Image courtesy of Z Natural Foods.
Cambogia Garcinia is a South Asian plant with fatty seeds used in foods. It is primarily used to help with weight loss and with a few other issues. It is not well known in the U.S., but it has been getting attention amongst health conscious people lately. Many people are eager to attain better health, and plants like cambogia garcinia can help with that. It is used in foods across parts of South Asia and Africa, and is sold as supplements on the web. There are several ways to benefit from cambogia garcinia, and it could be useful to take advantage of them.
Cambogia garcinia can be used the traditional way in foods, or you can use it in a more current form, as a supplement. It is so sour in taste that it cannot be eaten on its own. Like lemons, cambogia garcinia needs to be cooked into food or diluted in a drink. There are people who make cambogia garcinia juice, jam, and daal, and you can become one of them if it appears to offer enough useful benefits for you. And if cooking this plant is not something you’d be interested in doing, or not skilled enough to do, there are cambogia garcinia supplements on the market.
What Is Cambogia Garcinia?

Cambogia garcinia is a plant native to Southeast Asia that is typically used in food. Its proper name is garcinia gummi-gutta, and it is also known as Malabar tamarind and brindle berry, and has recently gained popularity for its purported weight loss benefits. This plant is grown in Sri Lanka, India, Indonesia, and parts of Africa. It looks like a green pumpkin and is a similar size to a tomato. It has a sour taste and is often pickled for that reason. It is also commonly used in curries, particularly fish curry.
Cambogia garcinia’s seeds have a high fat content and are sometimes used as a replacement for ghee and clarified butter. People have been using this plant for its health properties for a while, and it is just now growing in popularity in the west because of what it can do. Its biggest draw is that it helps with weight loss and reduces appetite. One reason it's effective at helping with weight loss is a compound it contains. The compound is called hydroxycitric acid, and it prevents an enzyme in the body from storing fat the way it's supposed to. Cambogia garcinia isn’t easy to find in plant form, but you can find supplements in stores and online.
What is Hydroxycitric Acid?
Hydroxycitric acid is a derivative of citric acid. It is found in a few different plant species that are native to South Asia. These plants include Garcinia cambogia, Garcinia indica, and Garcinia atroviridis. Garcinia indica is a plant known as the kokum plant. The kokum plant has many culinary and pharmaceutical uses. Garcinia atroviridis is known as the asam geluger plant. It is a tree that is native to Singapore. Hydroxycitric acid can be harvested from each of these plants, but is most primarily taken from cambogia garcinia. You can get it straight from the plant sources or from the supplements on the market that isolate and package the hydroxycitric acid. It is often mixed with other substances in a single supplement.
What Are the Benefits of Cambogia Garcinia?

Studies over the years have shown that cambogia garcinia has an impact on weight loss. Cambogia Garcinia contains a substance called garcinia extract, also known as hydroxycitric acid (HCA). HCA is a derivative of citric acid. It’s the reason why cambogia garcinia is considered to be good for weight loss. HCA is often used as a supplement on its own or even combined with other substances to create weight loss supplements.
One way that cambogia garcinia affects weight loss is the way it targets the enzyme adenosine triphosphatase-citrate-lyase, and inhibits its function. Adenosine triphosphatase-citrate-lyase is responsible for the synthesis of fatty acids and cholesterol. When these processes are inhibited, the body’s cells wind up holding on to less fat. HCA also contributes to the release of serotonin in the brain. Serotonin is a feel good hormone that acts as a bit of an appetite suppressant. HCA also reduces carbohydrate metabolism by inhibiting pancreatic alpha amylase and intestinal alpha glucosidase. This causes your body to absorb less carbs, which are a big source of weight gain for many people.
Another way an increase in serotonin can affect weight loss is that serotonin uplifts moods, which can cause a decrease in eating for emotional purposes. Many people eat when they are stressed, which is one big reason for all their weight gain. More serotonin in their brains will keep them feeling more content and eating less out of stress throughout each day. Cutting out stress eating is sure to have a significant effect on weight for people who deal with this issue.
What Are the Side Effects of Cambogia Garcinia?
Cambogia garcinia is safe for healthy people to take in the right doses, you just have to make sure that you pay attention to what those doses are. It is okay to take up to 2,800 mg per day, and you should make sure not to surpass that. Even healthy substances can cause negative effects when taken in too large doses, and cambogia garcinia can have some negative effects when overused.
Some side effects of cambogia garcinia include digestive system disturbances, headaches, and rashes. These side effects will be relatively mild and will disappear with proper usage. Though studies have shown that the plant can have more serious side effects to it. It is reported that a woman once developed serotonin toxicity from taking cambogia garcinia with her antidepressants. There are also studies on animals that show that taking cambogia garcinia at far higher than the recommended dose can cause testicular atrophy and decreased sperm production.
You should speak to your doctor before taking cambogia garcinia just to make sure that it is a good fit for you. You don’t want to end up having an unexpected reaction because you didn’t realize that a medication you are on shouldn’t be taken with cambogia garcinia. The next thing you need to do to avoid side effects is taking the recommended doses. The recommended dose can vary between brands, but the general amount you can take per day is 500 mg up to three times per day. It is also best to take it about 30-60 minutes before a meal for the best absorption possible.
Where To Buy Cambogia Garcinia
Cambogia garcinia is something you can find from several sources. If this isn’t something you have heard about until now, you might expect it to be difficult to find, but cambogia Garcinia supplements can be found at many stores. You can find them at GNC, Rite Aid, the Vitamin Shoppe, and Target. If you would like to buy it online, you can get it from Amazon, iHerb, Natural Genius, and even DoorDash. You can also find supplement blends that contain a percentage of cambogia garcinia. Dr. Emil offers a version like that you can order online. You might not always find it in stores when you walk in but you will definitely find it online.
Carb Control Complex
Cambogia Garcinia supplements assist with weight loss, and you can find supplements that contain it combined with other ingredients with retailers like Dr. Emil. Dr. Emil offers a carb control complex that contains a significant amount of cambogia garcinia. It is a mix of that along with other substances that target the absorption of carbs in the body. Combined, these substances are meant to work together to deliver maximum results.
This supplement is a mix of multiple substances that help control carbs. It offers 300 mg per serving of white kidney bean extract, 300 mg of gymnemic acid, 200 mg of bitter melon extract, and 200 mg of cambogia garcinia. The white kidney bean extract prevents the digestive system from breaking down carbs for absorption, the gymnemic acid stops sweet substances from binding to receptors, and bitter melon extract can be used to treat diabetes and is filled with vitamins. All together, each of these substances combine to keep carbs from ruining your weight loss gains.

Carb control complex is made with several ingredients that will impact your digestive system and ability to lose weight in the best ways. Its benefits include:
- Carb control. Multiple ingredients combine to help you manage your carb intake. Carbs are often one of the biggest culprits to people putting on extra weight, so the more you can control this, the better.