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Where Can You Buy Berberine Supplements?

Main image courtesy of Longevity Technology.

If you’re looking for a way to support healthy blood sugar levels, improve the functionality of your gut, and maybe even lose a little weight, you should consider taking berberine. This supplement is very popular thanks to the host of benefits it provides. People who have successfully lost weight taking it have even called it “nature’s Ozempic” because of how effective it is at helping people reach their weight loss goals.

If you want to know more about berberine, including where to buy it, you’ve come to the right place. In today’s article, we’re discussing:

  • Berberine and its benefits
  • The side effects of berberine
  • Where to buy berberine
  • Who should take berberine

What is berberine and what are the benefits?

Let’s cover what berberine is and what are its potential health benefits

two bodies putting measuring tape around their waists
Berberine is found in plants that are made into easy to take supplements. Image courtesy of Total Wellness & Bariatrics.

Berberine is a compound that is naturally found in a variety of plants and trees, including barberry, goldenseal, and tree turmeric. It belongs to a specific class of alkaloids and appears yellow in color, which is why it is sometimes used as a dye. In traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine, it was used to help treat inflammation in the body, as well as nausea and upset stomach. Inflammation is one of the most common underlying causes for disease and chronic conditions. When the body is working to fight off inflammation, the immune system cannot operate at peak performance. This means that there is a greater chance of developing issues that can have lasting effects such as heart disease, obesity, and diabetes. 

This compound has undergone multiple studies in recent years, and in addition to helping reduce inflammation, more benefits were uncovered. But how does berberine interact with your body to help it? It works at the cellular level, activating a specific enzyme known as AMP-activated protein kinase. This enzyme works with your body’s metabolism and it is found throughout a variety of bodily systems. Because berberine can target different cells and processes at the same time, it has many proven benefits.

So, what are berberine’s benefits?

Helps lower blood sugar levels

One of the major reasons extensive research and studies have been done on berberine is because it can help lower blood sugar levels. This is especially significant for those people with type 2 diabetes. Many diabetics deal with insulin resistance, which means their body cannot lower blood sugar on its own. Berberine may be able to help with this as it:

  • Makes insulin more effective. Diabetics struggle to lower their blood sugar levels, which is why many need to take insulin. In addition to insulin, when diabetics take berberine as well, it makes insulin more effective. The berberine can help lessen the insulin resistance that’s taking place, allowing the insulin to do its job.
  • Helps with the breakdown of sugars. Breaking down sugars effectively is another process that diabetics struggle with. Berberine works to increase glycolysis so the sugars can break down in the body and go exactly where they’re supposed to go.
  • Slows the breakdown of carbs. Carbs are used for energy, but some diabetics struggle to break them down. This means their body isn’t getting the energy it needs to successfully take care of processes. Berberine may help the body slow down the breakdown of carbs so that you have extended energy levels and aren’t always feeling fatigued.
  • Increases good bacteria in your gut. Our gut bacteria exists in a delicate balance that’s essential for the digestive system. Throwing the bacteria numbers out of whack can have some uncomfortable side effects on your small intestines, which is why you should always work to keep your gut bacteria levels healthy. Too much bad bacteria can lead to infection or inflammation, and possibly conditions such as SIBO.

Diabetics who are interested in taking berberine should always consult their doctor, as they are probably also using other medications that could interact with the supplement.

Can assist with weight loss

Many people who are taking berberine are diabetics who are looking to help better regulate their blood sugar levels. Once these levels are stable, they may experience some weight loss. While social media is talking about the weight loss effects of berberine, it should be noted that you should not expect to see dramatic results, and a few pounds or inches is more realistic. That’s not to say you won’t lose weight, however, but berberine is primarily taken to help with blood sugar levels and to support gut and immune system health. The weight loss is just a nice extra side effect!

Lowers cholesterol

If you have high cholesterol, taking a berberine supplement could be just what you need to help lower them. Heart disease is still one of the most common conditions across the world, and it is the leading cause of death globally. Keeping your heart healthy is essential to living your best life, and this means keeping your cholesterol levels in check. Berberine studies have shown that taking these supplements can lower your LDL (bad) cholesterol levels, and raise your HDL (good) cholesterol levels. It also decreases your total cholesterol level, as well as the amount of triglycerides. Typically you’ll take this supplement in conjunction with other heart medication to help lower your cholesterol levels.

Because diabetes and obesity greatly increase your risk of developing heart disease, it’s nice to know that berberine can assist you with these conditions as well.

Gut health 

When our gut is healthy, our immune system is supported and we feel our best. However, sometimes the amount of bad bacteria outweighs the amount of good bacteria in the gut, throwing everything off balance. Taking berberine could help keep the balance of bacteria in your gut so you can avoid inflammation and a weakened immune system. When your gut is healthy and your immune system is functioning properly, you are better protected from infections.

Berberine has an effect on a variety of bodily systems. Because it can interact with cells at the cellular level, it has the potential to provide a lot of health benefits to those that take it.

Are there side effects to taking berberine?

Now we know the benefits of berberine, but are there any side effects?

pills, stethoscope, water glass, and thermometer
There are mild side effects to taking berberine. Image courtesy of Unsplash.

No matter if you want to take berberine to help lower your blood sugar, improve your gut health, or lose some weight, you should be aware that there is always the risk of side effects. Your first step should be to consult with your doctor, in order to determine if this supplement is a good idea for your situation, and if you can expect to see the benefits. If so, your doctor will start you out with a low dosage, and then gradually increase it from there. Most people take around 500mg three times a day. You can also choose to take your berberine all at once.

The side effects of taking berberine can include:

  • Gas
  • Upset stomach
  • Headache
  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation

These side effects are considered mild, but there is the possibility you may experience some or all of them. If these side effects linger and don’t improve, discuss what the best course of action is with your doctor.

Is berberine safe?

Yes, berberine is considered safe to take. There are many benefits to taking berberine, but some people may experience mild side effects. Doctors recommend that you take berberine daily for up to six months, and then stop taking the supplement and evaluate your progress. The reason they want patients to stop after this time period is because there is a lack of longer term data on its effects for more than six months on the body. It’s best to follow your doctor’s instructions, so make sure you’re taking the dose they prescribe for as long as they say.

Pregnant or breastfeeding women should avoid taking berberine because there is the chance that it can pass to the baby and cause brain damage.

What foods are high in berberine?

Berberine is found in plants, trees, and shrubs that are not typically found in grocery stores. This is why most people decide to take berberine as a supplement in capsule form.

Where can you buy berberine?

What are the best places to buy berberine?

berberine bottle
You can purchase berberine online from Dr. Emil! Image courtesy of Dr. Emil.

While you may not be able to find the raw form of berberine easily, as it’s derived from plants like tree turmeric (not the same as regular turmeric), goldenseal, barberry, and phellodenrum among others. You can however easily get berberine supplements! Dr. Emil’s Berberine Plus supplements are a great choice if you’re looking to help your gut health, regulate your blood sugar levels, suppress your appetite, and even lose some weight. These capsules are available for purchase on the site, or on Amazon. 

Amazon is a great place to buy berberine supplements because you can do research and compare brands side by side. Depending on why you want to take this supplement, you may also find there are additional supplements you can add to your daily routine. Besides Amazon, you could always stop by your local pharmacy and check out what berberine supplements they have available there. If you have any questions, the pharmacist will be able to answer them so you can feel confident purchasing the right supplements for you.

But before you buy berberine, either online or in-store, make sure you clear it first with your doctor. They’ll be able to tell whether or not these supplements would benefit you, and may even have a few brands that they recommend. 

Who should take berberine?

While berberine is primarily taken by diabetics to help regulate their blood sugar levels, you may also want to take it to improve your gut health or drop a few pounds. As we discussed earlier, berberine can also help keep your heart functioning well by reducing your overall levels of cholesterol. In addition to other medication, it could be the extra boost your body needs to reduce harmful levels.

Tips to stay healthy with berberine

Get on the right track with your health with these tips and berberine

two men planking
Keep your body healthy and follow these easy tips. Image courtesy of Unsplash.

People are interested in taking berberine for a variety of reasons, but their main goal is to work to keep themselves healthy. Staying healthy is something you can work on each day, and once you start to get into a healthy routine, it becomes much easier to make good choices. Supplements like berberine are a great way to help your body feel its best, but there are some additional ways to stay on track towards your health and fitness goals.

  • Maintain a healthy weight. Obesity is a chronic condition that can lead to diabetes and heart disease. One of the best ways to avoid these conditions is by taking control of your weight and making it a point to keep it at a healthy number. This will look different for everyone, and there is no one correct amount to weigh. Discuss with your doctor what a healthy weight looks like on your body, and make choices to get there!
  • Move your body. A great way to keep a good weight is moving your body. Aim to try and exercise most days of the week, for at least 20-30 minutes. In addition to cardio just as walking, jogging, swimming, or biking, you should try and work in some weight training as well, whether that’s with a weight set or body weight training.
  • Eat balanced. Your body needs fuel so it can operate at peak performance, so make sure you’re getting a balanced diet that has all the vitamins and minerals it needs. Plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and whole grains.
  • Limit alcohol and tobacco. If you can try and limit your intake of alcohol and try to quit smoking if possible this will definitely help you lead a healthier life.
  • See your doctor for screening tests. Make sure to meet with your doctor regularly so they can check up on your health, and schedule you for any screening tests that might be right for you.

There are all kinds of ways for you to buy berberine, whether it’s online or in store. If your doctor thinks this supplement is right for you, consider picking some up today!

You should consult a licensed health care professional before starting any supplement, dietary, or exercise program, especially if you are pregnant or have any pre-existing injuries or medical conditions.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases.

Author: Dr. Emil Hodzovic

Holding degrees in both medicine and Sports + Exercise Science from renowned research institution Cardiff University, Dr. Emil Hodzovic has the dual distinction of being a practicing clinician and respected authority in nutrition and supplementation.

During his parallel careers as a personal trainer and professional athlete, Dr. Emil recognized a critical flaw in the supplement space: too much emphasis on appearance and performance—and zero concern for making holistic health and happiness accessible to everyone.

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