Multi Collagen Plus

$ 23.95 

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How Much Collagen Should You Take Each Day?

Are you doing all you can to keep your skin firm, hair and nails shiny, and joints in good health? By adding a collagen supplement to your regular diet and exercise routine, you might be able to really look and feel your best. Not all collagen supplements are the same, and how do you know how much you should take on a daily basis? Let’s dive into why adding a collagen supplement might be a good idea for your healthy lifestyle and what the recommended daily doses are.


In this article we’re going to:

  • Explain why you might want to take collagen
  • Benefits of adding collagen supplements
  • How much to take each day

Why Might You Want to Add Collagen Supplements to Your Routine?

Many people see benefits of adding a collagen supplement to their daily routine

Adding a collagen supplement to your diet can help you combat the effects of aging and look and feel your best.

As humans age, we start to lose the connective tissues (collagen) found in our skin, ligaments, and bones, which enable us to move and stretch with ease. Since we start to produce less and less collagen, our skin, nails, and hair can also start to lose their shine and elasticity. When you add a collagen supplement to your daily routine, you're giving your skin a boost by helping it retain its elasticity, firmness, and stay hydrated. If you’re looking to get fresher, more supple skin, then adding a collagen supplement has been proven to help in various studies

Although collagen has shown to bring benefits to your skin, hair, and nails, there is much less research done on its effects on bone and joint health. While there is not a lot of research to prove whether or not collagen can help increase bone density and strength, it has previously shown to slow down bone degradation, and can help with the stiffness typical of osteoarthritis.

A collagen supplement that contains Types I, II, II, V & X will be the most helpful in reaching all of your beauty and wellness goals. Click here to shop Dr. Emil's Multi Collagen Plus Formula.

While you might not see the effects of collagen as drastically in your bones and joints, you can rest assured it is working to fight the effects of natural collagen loss elsewhere in your body.

Another possible benefit of collagen supplements is that it can aid in digestion and overall gut health. This is an important factor to consider when you’re reviewing a variety of possible collagen supplements. If you’re looking to get the most out of collagen supplements, make sure you choose a supplement that includes all five types

  • Type I. Helps the skin stay hydrated and supple.
  • Type II. This type helps support joints and cartilage located throughout the body.
  • Type III. Aids in keeping skin looking healthy and vibrant and can help with the normal function of the organs.
  • Type V. Another type that aids with skin hydration, forming cell surfaces, and keeping hair looking shiny.
  • Type X. Also referred to as the network-forming collagen, this type aids in keeping joints functioning at their best.

So now that you know what types of collagen do what, you can decide what your health goals are and choose your supplement accordingly! 

Woman drinking water
As with all supplements, it’s best to discuss your health goals with your doctor or healthcare provider

Collagen Takeaways:

  • Do determine your health goals and use the collagen supplements that can help you reach them.
  • Do your research and learn what types will work with your lifestyle.
  • Don’t assume that expensive supplements are the best ones out there--get a supplement that will help you reach your goals.

How Much Collagen Should You Take Each Day?

What are some common dosing recommendations, and how do you know which is right for you?

Recommended dosage

Now that you know some of the benefits of including collagen supplements into your daily routine, how do you know how much you’re supposed to take in order to see the results? As with all things related to your health and wellbeing, it’s always a good idea to discuss your health goals with your doctor. Depending on your age, height, and weight--as well as what you hope to achieve with collagen--your doctor can help you work out a plan to to safely start taking collagen. You can find collagen in tablets, capsules, and even powder, so depending on your preferences, your dosage will also vary. If you’re doing a powder, a good recommended dosage is to try and determine how much protein (which is what collagen is) your body needs daily. This will help ensure you’re replacing the right amount of collagen you’ve already lost.

Recommended dosages of collagen can vary widely, and depending on whether you take powder, capsules, or tablets, you want to make sure you’re getting the correct amount, which is why it’s crucial to discuss it with your doctor. This way you can ensure you’re taking enough of the supplement without going overboard.

dr emil multi collagen plus

Dosage Takeaways:

  • Do discuss your goals with your doctor. Depending on whether you’d like to increase the suppleness of your skin, or get some relief from joint stiffness, they can direct you to the right type of collagen supplements.
  • Do understand what type of collagen supplement will work for you--would capsules be easier than powder? Do you intend on also increasing your intake of collagen through your diet? These can affect dosage amounts.
  • Don’t rush into buying anything before you’ve done some research and talked it over with a healthcare provider. 

Many people have decided to start taking collagen supplements on a daily basis, and have easily incorporated it into their routines. If you’re interested in getting firmer skin, shiny hair, and maybe even helping out the cartilage in your joints, a collage supplement could be the right decision for you. Just remember to do your research and work out what your goals are--whether it’s younger skin or to just contribute to your overall healthy wellbeing. Make sure to talk to your doctor first and determine the dosage and type of collagen that’s right for you.

You should consult a licensed health care professional before starting any supplement, dietary, or exercise program, especially if you are pregnant or have any pre-existing injuries or medical conditions.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases.

Author: Dr. Emil Hodzovic

Holding degrees in both medicine and Sports + Exercise Science from renowned research institution Cardiff University, Dr. Emil Hodzovic has the dual distinction of being a practicing clinician and respected authority in nutrition and supplementation.

During his parallel careers as a personal trainer and professional athlete, Dr. Emil recognized a critical flaw in the supplement space: too much emphasis on appearance and performance—and zero concern for making holistic health and happiness accessible to everyone.

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