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What to Eat When You’re On Zepbound

Image courtesy of LifeMD

Zepbound is the brand name of a drug called tirzepatide. It is used to treat diabetes and excess weight, and part of a class of drugs that are growing in popularity for their weight loss effects. The most popular of these drugs is Ozempic, but there are many similar drugs on the market that come with their own benefits. Some are made primarily to fight type 2 diabetes, and some are made for treating weight loss. Zepbound is FDA approved for weight loss, unlike Ozempic which is approved for diabetes, so Zepbound can be prescribed in larger doses, leading to larger weight loss. 

Taking Zepbound will take some getting used to. You will need to adjust to the medication, the side effects, and you will need to alter your diet. Zepbound will have an effect on your blood sugar, your blood pressure, and your fat storage, and you will do best on it when you watch your diet. So what should you eat while you’re taking Zepbound? If you want to do everything right, check out our recommendations below for some guidance. 

What Is Zepbound?

This small pen can change your body for the better. Image courtesy of Popular Science

Zepbound is an injectable prescription medication that helps people lose weight and keep it off. It is usually prescribed to people who are overweight, and meant to be taken alongside a reduced calorie diet. Zepbound is ideally taken with a lower calorie diet along with increased physical activity. Zepbound in combination with those lifestyle changes is what works best to bring about significant weight loss. 

Zepbound requires a visit and a prescription from the doctor after they see if you qualify. It is a once-weekly injection that you will need to administer yourself every week, and a doctor will show you how to do it the first time just to make sure you have it right. Zepbound needs to be injected under the skin, ideally in the stomach, arm, or upper thigh, and you need to switch out the injection sites each time you use it. It shouldn’t be used with any other GLP-1 agonist medications though can be taken with herbal remedies. 

How Does Zepbound Work?

Zepbound is a GLP-1 agonist medication that lowers blood sugar, blood pressure, and appetite. It takes the place of the GLP-1 in the body and makes the pancreas produce more insulin, which helps to regulate your blood sugar. As it regulates your blood sugar, it also has a big impact on your appetite. Zepbound will suppress your appetite by making you feel satisfied for a lot longer than usual. And since you will feel full a lot of the time, you won’t be tempted to eat as much, leading to significant weight loss. Zepbound will start to work quickly, and the weight loss it causes can be rapid. 

Zepbound also works best when combined with an improved diet and exercise. Zepbound will significantly curb your appetite, but you still have to do the work of practicing good eating habits. You need to make sure that you are getting all the nutrients you need, even though you don’t have much of an appetite, and you need to make sure to save most of your calories for foods that are nutritious and beneficial. A healthy diet and exercise will also lead to more weight loss and an overall healthier body on Zepbound. 

Who Can Take Zepbound?

Different body types require different treatment methods. Image courtesy of Everyday Health

Zepbound is made for people who struggle with obesity. Unlike many other GLP-1 agonist medications on the market, Zepbound is made primarily for people who want to lose weight, and not for people with diabetes. And since it is primarily used for weight loss, it is prescribed in higher doses than similar medications that are mostly used for diabetes. To be prescribed Zepbound, you will need to meet the minimum weight requirements.

People with a BMI over 30

People who have a BMI of over 30 are prime candidates for Zepbound. That is when you are considered to be a dangerous level of overweight, and this medication can bring you significant health benefits. Zepbound can bring your BMI down to a healthy range in a relatively short period of time. With a BMI over 30, you are considered to be at risk of multiple different illnesses that can seriously damage your health, so your doctor is very likely to prescribe you Zepbound if you seek it. 

People with an Over 27 BMI with Weight Related Illnesses

If you don’t have a BMI of 30 and over, a BMI of 27 can get you a Zepbound prescription if you also have weight related illnesses. A BMI of 27 is classified as overweight, but only if you already suffer from illnesses because of it will you be prescribed Zepbound. The weight related illnesses you will need to have to be eligible for this medication at a BMI of 27 are high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, and sleep apnea. You can have a combination of these illnesses or just one, or any other disease that is proven to be the result of your weight.

Who Should Avoid Zepbound?

Zepbound can cause some unfortunate interactions if you happen to have certain pre-existing conditions. You will need to discuss every illness and every medication with your doctor before they can decide if Zepbound is safe for you to use. If you have kidney problems, issues with your pancreas, or your stomach, Zepbound is likely not the right medication for you. It can exacerbate these problems if they already exist. 

It is also not a good idea to take Zepbound while you are pregnant. Zepbound has the potential to harm your unborn baby and should be avoided. You might also still need to avoid it when breastfeeding as well. 

You should also avoid Zepbound if anyone in your family has a history of thyroid cancer. Zepbound can potentially cause thyroid cancer, and so shouldn’t be used if you are already predisposed to it. And if you could have any allergic reactions to the ingredients in Zepbound, you should also avoid taking it. You could manage to find a similar medication that works best for your body. 

Zepbound Side Effects

Zepbound has the potential to cause multiple side effects, some of which can be serious. Some of the primary issues reported on Zepbound are gastrolienal issues. You can experience nausea, constipation, diarrhea, and vomiting. It can range from mild to severe, and if it's severe, it can lead to other illnesses like kidney problems. Kidney problems can occur when you are extremely dehydrated, and that can come from prolonged diarrhea and vomiting. 

People have experienced gallbladder problems while using Zepbound. When you have glassbladder issues, you will likely experience stomach pain, fever, jaundice, or even clay colored stools. Another serious symptom that can potentially occur on Zepbound is inflammation of the pancreas. This will cause severe abdominal pain and sometimes vomiting. 

You will also have a risk of low blood sugar on Zepbound. Those symptoms can include diziness, sweating, drowsiness, trouble breathing, dizziness, and rapid heart beat. There is even a rare chance of suffering from suicidal thoughts, but the most common side effects experienced are mild gastrolineal ones. 

What to Eat On Zepbound?

These foods are all filled with vitamins and minerals that your body needs. Image courtesy of Cancer Treatment Centers of America

A significant part of your Zepbound treatment will be your own diet. Your diet can impact the amount of weight you lose on this weight loss drug, and it can also help fend away stomach issues that can come with it. You will also need to make sure that you get enough nutrients in your diet even though Zepbound will significantly lower your appetite. You will have to keep track of your eating and make sure you get enough and don’t end up malnourished. The key to eating a good diet on Zepbound is getting lean protein, healthy fats, high fiber whole grains, and nutrient dense vegetables

High Fiber Whole Grains

The best base for your meals when you are on Zepbound are high fiber whole grains. High fiber whole grains help lower cholesterol and move food waste through the digestive tract. These foods include quinoa, oats, corn, rye, brown rice, bulgur, and wheat. If these are the carbs you go for most often, you can help keep your blood sugar under control, and keep extra weight off. They will keep your gut healthy and your system regular, which can limit some of the stomach issues that you can experience when taking Zepbound. 

Healthy Fats 

Fats are necessary to a healthy diet, and they are best when they are healthy fats. Some fats are healthier than others, and those healthy fats are avocados, nuts and seeds, extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil, and olives. Healthy fats will add substance to your food and help you feel fuller longer. The fats that are not as good for you are trans and saturated fats. These are the kinds of fats that you should try to limit consumption of, but when it comes to healthy plant and seed fats, you should get your fill to bolster the nutrients in your diet. 

Lean Protein

A really important part of your diet is protein, and you should get most of your protein from lean protein sources when you’re taking Zepbound. Lean meats like fish, chicken, turkey, salmon, and tofu are ideal for a low calorie diet. You can have fattier meats on occasion, but lean meats should be the staples of your diet. Lean meat will give you the levels of protein that you need without being very fattening, and they will keep you full for a long time, leading to more fat loss over time. 

Nutrient Dense Vegetables

When it comes to eating vegetables, there aren’t many limits. Vegetables are nutrient dense in general, so as long as you get good daily servings of them, you will have a great diet for Zepbound. Though you should especially make sure to get your leafy greens. Leafy greens are packed with several types of vitamins. They have vitamins A, B6, C, K, calcium, potassium, and iron. Leafy greens are also among the most fiber filled vegetables, and they will keep your digestive system running smoothly, which is important when you’re on Zepound. Zepbound can cause several stomach issues that can be improved with gut healthy foods like vegetables and leafy greens. 

Zepbound is a powerful weight loss drug that will make you shed several pounds, but you also have to play your part by improving your diet. Zepbound works well, but will work ideally when you work with it to reduce your weight and make your body overall healthier. When you make sure that a large part of your diet is foods that are compatible with Zepbound, you will be amazed at the results you get.

You should consult a licensed health care professional before starting any supplement, dietary, or exercise program, especially if you are pregnant or have any pre-existing injuries or medical conditions.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases.

Author: Dr. Emil Hodzovic

Holding degrees in both medicine and Sports + Exercise Science from renowned research institution Cardiff University, Dr. Emil Hodzovic has the dual distinction of being a practicing clinician and respected authority in nutrition and supplementation.

During his parallel careers as a personal trainer and professional athlete, Dr. Emil recognized a critical flaw in the supplement space: too much emphasis on appearance and performance—and zero concern for making holistic health and happiness accessible to everyone.

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