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Wegovy and Tiredness

Image courtesy of Drugs

Weight loss is a serious goal for so many people all over the country, and most people have a really hard time at it. It is a really long process that can seem to drag on, and every little setback can cause you to gain what feels like a significant amount of weight. Many people spend weeks and weeks exercising, eating right, and seem to see no progress at all. Sometimes they might see progress, mess up one time, and gain it all back. This process can make you feel like giving up, but there are now drugs like Wegovy on the market that can turn the situation completely around for you. 

Sometimes you need a shortcut, and when you are ready for one, Wegovy can help you cross the finish line. Wegovy will target the way your system works and make you drop pounds quickly. Losing weight by yourself requires a whole lot of hard work, research, and discipline, and even then, it may not work out so well, but Wegovy will cut out all the struggle. You can lose weight on Wegovy without even thinking about it, but of course, when it comes to a drug so powerful, it can come with some drawbacks. If tiredness is a side effect you are worried about, it is definitely possible to experience it on Wegovy, but how does it work? How long does it last? And can you do something about it?

What Is Wegovy?

It is always exciting to see the pounds fall right off. Image courtesy of Forbes

Wegovy is a newly popular weight loss drug that is trimming waistlines all across the country. It has taken over the weight loss industry, appearing in TV and magazines as a miracle weight loss drug anywhere you look. If you see a celebrity show up on the red carpet having lost a significant amount of weight in a surprisingly short amount of time, you can assume they have likely taken semaglutide, the active ingredient in Wegovy. 

Semaglitude comes in many different brand names, and Wegovy is just one of them. Unlike the most popular version of semaglutide as of now, Ozempic, Wegovy is prescribed just for weight loss. Semaglutide was originally used as a diabetes drug, but since significant weight loss became a noticeable side effect, it has also been used for weight loss purposes. Wegovy offers different dosages and purchase options than similar brand names on the market, and might just be the best option for you. 

Semaglutide is a GLP-1 agonist, a substance that is meant to be a replacement for the GLP-1 in the body. When a GLP-1 agonist enters your system, it will perform the functions that the GLP-1 in the body aren’t doing as well. The higher the dose, the higher the effect, and the effect that leads to weight loss is appetite suppressing. Wegovy will suppress your appetite and keep you from wanting to eat as much as you normally would. 

Wegovy has an effect on the blood sugar and blood pressure that then controls the appetite. While the brand name Wegovy was intended for weight loss purposes, it will still lower your blood sugar, something that is meant for the treatment of diabetes. This is a benefit for anyone with diabetes who takes it, but for anyone without diabetes, you will have to make sure you get enough food to keep your blood sugar at a good level. Even if you aren’t tempted to eat nearly as much when you’re taking Wegovy, you need to make sure that you are getting enough nutrients. 

Wegovy Side Effects

Wegovy has a list of side effects that can range from mild to severe. Each of the symptoms it can cause have a different effect on each individual who takes it. There are some symptoms that will affect a large number of people who take Wegovy, and some that will only affect a very small number of them. The side effects that will affect the most people who take Wegovy are nausea, constipation, diarrhea, and vomiting. These symptoms are experienced by nearly half of the people who take Wegovy, and they don’t often last. For most, these symptoms will go away within a few weeks as your body gets adjusted to the medication. They can also come back each time you up your dosage. 

Wegovy can cause low blood sugar, which is a side effect of GLP-1 agonists prompting the pancreas to release more insulin. This is ideal for people with diabetes, but if you don’t have diabetes, it isn’t ideal to have your blood sugar lowered too much. You can always watch for the symptoms of low blood sugar so you can take action as soon as it comes on. The symptoms of low blood pressure include drowsiness, sweating, dizziness, and rapid heart beat. All you have to do to reverse these symptoms is make sure you eat enough to raise your blood sugar back to a normal level. 

There are some complications that come rarely with Wegovy, but since there is a tiny possibility, you should be on the lookout for them. There is a rare chance that complications with your pancreas can occur when you use Wegovy. This includes serious illnesses like pancreatitis, which causes a painful swelling of the pancreas, and usually requires emergency surgery. The stomach pain you experience when you have this illness will radiate from your stomach to your back. You will also experience nausea and vomiting with the radiating back and stomach pain. 

Does Wegovy Make You Tired?

One thing might just lead to another. Image courtesy of Single Care

Aside from some of the other symptoms that can come with Wegovy, tiredness is not as well known, but it is certainly a possibility. It can come on nearly as commonly as the gastrolienal symptoms, but it often lasts for even less time than those symptoms do. Fatigue can come on with Wegovy once you start taking it, and can last for a few weeks. It can range from mild to severe, and it lasts a different length of time for everyone. The more your body adapts to the medication, the less this symptom will be an issue, but why is it that Wegovy makes you tired in the first place? 

While there are simple explanations for Wegovy’s other symptoms, how it causes tiredness is something that is still being studied, but there are a few theories as of now. One of the top reasons Wegovy is thought to cause tiredness is because of how it lowers your appetite. A lowered appetite causes a significantly lowered calorie intake, which means that you might not get enough calories if you don’t pay attention. People who take Wegovy often go from struggling not to eat too many calories, to struggling to get enough of them. If you let yourself forget to eat enough, you won’t have the energy you need from food to stay active, and that can be part of what causes the fatigue. 

Another theory about why Wegovy causes fatigue is that its active ingredient has an effect on the sleep/wake cycle. While it isn’t necessarily clear how, researchers have found that Wegovy impacts the brain’s internal clock, and causes users to feel fatigued because of it. Wegovy has an impact on the part of the brain called the hypothalamus, and the hypothalamus is what’s responsible for releasing hormones that make us feel sleepy or awake, and also for our hunger cues. Wegovy manages to impact the sleep/wake cycle in some people while it works on the appetite as an unintended consequence. 

Since this is a symptom that will most likely go away with time, you don’t need to do anything other than ride it out and wait for it to end. Once your body gets adjusted to the medication, you will eventually get back to normal, and will no longer feel the fatigue, but in the meantime, you can do things to try to control it. If you get the feeling that you might be fatigued because of your low calorie intake, to get that under control, all you need to do is make sure you get enough nutrients throughout each day. Make a food schedule to remind yourself to eat and make sure you get nutrients from all the food groups on a regular basis. 

Though if the tiredness that you feel on Wegovy manages to be debilitating for you, you can speak to your doctor to figure out if they have any temporary solutions. Your doctor might be able to guide you and help you maintain your lifestyle with a remedy until the tiredness can go away. This might include solutions you can practice on your own or even a temporary prescription, but you may not know exactly what you need until you officially see a professional for help. They could help you diagnose the problem and figure out what you need to do to solve it. 

There is a chance that your doctor won’t have solutions for you, and in that case, you can always try out safe remedies from home, and you can do that by looking in the right places. Dr. Emil, for instance, has products on the market that can potentially help with your tiredness. These products are made with natural substances that won’t have interactions with your medication, and can be taken on your own without a doctor’s prescription. Natural remedies are some of your best options since you are already on a powerful drug that is bringing on some side effects, and they can make you feel surprisingly better when taken on a regular basis. 

A daily boost of energy when you really need it. Image courtesy of Dr. Emil

If you’re lacking energy to get through the day, it could be useful to go for a natural energy supplement that can help you stay up and active. And for that there is Dr. Emil’s daily energy, which is a natural supplement designed to give you energy throughout the day. They are meant to maximize energy and mental focus with a blend of natural ingredients. 

Dr. Emil’s Daily Energy supplement is packed with niacin, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, and caffeine. These substances each come with their own brand of benefits that help to keep you alert when they are combined together. Niacin is a B vitamin that turns food into energy. So if you are lacking energy, it will give you a boost from the foods you are already eating. Vitamin B6 helps to regulate melatonin, which is involved in the body’s sleep/wake cycle, and vitamin B12 gives the body what it needs to convert food into energy. And since caffeine is a stimulant, it only enhances the effects of everything else in this supplement. 

Wegovy is a drug that will turn your weight loss journey around, and you won’t have to struggle as hard as you had with other weight loss methods. It has been taking the weight watching world by storm with its miraculous results, but of course, everything great comes with some drawbacks. If you are part of the percentage of people who experience tiredness on Wegovy, it won’t have to last forever. There are definitely ways to fight it and move forward with your weightloss journey.

You should consult a licensed health care professional before starting any supplement, dietary, or exercise program, especially if you are pregnant or have any pre-existing injuries or medical conditions.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases.

Author: Dr. Emil Hodzovic

Holding degrees in both medicine and Sports + Exercise Science from renowned research institution Cardiff University, Dr. Emil Hodzovic has the dual distinction of being a practicing clinician and respected authority in nutrition and supplementation.

During his parallel careers as a personal trainer and professional athlete, Dr. Emil recognized a critical flaw in the supplement space: too much emphasis on appearance and performance—and zero concern for making holistic health and happiness accessible to everyone.

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