The holiday season is regarded as a time to spread goodwill and joy among those around you, to express love to friends and family you rarely ever get to see, and to let your heart overflow with generosity towards fellow humans. At least, that’s how the gilded gift wrapped in shades of red and green is presented to most individuals who celebrate the seasonal magic.
What is often omitted from the bedazzled packaging and unrelenting holiday cheer, however, is the onset of seasonal mood disorders and the telltale signs of rising depression and anxiety related to the celebrations. Some folks can bear the brunt of it and sweep negative emotions under the rug, while others succumb to increased feelings of apprehension, panic, and stress that the festivities bring out.
If you’re one of the individuals plagued by the dreaded holiday blues, you are likely used to powering through the season for the sake of family and friends. After all, you don’t want to diminish the holiday shine with your own dim, faulty light. But what if I told you there’s plenty of beneficial tips out there that can help you navigate a stressful holiday season and come out on top?
Let’s discuss this further and explore the following subjects:
- Some possible reasons behind the holiday blues (and how to beat them)
- Tips to prevent a low mood this winter
- How taking supplements can benefit your mood through increased serotonin production
The Holiday Blues
There is no universal answer to the reason individuals experience the holiday blues. The simple gray expanse of a gloomy sky is enough to make some people feel unmotivated and lethargic in the winter. Others are even more vulnerable to low moods and stress during the holidays for a number of different reasons.
Social Isolation
Being ostracized and excluded by others is one of the most prominent sources of depression in general, but the holidays bring out even stronger feelings of loneliness that are harder to ignore. Those with small social circles and no close relatives have few people to connect with during the holidays, and limited opportunities for socialization do not make the situation any easier.
Folks who aren’t very connected to the holidays are likely to avoid social interactions during this time and may be much more reluctant to participate in the consumerism of the season. Having distant relatives makes getting together during the holidays a difficult endeavor, and a complete lack of family or close friends makes finding companionship tricky.
Witnessing those around you celebrate the seasonal festivities with loved ones can trigger negative emotions and make you envious of relationships you may not have. Instead of wallowing in winter sorrow, take the initiative and hit up friends and family to receive support this holiday season. Therapy is another path that can help you understand the source of your depression and develop solutions to counteract its negative effects.
Grieving During the Holidays
Grief doesn’t come to a pause on account of the holiday season, and many folks must confront past memories of loss among the rampant festive cheer. Losing a family member or friend is a painful ordeal that doesn’t fade away after a few months of grieving. It may become more bearable, but as the anniversary of their death comes around the pain becomes raw again. Those who have lost loved ones are much more likely to recall their absence during the holiday season, associating it with renewed feelings of grief, stress, and pain.
Loss can impact your relationships with family and friends, putting distance between yourself and those you love. Rather than give in to the holiday depression brought on by grief, take steps to protect your emotions and nurture existing relationships. Some ways to deal with loss this holiday season are:
- Plan an outing or vacation with friends and family to get out of the house
- Participate in volunteer services such as gift drives and soup kitchens to help others
- Escape into nature by going on a walk in the woods or local park
- Don’t force yourself to attend holiday events if you aren’t emotionally up for them
SAD and Holiday Depression
Another culprit behind the holiday blues is seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and major depression with seasonal pattern. These disorders are recurring and correlate with the different seasons, typically resulting in low moods during the fall and winter on account of shorter days and less sunlight exposure.
Many individuals stop feeling sad once spring and summer roll around, but it’s also possible to experience symptoms of seasonal depression outside of the gloomier months. Symptoms include fatigue, irritability, appetite changes, and increased feelings of anxiety and sadness. The best treatment for dealing with depression during the holidays is through light therapy intervention and antidepressants.

Tips to Prevent Stress and Depression this Holiday Season and Beat the Holiday Blues
Reach Out and Socialize
Since social isolation is one of the biggest influences on feeling down during the holidays, it isn’t hard to see why socialization is an appropriate remedy. Staying connected with friends and family is one of the best things you can do to reduce feelings of loneliness and ostracization. Talking to a loved one is a great way to lessen stress, and even a quick phone call can be immensely helpful.
If you have no established community, there are other ways you can be social during the holidays. Attend social events hosted by local organizers and religious groups, read up on online communications and social media sites, and be sure to get in touch with online support groups. Volunteering is another great way to get your mind off feelings of loneliness this holiday season by getting involved and helping others.
Uphold Healthy Habits
While it’s easy to feel like your personal happiness is dependent on the actions of others, you have a responsibility to keep your mind and body nourished and content. Stressful times are unavoidable, but you can make the situation significantly more easy on yourself by incorporating healthy behaviors into your normal routine.
There’s a lot of things you do on a daily basis that have a prominent impact on mood, anxiety, and overall well-being. Getting a restful night of sleep just so happens to be a very crucial aspect of your health that influences how you feel for the rest of the day, so never put off getting quality snooze time.
In addition to good sleep, diet and exercise both play a major role when it comes to feeling down. Poor food choices that are heavy in sugar and trans fat and low in protein and fiber aren’t sustainable long-term, and you’re bound to feel the physical effects sooner or later. You depend on your diet for energy, and when your body doesn’t have enough energy to fuel your day, telltale signs of depression begin to rear their ugly heads.
Even exercise becomes exponentially more difficult when you aren’t eating right, which has its own set of health risks to worry about. A sedentary lifestyle can do a lot of damage to your quality of health, but even a few brief sessions of physical activity a day can help reduce depressive symptoms and give you a headstart on aging in general. Next time you feel down, try inviting a friend to go out for a quick run to stay physically healthy and social all at once!
Prioritize Yourself
It’s easy to get caught up in the festivities of the holidays and overbook yourself in terms of capability. Energy isn’t infinite, and it’s inevitable that you’ll deplete your reserves if you don’t take time to recharge. That being said, always make a point to take care of yourself and do what is in your best interest. You may feel compelled to help with every little thing and attend dozens of holiday parties, but there’s no shame in saying no when you don’t have the energy for it.

Consider Taking Supplements to Help Boost Your Mood During the Holidays
There’s no right way to not feel depressed. Healthy behaviors and socializing with loved ones do a lot of good for many people who feel down during the holidays, but sometimes you just can’t shake the low mood and general lack of enthusiasm towards life.
If you’re feeling especially downtrodden this holiday season, there’s no shame in turning to medicine in hopes of finding something that can give you a boost, synthetic or not. 5-HTP supplements could be the perfect remedy for a dreary winter filled with the holiday blues and way too much alone time. Luckily, there’s plenty of great 5-HTP supplements on the market this very minute, giving you the positivity and energy you need to propel through the dark winter season.
Why Choose 5-HTP?
There are a lot of supplements available for various health, beauty, and mood purposes, all with different effects and levels of success. Supplements don’t all work the same, and it can be difficult finding a supplement that works exactly as you want it to.
If you’ve been dealing with mood issues and general symptoms of depression brought on by the holiday season, then you’ll probably be interested to know that 5-HTP is marketed as a serotonin booster. And an improved mood isn’t all that 5-HTP supplements can bring – other common benefits of taking 5-HTP include better sleep, weight loss, and fighting off anxiety.
The world of supplements can be a lot, which is why we recommend starting with a brand you can trust. The 5-HTP Plus dietary supplements from Dr. Emil Nutrition are manufactured for optimum wellness of your mind and body, helping to reduce symptoms of depression naturally.
Celebrate the Holidays However You Want To
Though the holidays can be a tough time for many, there is nothing preventing you from taking control of your life and doing exactly what brings you joy this winter. It’s not easy to tune out the unwarranted holiday stress and past negative experiences associated with this time of year, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t possible.
When you put your best foot forward and go out of your way to make a difference in your life, the changes will all result in a positive impact. Depression and stress are no joke during the holidays, but it’s up to you to be the force that shifts your attitude in a different direction, one that sees the many reasons you have to get joy out of life.
Use these tips to beat the holiday blues back this year and enjoy the communal cheer from those around you, even if you don’t celebrate. It’s the best thing for the health of your mind and body!