick the needle under your skin and release the liquid. Ozempic is something you can only get from your doctor as of now. You need to get a prescription before you start using it, and you can get that as long as your doctor considers you to be a good candidate for Ozempic. There are different pens with different colored labels and dosages, and your doctor will make sure you get the right dose for you.
Ozempic Side Effects
Something that you have to worry about when trying any new drug is the side effects. And before you start using Ozempic, it will be good to have an idea of what to expect. The most common symptoms of Ozempic are digestive ones. It can cause you to experience nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and constipation. Nausea is the most common side effect, and it most often occurs in the beginning of treatment or when upping your dosage. These symptoms often occur when someone is getting used to using Ozempic or getting used to taking a higher dose.
Other side effects of Ozempic include dizziness, fatigue, and hypoglycemia. Hypoglycemia is low blood sugar, and it can potentially be caused by the glucose lowering effects of Ozempic, though it is not likely to occur. Ozempic doesn’t usually lower blood sugar enough to cause low blood sugar, but it is still a possibility. The most major possible side effect of Ozempic is thyroid cancer. It isn’t a very likely risk, but past studies found that Ozempic caused thyroid cancer in some rodents. It is not considered to be as high a risk in humans, but the FDA still warns us to take it into consideration.
There happen to be some cosmetic side effects to Ozempic as well. Those side effects involve the skin. When you take Ozempic, there is a risk of facing some saggy skin. This issue has been given the nicknames “Ozempic face” and “Ozempic butt” because of how the skin often seems to sag in those particular areas. The reason this issue exists is because of the rapid weight loss that Ozempic causes. Losing weight rapidly can feel great, but the downside that isn’t discussed as often is saggy skin. Whenever someone loses weight really quickly, there is a risk of saggy skin. And the places that were the widest parts of your body before the weight loss are the spots that will be most affected. Many people store a lot of fat in their faces and backsides, hence the nicknames “Ozempic face” and “Ozempic butt.”
So Does Ozempic Make You Tired?

One of Ozempic’s side effects is fatigue, so there is very much a chance that Ozempic can make you tired. Fatigue is one of Ozempic’s most common side effects. But just like other Ozempic side effects, fatigue is a symptom that is most commonly experienced by people who have just started taking the drug, and people who have just upped their dosage. Both situations can leave you in a world of fatigue, but it is still not the case for everyone who takes Ozempic. If you experience fatigue on Ozempic, it will be something that will likely last about a few weeks.
And while some people feel tired when they first start taking Ozempic or when they up their dosage, a small percentage of people will feel tired in general when taking it. A theory about people who experience general fatigue on Ozempic is that it is due to malnutrition. Since Ozempic decreases appetite, some people on it may not pay as much attention to what they are eating, and may not get all the proper nutrients they need. And while you could have been eating too many calories for your body before Ozempic, after Ozempic, you could end up getting too few calories to properly fuel yourself, leading to malnutrition.
A big way Ozempic can make you feel tired is through the lack of nutrients you can receive when your appetite is significantly lowered. Even though you’ll be tempted to eat a whole lot less than usual on Ozempic, you will need to make sure that you eat enough healthy foods to keep yourself functioning well. If you find yourself still feeling tired while taking Ozempic after the initial few weeks, a lack of nutrition could be the culprit. If you don’t get enough nutrients into your system, your body is depleted of what it needs to have energy, and it can be a large contributor to your fatigue.
How To Combat Ozempic Fatigue
Fatigue from Ozempic isn’t something that should last the duration of your treatment, but if you find that things are turning out that way, there are some measures you can take to improve your experience. The first thing you should do is call your doctor. And that is a step you will only need to take if the fatigue you get from taking Ozempic lasts more than just the first few weeks. Your doctor can help you figure out if you are taking another drug or supplement that causes a reaction when combined with Ozempic, or if there is another medical reason you could be experiencing chronic fatigue while taking the drug.
Another solution to try is to get more sleep. Many people don’t tend to get as much sleep as they need, and if you are one of those people, use this opportunity to get more sleep. Try adding an hour or more to your nightly sleep, or taking naps during the day. Something else you should do is make sure you eat plenty of nutrient dense foods. Since Ozempic stunts your appetite, eating is something you will have to actively think about doing, and you need to make sure you get enough nutrition in small amounts. It is a good idea to take vitamins and even keep protein shakes around when you are on Ozempic, just to make sure your body gets the nutrition you need to have energy throughout the day.
Where To Get Ozempic
If you want Ozempic, you will have to make an appointment with your doctor. It is not something that you can pick up on store shelves. You will need a prescription, and that is something that your doctor will give you if they determine that you are a good candidate for the drug. The main requirement for an Ozempic prescription is to have a BMI of over 30. You can have a BMI of 27 if you happen to have health issues as a result of your weight. Some things that can disqualify you from Ozempic treatment are gallbladder disease and kidney disease.
Ozempic is a weight loss drug that works amazingly well, but it also can make you feel tired. If feeling constant fatigue is one of your biggest concerns about taking Ozempic, you’ll be glad to know that it often isn't permanent, and there are ways you can work to combat it if weight loss is an important goal for you.