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Is White Kidney Bean a Carb Blocker?

Main image courtesy of LinkedIn.

Losing weight is a commitment you make to improve your long term health. Being overweight has a variety of health disadvantages, and can put you at a greater risk of developing chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and other conditions related to inflammation. However, it can be difficult to take weight off, and it requires a strong commitment to lifestyle changes, including taking a look at your diet, and increasing the amount of physical activity you do daily. While this change alone is enough for some people to see results, others might need a little extra help to drop the pounds. 

That’s where supplements prove to be very useful, and while there are many out there claiming to help you lose weight, only some have been actually tested in trials. One of the popular ways folks have been turning to in order to lose weight is with carb blockers like white kidney beans. But how does this all work? Glad you asked because in today’s article, we’re covering:

  • What carb blockers are
  • Is white kidney bean a carb blocker?
  • Is white kidney bean considered a stimulant?
  • How Dr. Emil’s Carb Blocker Complex can help you reach your goals

What is a carb blocker?

What exactly does a carb blocker do?

bread variations n a pile
Carbs are very tasty, but it’s very easy to consume too many. Image courtesy of Nugget Markets.

If you’ve been researching ways to help you lose weight, chances are you’ve come across the term carb blocker, or starch blocker. They can take the form of supplements, or they can be prescribed as a medication by your doctor. Either way, you take them in order to stop your body’s digestion of certain carbs. When you eat normally, your body works to digest both simple and complex carbohydrates and turn them into the energy you need to go about your day. Complex carbs are found in food such as bread, pasta, and potatoes, and require a specific enzyme in order to break them down into simpler structures so the body can absorb them. 

If you take carb blockers, however, they will not allow these enzymes to break down the complex carbs, so they simply pass through into the large intestine undigested. The small intestine is where the nutrients from food are absorbed, and since the larger complex carbs are inhibited from breaking down and pass through instead, they do not contribute to calories or nutritional value when you eat them. 

When larger chains of carbs pass to the colon, they can then be used as food for the bacteria that resides there.  Because carb blockers stop the digestion of complex carbs, people have seen some weight loss, while still consuming a diet with carbs. This seems to work in almost the same way if you were on a diet just restricting your calories. Limiting the amount of calories you consume in a day and ending it with a calorie deficit (in addition to physical activity) is a proven way to lose weight. Carb blockers prevent the absorption of carbs, so the calories are not absorbed, almost (but not exactly the same) as if you did not consume the food item. 

What is the best carb blocker to take?

If this sounds like something that interests you, then you’ll be happy to know there are a few ways you can consume carb blockers. One of the most popular supplements for blocking carbs is white kidney bean extract. However you can also use garcinia cambogia or green tea, as they also contain ingredients that prevent the absorption of complex carbs. Be sure to consult with your doctor before taking any additional supplements to help you with weight loss. Depending on your situation, they can guide you towards the best supplement for you, as well as the appropriate dosage amount. 

It’s important to remember that no matter which carb blocker you take, in order to see the results, you’ve got to consume a carb heavy meal. This means you’ll want to fill up on bread, rice, pasta, or starchy potatoes if you want to engage the carb blockers. If you’re eating meals that contain other ingredients such as a high amount of sugar, fat, or simple carbs, all of those nutrients will be digested and will count towards your caloric intake. 

What are the side effects of a carb blocker?

Although carb blockers are considered safe to take, it’s important to be aware of some potential side effects, typically in your digestive system because the complex carbs are passing to the colon and fermenting there. The more you use carb blockers, the less you should experience these symptoms.

  • Bloating
  • Stomach cramps
  • Excess gas
  • Diarrhea

Additionally, you may experience blood sugar drops, as the food you’re consuming is not being entirely digested. You should keep this in mind and speak to your doctor if you’re a diabetic or if you’re on medication. 

Do white kidney beans block carbs?

Can you take white kidney bean extract to effectively block carbs?

bowl of kidney beans
One of the best carb blockers you can take is white kidney bean extract. Image courtesy of Neelam.

We’ve mentioned that white kidney bean extract in particular is one of the most effective carb blockers available. But how exactly does it work to stop carbs from being absorbed into your system?

White kidney beans in particular have a high amount of alpha-amylase inhibitor isoform 1, which is what prevents the actions of alpha-amylase, the enzyme that is responsible for the absorption of carbs. When you prevent the enzyme from doing its job, the carbs simply pass through the small intestine into the colon. White kidney beans are naturally high in this specific inhibitor, which is why it’s one of the most popular supplements when it comes to carb blocking. But what are some of the other benefits you can expect if you choose to incorporate this into your routine?

The benefits of white kidney bean extract

  • Lose weight. The major benefit of white kidney bean extract, and why folks want to include it in their weight loss journey, is because it can help you drop pounds. Some studies have shown that taking them before a carb heavy meal consistently could help you lose a modest amount of weight, around 2-9 pounds. The amount of weight you lose depends on how many complex carbs you’re consuming as well—the more you consume the higher the amount of carbs that will be blocked. The amount of weight you lose on carb blockers like white kidney bean extract will also depend on how your body responds to this supplement, and how much physical activity you’re doing each day. Don’t expect to take a carb blocker, eat lots of carbs, engage in no exercise, and then lose weight!
  • Reduce appetite. One of the toughest parts of trying to lose weight and consuming less calories daily is dealing with hunger pangs. This is why it’s absolutely essential that your diet consists of food that fills you up and keeps you fuller for longer. In addition to a balanced diet, if you want to reduce your appetite, you may want to consider taking white kidney bean extract. 
  • Control blood sugar. Your body breaks down carbs into glucose, which is where we get the majority of our energy from. If you find that you’re consuming too many high-glycemic foods, it could cause a spike in your blood sugar levels and increase the glycemic effect. This process tells the body to increase insulin production so that the sugar from the glucose makes it into the cells for energy. If you’re someone who has a carb heavy diet, you’ll find that the carbs that aren’t used as fuel will be stored as fat—which is why higher carb intake (if you don’t burn appropriate amounts of calories)  is associated with weight gain. 

When you start taking white kidney bean extract, you’ll be blocking those carbs from absorption, and reducing the glycemic effect of food and the potential for insulin resistance—which can lead to type 2 diabetes. 

  • Provide “beneficial starch.” The large carbs that are blocked from absorption by white kidney bean extract will pass into the large intestine to be fermented by the gut bacteria. These carbs are acting like resistant starches, which cannot be digested in the small intestine, much like fiber. When the bacteria ferment these complex carbs, they release short chain fatty acids, which can lead to healthier gut bacteria and better blood sugar control. 

Including white kidney bean extract into your routine could be the right decision for you, especially if you know you like to include a lot of complex carbs in your diet. If you feel you could benefit from a little extra help when it comes to losing weight, curbing your appetite, controlling your blood sugar, or helping out your gut bacteria, make sure you speak to your doctor! 

Is white kidney bean extract a stimulant?

No, white kidney bean extract is not considered a stimulant. When you think about losing weight, chances are you associate it with burning calories, which of course is true when it comes to exercising. And as long as you burn more calories than you consume throughout the day, you should expect to see weight loss results. However this is not how white kidney bean extract works.

Instead it contains an ingredient that works as an inhibitor to the enzyme that breaks down carbs in our small intestines. Because it targets that specific enzyme, your body cannot break down a lot of the complex carbs you consume, and they pass into your colon. Since they are not absorbed, there are no calories to account for. Keep in mind that just because you're taking white kidney bean extract that all the complex carbs you consume will pass to your gut. Carb blockers do not completely prevent carbs from being absorbed, and at best tend to block 50-65% of the enzymes that would have broken down the carbs for absorption. 

How much white kidney bean extract to take

There is no recommended dosage for white kidney bean extract, but most healthcare professionals recommend taking between 445-3,000mg per day in order to see results. You can find white kidney bean extract in capsule form, which makes it very easy to include in your routine. You could also consider adding more white kidney beans to your diet, as legumes are a great source of plant based protein as well. 

Dr Emil’s Carb Control Complex

Get all the white kidney bean extract you need and more! 

This supplement includes carb blockers as well as ingredients to help balance your blood sugar levels. Image courtesy of Dr. Emil.

If you’re looking for the smart way to include white kidney bean extract into your weight loss routine, consider picking up a bottle of Dr. Emil’s Carb Control Complex. If you really want to make progress in your weight loss journey, this would be a welcome inclusion to your daily regimen. This easy to take supplement contains:

  • Gymnema sylvestre in order to help regulate blood sugar levels and to help reduce those cravings for something sugary
  • White kidney bean extract to block the digestion of carbs
  • Berberine in order to help you better regulate sugar levels and improve insulin resistance
  • Garcinia cambogia to suppress appetite and help you to increase your fat burning metabolism
  • Cluster dextrin to give you a stable, long lasting source of energy, which is great for either pre or post workout

This supplement can help you lose weight, balance out your blood sugar levels, curb cravings, and manage your carb intake. When you’re ready to lose weight, Carb Control Complex is there to help you out. Just take two capsules once a day with water, and you’ll be well on your way.

Is the carb blocker white kidney bean extract right for you?

Talk with your doctor and see if this supplement can help you achieve your weight loss goals and help you get control of your carb cravings!

You should consult a licensed health care professional before starting any supplement, dietary, or exercise program, especially if you are pregnant or have any pre-existing injuries or medical conditions.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases.