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Mounjaro and Fatigue: What’s the Relation?

Image courtesy of Sydney Morning Herald

Mounjaro is a medication that is used to treat both diabetes and excess weight. With the strength of Mounjaro, a healthy diet, and exercise, anyone can shed even the most stubborn of extra weight. Mounjaro is in a class of drugs that targets the digestive system to induce weight loss, and it does a really great job of it. It is a drug that can make the pounds drop faster than would be possible naturally, which is one reason that people are flocking to it in droves at the moment. 

You can join in on the craze and shed some weight of your own if you choose to. All you need to do is get permission from your doctor, something you can only do if you fit one of a few different categories. Once you get a prescription, you can start dropping some major pounds. With Mounjaro you can reach your goal weight faster than ever, but that can come with a few drawbacks, one of which is fatigue. How much can fatigue affect you if you take Mounjaro? Read on to find out and make the best choice that you can for yourself. 

What Is Mounjaro?

Mounjaro Pen
This pen can bring you amazing results. Image courtesy of diaTRIBE

Mounjaro is a medication that is used to treat diabetes and excess weight. It is taken as a once weekly injection that you will get a demonstration for so you can know how to do it on your own. Mounjaro is supposed to be taken alongside an improved diet and an increase in exercise. When used correctly, Mounjaro can bring about the type of significant weight loss that is sought after by many people. 

Mounjaro is prescribed by doctors after an in-person visit. They will figure out if you fit the right criteria for the prescription before you can get it. They have to check a patient’s weight, age, and comorbidities before they can make a decision, and once they have made one, the patient will get a demonstration on how to use Mounjaro before they get sent home with a prescription. Mounjaro needs to be injected under the skin, and is best when done in the stomach, the arm, or in the upper thigh. It is also best to also always make sure to switch up the injection spot to avoid irritating any one part of the body with the needle. 

Mounjaro comes inside of a pen that contains a few different doses. It should be used until it is out and then refilled like any other medication, and refills can be handled outside of the doctor’s office. Each box of Mounjaro you get will contain 6 pens and 6 different dosages. They are also color coded for efficiency. The lowest dose of Mounjaro you can be prescribed is 2.5 mg and the highest possible dose is 15 mg. The dose can be upped or lowered depending on your needs and doctor recommendations. 

Mounjaro’s Side Effects

Like other weight loss drugs, Mounjaro comes with its own unique list of side effects. Not everyone experiences every symptom, and even when people do experience the same side effect, they can experience them in different ways and to different degrees. The side effects that Mounjaro is most likely to cause are stomach problems. These side effects can include nausea, diarrhea, constipation, and upset stomach, and they can range from mild or severe. These symptoms also normally last for about a few weeks at a time, and that includes stomach related side effects as well as others. 

Aside from stomach problems, Mounjaro has the potential to cause other problems in the body, and those can be more mild or more severe. For instance, if you have any pre-existing kidney issues, Mounjaro can make them worse. This could be a result of some of Mounjaro’s other side effects like vomiting and diarrhea. If you suffer from diarrhea or vomiting long enough, you can become severely dehydrated, leading you to develop kidney problems. Though this isn’t the most likely side effect, you should see your doctor if you experience any prolonged symptoms that can lead to kidney problems down the line. 

Mounjaro also has the rare potential to cause vision changes. This can be a result of the blood sugar changes it can bring about. Rapid changes to your blood sugar can give you blurry vision. Though this is a symptom that will usually last for a few months while your body adjusts. Mounjaro can also cause some gallbladder problems. Gallbladder problems can cause stomach pain, fever, or jaundice. Another rare side effect you should look out for when you take Mounjaro is low blood sugar. Symptoms of low blood sugar can include dizziness, sweating, drowsiness, and rapid heart beat. 

Mounjaro and Fatigue

This can be a problem in any setting outside the home. Image courtesy of Hindustan Times

How Can Mounjaro Affect Your Sleep?

If you are interested in taking Mounjaro, you should know that it can have an effect on your energy levels. Fatigue isn’t one of Mounjaro’s listed side effects, but it has been reported by many users. More research is needed to understand the correlation, but enough users have reported fatigue that it has been determined to be a possible side effect of Mounjaro. Mounjaro can cause fatigue because of the active ingredient in it. The active ingredient is called tirzepatide, and it interacts with the part of the brain that controls your body’s sleep/wake cycle. It can cause you to sleep in irregular patterns because of this, and that can cause fatigue during times of the day when you’d expect to feel awake. 

But this is just one theory for why Mounjaro causes fatigue for some people. Another theory for it is that Mounjaro lowers your metabolism, and that is something that can make a person feel fatigued. The fatigue could also be caused by a lower calorie intake than usual. Having less of an energy source to pull from can leave your body fatigued when it isn’t used to it. If your body feels as if it isn't getting as many nutrients as it needs, it will end up preserving energy for only the most important functions. And since your body would be using most of its spare energy to keep your organs functioning the same as before the lack of calories, you will end up having less energy for everything else until your body adjusts. 

How Can You Stay Awake While Using Mounjaro?

While Mounjaro has the potential to cause fatigue, it isn’t something that you have to deal with. There are ways of fending off fatigue when you take Mounjaro that can cut down on your symptoms. You can sit with your doctor to try to narrow down the reasons for your fatigue on Mounjaro, or you can try a process of elimination by trying solutions to figure out what puts a stop to it. And based on the potential reasons you are facing fatigue, there are different measures you can take to stop it. 

Eat a balanced diet

One reason that Mounjaro can cause symptoms of fatigue is because it can cause you to eat less, giving your body less food and therefore energy than it is used to. To solve this problem, you can always make sure you eat enough despite your lack of appetite, and make sure that what you eat is part of a balanced diet. If you can’t eat large meals anymore, you should spread your meals out by having smaller meals more frequently. And you should make sure to pack as many food groups into those meals as possible just to make sure that your body gets everything it needs. 

Your diet should consist of varied food types that offer different types of nutrition on the regular, but especially when you are forced to cut down due to lack of appetite. When you are taking Mounjaro, your body will get fullness signals faster, keeping you from eating as much as you normally would, so you need to fit in as many nutrients as you can while eating less calories. As long as you make sure to get all your vitamins and minerals within the amount of calories you’re able to fit in, you might be able to lessen the fatigue you are feeling on Mounjaro. 

Take helpful supplements

Sometimes when you are dealing with unfortunate side effects like fatigue from using Mounjaro, one of the best things you can do is counteract those effects with helpful supplements. Supplements can be one of the best solutions for someone with a lack of appetite. It can give you some of the nutrients you need without filling you up. Supplements can help you get what you need while keeping your calories limited. There are supplements that include the elements you need to counteract fatigue

dr emil ez-doze
A 30-day supply of a supplement that can help you fall asleep. Image courtesy of Dr. Emil

One helpful supplement you can take to fight fatigue is Dr. Emil’s EZ Doze. This supplement can be helpful if the reason you are fatigued is because your sleep cycle was thrown off. Mounjaro can affect your sleep cycle, and if it does, you can fight to reverse the effects by taking as many supplements as it directs you to on the bottle. This supplement will offer you an extra strength dose of 5HTP, valerian root, melatonin, St. John’s Wort, passion flower extract, and other natural substances that can help you go to sleep at night. If you take steps to make sure you can fall asleep and stay asleep at night, your sleep cycle won’t be as affected, leaving you to be less fatigued during the day. 

Each ingredient inside this supplement works together to get you to fall into a comfortable sleep. They can also work towards helping with other symptoms as well, and some of those other symptoms can contribute to a lack of sleep when left unaddressed. 5HTP can help treat headaches, valerian root can help to ease anxiety and restlessness, melatonin can also calm anxiety, and St.John’s Wort can help treat the symptoms of depression. When these different problems are addressed, sleep is something that can happen a whole lot easier. 

dr emil daily-energy
An energy supplement with natural ingredients. Image courtesy of Dr. Emil

Another supplement that you can use to help your fatigue is Dr. Emil’s Daily Energy. This supplement is made for people who are lacking energy. It will give you a constant boost that will help you make it through each day with the energy that you previously lacked. It can help reverse your feelings of fatigue so your days can feel normal again, and you can do everything that you need to in a day just like you did before. It also uses a blend of natural ingredients to provide this boost, and each of those ingredients contributes in a different way. 

This supplement is packed with ingredients like niacin, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, and caffeine. Each of these ingredients each work in their own ways to make sure that you stay alert throughout your day. And when combined together, they make a powerful combination that fends off fatigue from all kinds of sources. Niacin is what helps turn food into energy. If you are lacking energy, niacin will give you a well needed boost from the foods you are already eating. Vitamin B6 helps to regulate melatonin, which is involved in the body’s sleep/wake cycle, and vitamin B12 gives the body what it needs to convert food into energy. And caffeine is a stimulant, which can keep you awake and alert on its own, and even better in combination with other supplements. 

Mounjaro doesn’t always cause fatigue, but when it does, it can very well be solvable. Many symptoms of Mounjaro don’t stick around for the whole treatment, though even temporary symptoms can be a nuisance and can be solved with the right maneuvers.

You should consult a licensed health care professional before starting any supplement, dietary, or exercise program, especially if you are pregnant or have any pre-existing injuries or medical conditions.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases.

Author: Dr. Emil Hodzovic

Holding degrees in both medicine and Sports + Exercise Science from renowned research institution Cardiff University, Dr. Emil Hodzovic has the dual distinction of being a practicing clinician and respected authority in nutrition and supplementation.

During his parallel careers as a personal trainer and professional athlete, Dr. Emil recognized a critical flaw in the supplement space: too much emphasis on appearance and performance—and zero concern for making holistic health and happiness accessible to everyone.

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