Multi Collagen Plus

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Will I Get Side Effects From My NMN Intake?

Thanks to the works of modern medicine, people all over the world are living longer and longer. According to the World Health Organization, the population of older individuals in the world is expected to reach over 2 billion by 2050 which is doubled by the age population. Even though this is the case, it’s still important that we do what we can to protect our health as we get older. The rise in age expectancy and population of older adults is not necessarily indicative of a rise in overall health. Our susceptibility to diseases will inevitably increase as we age due to our organs accumulating damage and declining function. This is why anti-aging remedies have become increasingly important, to reduce the risk of some of these age-related diseases and allow us to live longer as well as remaining healthy. 

NMN bottle - aids energy metabolism by dr emil

One of the most effective anti-aging targets out there is NAD+, or nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide. NAD+ works to mediate the production of the energy our cells need to survive, while fueling the enzymes that work to repair DNA damage. However, NAD+ declines rapidly as we get older. To help restore our NAD+ levels, we can take supplements of the biochemical precursor referred to as NMN or nicotinamide mononucleotide. NMN can be taken orally or in supplement form to raise those NAD+ levels. 

In this article, we’ll go over some benefits of NMN in more depth, in addition to other vital information such as:

  • Recommended dosage amounts
  • NMN side effects that can arise 

Top 5 Benefits of Using NMN

NMN is a vital precursing component to NAD+ production, which works mainly to provide our cells with more sufficient levels of energy in order to function properly. A lack of cellular energy is a main factor that can speed up the aging process, so this is why NMN is referred to as anti-aging. Along with increasing cellular energy in general, check out of the other benefits NMN has to offer. 

NMN has some major benefits that impact our body’s most important systems.

Healthy Heart

Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death all over the world, which is why our heart health is so important to protect. As we age, our hearts are more prone to irregular rhythms. Irregular heartbeats can lead to some pretty serious consequences, including heart failure and even death. Once our heart tissue becomes damaged, it’s exceptionally difficult for it to recover due to the fact it is so sensitive. Heart tissue that has been damaged will result in scarring, which in many cases can lead to heart dysfunction. NMN can work to recover heart function by reducing scarring, as well as rejuvenating the mitochondria by improving heart metabolism and protecting against heart failure. 

Fight Against Obesity and Diabetes 

Insulin resistance is one of the metabolic deficiencies that is directly linked to obesity. According to a study, NMN can double the amount of mitochondria of livers in mice, which works to protect against obesity. NMN can also stimulate fat breakdown which will help those who are obese to lose weight. Eating too much or improperly and becoming obese can have a devastating effect on our metabolism, as well as lead to diabetes. NMN can also prevent kidney disease and neuron degeneration that’s associated with diabetes. It’s important to note that while NMN can work to prevent obesity and diabetes, it’s imperative that you continue to maintain exercise on your own to further prevent these kinds of risks. 

Improve Brain Function

In another study done on mice, research has provided evidence that shows NMN was able to enhance brain function by increasing brain blood vessel dilatation and blood flow to the brain. The human brain needs at least 20 percent of total resting body oxygen, even if it only takes up 2 percent of our body mass overall. When there is enough blood flow to the brain, this will ensure that it gets enough oxygen and nutrients to carry out all of its most basic and crucial functions. 

Increasing blood flow to the brain is another great benefit of using NMN.

Enhances DNA Repair

As we age, our DNA or the code for the building blocks of our cells will most likely accumulate some damage. NAD+, which is what NMN leads to, fuels an enzyme referred to as sirtuin. Sirtuin plays an extremely critical role in working to repair our DNA. The DNA at the end of our chromosomes, or telomeres, grow shorter each time our cells are dividing. This telomere shortening can begin to damage our cells and genes at a certain point, but sirtuins will work to stabilize the telomere length and slow down the process. These sirtuins also rely on NAD+ in order to function, so an increase in NMN can work to enhance the process overall.

Improve Fertility

The immature egg cell that develops into a maternal egg is referred to as an oocyte. The quality of these oocytes are expected to naturally decrease as the female body ages. According to another mice study, NMN can actually benefit fertility. This is done by enhancing the number along with the quality of maternal eggs. This might mean that women’s reproductivity could be improved in their later years. 

There have only been a few clinical investigations on the benefits NMN can offer, with clinical trials that involve humans still remaining in process to determine other safety measures. More research of the effects NMN can have on people is still much needed. 

NMN shows real promise in improving fertility.

NMN Dosage

Currently, there is no right or wrong consensus regarding the amount of NMN we should be taking. According to the 2022 clinical study assessing results of placebo, 300, 600, and 900 mg doses all found the greatest efficacy. An average of 900 mg is recommended as the daily dose for those wanting to get the most out of their NMN usage, without consuming an unsafe amount. Regardless, you should always look at the manufacturer’s label to see the amount they have recommended. It’s best just to stick to this number, with doses of between one and six tablets recommended in sizes between 100 and 500 mg. One of the most popular NMN supplements out there, Youngr by Wonderfeel, recommends two capsules that will bring your daily amount to 900 mg. 

Keio University School of Medicine Study

In recent years, the Keio University School of Medicine ran the first human clinical study for NMN. NMN was orally given to 10 healthy men, through 100, 200, and 500 mg NMN capsules. Prior to completing the study, participants had to fast for one night prior. Those among the study were only allowed to consume water for the 5 hours after the NMN administration, until they had received physiological examinations. When the results eventually came through, it was determined that the participants had been able to tolerate the NMN very well at each dosage. There were no gastrointestinal issues or changes to heart rate, blood pressure, oxygen saturation, or body temperature. 

The evidence from this study has proven that oral administrations up to 500 mg are safe. You can start taking more NMN once you start feeling comfortable and noticing the results, but it’s never advised to take anymore than 900 mg each day. It’s important to note that this study was done in healthy individuals, but the need remains for research for those already struggling with age-related disorders

Potential NMN Side Effects + Other Safety Concerns 

Overall, there have been no serious side effects in humans that have been due to the use of NMN. When taken at higher doses than intended, you could be facing side effects such as nausea, diarrhea, indigestion, and stomach discomfort. However, these are common side effects of supplements when taken in amounts that are too high. 

As with many supplements, there is such a thing as too much, so be sure you’re sticking to the recommended doses. 

The biggest concern that faces NMN today is safety. There are a number of cheap and fake imitations out there that make the standard claims of NMN, with prices that may seem too good to be true. Many of these options are not actually pure NMN, and are combined with other compounds that raise the risk of several safety issues. If a manufacturer is not clear with the ingredients used in a NMN supplement, the best thing you can do is stay away!

There is more of a potential for impurities when a company manufactures NMN in non cGMP-certified facilities where there is much higher risk for impurities to be found. In the U.S., NMN is still considered a dietary supplement which means that there are no requirements to prove that it is safe and truly effective. Before you go out and buy some NMN, it may be beneficial to look for brands that are clear about their manufacturing methods. The three common methods of manufacturing NMN include:

  • Chemical synthesis: This method creates a high yield and allows for careful control of starting materials, even though they are not sourced from biological systems. It uses environmentally-damaging solvents and impurities, with byproducts in the finished product being very difficult to remove.
  • Enzymatic synthesis: This option produces a higher yield and very high purity. It’s considered a green preparation method for the production of NMN, even though it is typically more on the expensive side
  • Fermented biosynthesis: This method has a low yield with a high quality, although not being suited well to commercial production.

You will find that many options for NMN are more on the expensive side, which is just what will come along with the manufacturing and processing aspects. While it may be a habit for many of us to try and find the best deals on things, there are certain things that are just worth the price. NMN as a perfect example!

You should consult a licensed health care professional before starting any supplement, dietary, or exercise program, especially if you are pregnant or have any pre-existing injuries or medical conditions.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases.

Author: Dr. Emil Hodzovic

Holding degrees in both medicine and Sports + Exercise Science from renowned research institution Cardiff University, Dr. Emil Hodzovic has the dual distinction of being a practicing clinician and respected authority in nutrition and supplementation.

During his parallel careers as a personal trainer and professional athlete, Dr. Emil recognized a critical flaw in the supplement space: too much emphasis on appearance and performance—and zero concern for making holistic health and happiness accessible to everyone.

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