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Turkey Tail Mushroom: Newest Addition To Your Daily Routine

 Image courtesy of Gaia Herbs.

There are thousands upon thousands of fungi species in the world that produce mushrooms. Many of them can be eaten while others shouldn't be touched with a ten foot pole. Then there are mushrooms that have medicinal properties and have been used for such needs for hundreds of years, they are especially well known in Chinese medicine.  

If you are already a fungi fan then perhaps you are familiar with all of the ways they can be ingested. Before we start giving away the family recipes, let’s talk about the backstory of turkey tail mushrooms and if they are a good fit for you! 

What we are going to go over today:

  • What the turkey tail mushroom is 
  • How to take it 
  • Benefits and risks 
  • Recommended products 

What re Turkey Tail Mushrooms?

Mushrooms scattered on a white surface.
Mushrooms may be funky looking but they are packed with nutrients!

These mushrooms are considered a bracket fungi that almost resembles a flattened hand fan growing on the outside of a tree. Mushrooms all have a unique look to them and the turkey tail mushroom is no exception. It gets its name from resembling a splayed out turkey tail. Ranging from yellow, brown, and red in a stunning striped fashion. The mushroom usually grows on trees that are dead which can be easily found in the woods depending on the climate of your area. It is also common for them to be grown in your own background with the use of some spores. 

Can’t find a log? No worries, you can use wood chips, sawdust, and straw. If growing the mushrooms in an outdoor area is not possible then they can be grown in a bag or on a piece of cardboard. All of this can be easily accomplished with a growing kit that can be found anywhere online. 

When searching for the turkey tail mushroom in the forest make sure to have a keen eye because there a variety of false turkey tail mushrooms exist as well. One of the most common imposters is the Stereum Ostrea that fans out in a similar fashion but it usually grows with orange and red hues. Before touching or eating any mushrooms, double check if the mushroom is truly the one that you want. This can be done with a quick google search!

Benefits and Risks 

Woman sitting on the floor next to plants while meditating.
Gain some peace of mind knowing that your bodily health is supported by one of nature’s best creations.

There are many benefits to taking turkey tail mushroom, probably even more so than all of the ways it can be ingested! It is rich with polysaccharides and antioxidants that work to boost your immune system, improve cognitive function, and enhance overall gut health. Specifically the polysaccharide krestin promotes immunity to toxins in your system and quickens the reaction time of your body when fighting against sickness.

There is research being conducted regarding the benefits of turkey tail mushroom when given to cancer patients to improve their bodily response to medicines. This is because the turkey tail mushroom contains the polysaccharopeptides krestin and peptide. It is shown that tumor growth can be slowed or suppressed when taken simultaneously with cancer treatments. 

Although it has been proven that taking the mushroom frequently can improve your overall health, it is important to test the water before fully diving in. Check with your doctor to ensure that none of your medications interact with it negatively. If you begin to notice any of the side effects listed below, stop taking the mushroom and wait to see if your symptoms improve. 

Some side effects to watch out for:

  • Bloating
  • Nausea
  • Darkened stool 
  • Itching or signs of an allergy 

On the off chance that you do begin to experience these side effects while taking turkey tail mushroom, just know that there are other mushrooms and related products that could replace it! Sometimes a supplement isn't the magical cure we have been looking for and that is okay, it is all part of the journey to a healthier lifestyle! 

Have Fun With The Fungi

With its earthy flavor and leathery texture, eating the turkey tail mushroom raw isn’t always the first choice for many people. Its unique flavor can be paired with a recipe of your choosing or served on its own with the help of some common spices. We’ll save you the trouble of having to find some recipes on your own. Check out these gorgeous plates that utilize turkey tail mushroom in a variety of ways! 

Sautéed Mushrooms with Thyme and Butter

Mushrooms sautéed in a black pan.
Anything that is sautéed immediately wins in the flavor department, especially mushrooms when they soak up all of the flavor! Image courtesy of MushroomHealthHub.


  • 1/2 pound fresh turkey tail mushrooms
  • 1 pound assorted mushrooms
  • 3 tablespoons unsalted butter
  • 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon thyme leaves
  • Salt and pepper

Cooking this gorgeous dish is super simple! The first step is to clean and prepare all of the produce, then cut the mushrooms into bite size pieces. Once the preparation is complete, heat up the butter and oil in a large pan over medium-high heat. Add the mushrooms to the pan once it is warm enough and allow them to cook for roughly five minutes. Stir in the seasonings and remove the pan from the heat once the mushrooms are golden and tender. All that is left to do is to enjoy the food! 

Turkey Tail Mushroom Tea

Tea infused with turkey tail mushrooms and other spices is a great way to stay warm on a cold day. With a few simple ingredients you will have an aromatic and robust tea to enjoy within the hour!


  • 1 1/2 cup turkey tail mushroom (chopped)
  • 7 cups water
  • 3/4 teaspoon of honey 
  • 3.5 teaspoons ground turmeric
  • 2 drops of lemon juice

To make this tea, start with boiling the water in a pot on the stove. Add in the chopped turkey tail mushroom pieces and lower the flame so that the boil becomes a simmer. Once the water has been simmering for about an hour it can be strained to separate the mixture from the mushrooms. Now it is time to add in the spices! Cinnamon or nutmeg would be excellent additions and would enhance the flavor profile of this tea. Happy sipping! 

Turkey Tail Mushroom Risotto (For The Pasta Lovers)

Honestly, just about anything can be added to a risotto dish and it would remain incredible. Combining the turkey tail mushroom into this dish is a genius way to get in all of the mushrooms nutrients. Go ahead and give this recipe a shot, it might even become a household favorite soon enough. 


  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 1 small onion, chopped
  • 1/3 pound Turkey tail, chopped
  • 1/2 pound your choice of mushrooms
  • 2 cloves garlic, chopped
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 cup risotto rice
  • 1/2 cup dry white wine
  • 4 cups chicken stock
  • 1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Fresh parsley, chopped (optional)

Begin by adding the butter to a pan over medium heat, once melted add the onion until it becomes translucent (stir so it doesn't burn). Add all of the chopped mushrooms and garlic to the pan to cook until tender and aromatic. After drizzling the olive oil over the sautéed vegetables, stir in the risotto rice until it is fully incorporated. It is ready for the wine to be poured in and set to a simmer so that the rice can soak up the liquid. Begin to gradually pour in the stock and allow the rice time to soak it up between each cup added in. Once the risotto is fully cooked the cheese and assorted spices can be stirred in. It's a labor of love but the end result makes all of your effort worth it!

Powdered Turkey Tail Mushroom 

Drying out the mushroom and blending it into a powder is an easy way to incorporate it into any dish of your choosing. Turkey tail mushroom can be dried a number of ways so it depends on how long you are willing to wait and resources. It can be air dried in a dry space although it may take up to two weeks for it to be completely dry. A dehydrating machine can dry the mushroom out anywhere between twelve to twenty four hours if you are in a bit of a time crunch. 

Another easy method is to set your oven to its lowest setting and allow the mushroom to dry out for about one or two hours. Any of these options will work just fine! Once the mushroom is in a completely dried state it can be added to a blender or food processor to be ground up. Store the powder in an airtight container in a cool, dark area in order to retain its potent flavor. The powder can last for a couple of years so don’t be shy to add it to any meal you make whether it be breakfast, lunch, or dinner! 

Recommended Products 

Dr. Emil Elite Lion’s Mane Mushroom Plus Supplement 

White bottle of medicine with a white label.
Experience the holistic benefits that can be derived from five nutrient rich mushrooms. 

Cooking can often take up so much of your time on a daily basis, that's why a supplement can make your life a little bit easier. Try our Elite Lion’s Mane Mushroom Plus capsule supplement that has several other mushroom types incorporated, including turkey tail mushroom. For a two month supply you will receive a supplement that will improve your cognitive function and will support your immune system. Stay tuned for our turkey tail mushroom supplement that will be available in the near future! 

Review from a customer that experienced a very positive impact from the supplement:

“I have a brain injury and before I began using Dr Emil's Lion's Mane I had so much difficulty concentrating that I was seeking disability. Once I began taking it, my brain fog and confusion began to lessen. At this point, although I do still have some issues, I am able to accomplish much more. I highly recommend it.” 

Dr. Emil’s Mushroom Coffee

White container next to a mound of brown coffee grounds.
Start your day with a cup of mushroom infused coffee that will enhance your cognitive function.

If you are experiencing brain fog in the morning and are constantly reaching for a second cup of coffee, then this product might be your saving grace. This caramel flavored coffee is mixed with ground lion’s mane, chaga, and cordyceps mushrooms and energizing herbs. All of these components are packed into one cup of coffee that will give you a steady amount of energy to conquer the day! 

The people are pleased with this product and it shows from the 5 star rating! Here is one of the raving reviews if you are unsure about adding this product to your morning routine:

“I can’t say enough about how much I love this product. It tastes great and my digestion has greatly improved. Will continue to subscribe!” 

Final Thoughts on Turkey Tail Mushrooms 

The turkey tail mushroom can be found in many areas of the world and can even be grown in your home! Known for its medicinal purposes it has been used to make teas, various dishes, supplements, and more. Consider giving it a shot and your body might thank you!

You should consult a licensed health care professional before starting any supplement, dietary, or exercise program, especially if you are pregnant or have any pre-existing injuries or medical conditions.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases.