Multi Collagen Plus

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The Benefits Of Matcha Collagen

Image courtesy of Biotona

Matcha and collagen are both things that are ingested because of all the benefits they provide the body, but do you know what those benefits are? Some cultures have been using matcha for years, and some have only just become aware of its many benefits, but either way, matcha is known as a superfood that gives the body a host of benefits. Collagen is naturally occurring in the body, and has been made into supplement form to provide the most possible benefits to people who care about their health. 

These supplements have been used for a long time, and are now being combined in some cases for the benefits they can provide together. Matcha collagen is a blend of both matcha and collagen that provides all the benefits of matcha and collagen combined. If you’re curious about whether this healthy blend is right for you, we have the information that you need to figure that out!

What Is Matcha Collagen?

Matcha Collagen is a blend of two beneficial ingredients in powder form, matcha and collagen. Matcha green tea powder is mixed together with collagen peptides powder to create the ultimate superfood supplement! These things combined will give you the benefits of each one with just one stirred drink. But to really understand matcha collagen, you will first need to understand matcha and collagen separately. 

What is Matcha?

matcha collagen powder in a bowl and as a tea
A nutritious blend packed with sweet flavor. Image courtesy of Healthline

Matcha is a type of green tea that originated in East Asia. It has long been used in Japanese tea ceremonies, and in recent years has become popular in the U.S. as well. It is made when dried green tea leaves are ground into a powder. It creates a green tea beverage with a different consistency than usual, it is thick and comes with its own special benefits. Matcha has a vibrant green color that makes drinks made with it turn out bright and colorful. It even manages to have even more benefits than regular green tea despite coming from the same source. You can find matcha at every grocery store and at most tea and coffee shops. 

There are different ways to enjoy matcha, and one of the most popular and traditional ways to enjoy it is to make it into tea. Matcha isn’t the average tea, so you need to make it differently than you would the average tea cup, but it won’t take long for you to get the hang of it. Since matcha doesn’t come in a tea bag, what you will need to make it into tea is a bowl and a bamboo whisk. A small sifter will also be helpful. The first thing you will do is put one tablespoon of matcha powder into the bowl, then you will add two ounces of hot water, stir it vigorously with your whisk, and then pour it into your cup of choice. 

There are other delicious ways to enjoy matcha, and that includes matcha lattes, smoothies, and even desserts. A matcha latte starts off similarly to how you would make a simple matcha tea, but you will add about a cup of milk to it. This creates a drink that is creamy and delicious, and one that you can now find at most coffee shops. Another great way to enjoy matcha is to bake it into desserts. Now this isn’t the healthiest way to get matcha’s benefits, but it will sure make for a great dessert!

Benefits of Matcha

Matcha has numerous benefits that anyone could get great use from. For one, matcha is filled with antioxidants. Antioxidants are compounds in foods that neutralize free radicals. They do this by limiting oxidation, a process that produces harmful free radicals. Matcha helps enhance brain function, may help to prevent cancer, promotes heart health, and can even help you lose weight. Recent studies have even found that matcha may help play an important role in protecting the liver. Matcha even has a higher concentration of caffeine than regular green tea, something that may help produce its effects in the brain. 

Matcha contains several useful vitamins. It contains vitamin C, magnesium, zinc, and selenium. Vitamin C is known for boosting the immune system, and that is a significant factor, but there are extra lesser known benefits of vitamin C. It can help prevent cell damage and lower blood pressure. Selenium is used to activate the thyroid hormone. It works as a protein in the body and functions as an antioxidant. Selenium also reduces oxidative stress by limiting the number of free radicals in your body. Magnesium is used by every cell in the body.  It assists with energy creation, protein formation, gene maintenance, muscle movements, and nervous system regulation. Zinc is there to help your immune system and metabolism function, so the more of it you can get, the better. 

What is Collagen?

collagen being poured into glass of water
This simple powder does so much. Image courtesy of Byrdie

Collagen is a protein that accounts for a large percentage of protein in the body. It provides your skin, muscles, and bones with the strength that they need to function at the highest levels. Collagen is something that your body produces naturally, but with collagen on the market, you can maximize the benefits it brings. It is known as a building block because its presence helps build the major parts of the body. 30 percent of your body’s protein is made up of collagen, making it one of the most important proteins in your body. 

There are 28 types of collagen, but four types are most prominent. There is type I, which is found in all connective tissue, type II, found in joints and disks, type III, which is found in skin and blood vessels, and type IV, located in the kidneys, eyes, and ears. And then there is the type V collagen, which is found in the eyes, skin, and even the placenta. Collagen is what keeps many parts of our body perfectly intact and running smoothly. 

Collagen is usually taken as a supplement. It can be swallowed as a capsule, but one of the most popular ways to take collagen is in powder form. Collagen powder, also known as collagen peptides, is the best way to take in extra collagen into your diet. Collagen powder has been hydrolyzed, making it easier to digest, meaning it can really work its magic on your system. You can put collagen powder into any drink you like, hot or cold. It will turn any beverage into a much healthier treat. Collagen can also be added to drinks in liquid form, the next best way to get extra collagen after capsules. 

Benefits of Collagen

Collagen contributes to the health of all your major organs. It replaces dead skin cells, gives skin elasticity, helps blood clot, reduces joint pain, and reduces skin dryness, which can slow down wrinkles. Collagen helps reduce joint pain by keeping your cartilage healthy and intact. Weak and worn cartilage can be a big contributor to joint pain. That is why osteoarthritis becomes more of a potential problem as you age and the cartilage in your body decreases. And on top of helping keep the integrity of cartilage, collagen also prevents bone loss. Your bones break down with age, and adding extra collagen that your body is no longer making into your system can slow down the process. 

Collagen can also help boost muscle mass. Losing muscle mass is another issue that often happens due to age and the natural loss of collagen in the body. Many issues with the body that happen as a result of age, occur as a result of the loss of collagen. You can’t reverse aging with collagen, but you can certainly reduce some of its major effects. Another thing that collagen does is increase heart health. Collagen provides structure to the arteries, making them healthier the more collagen there is in your system. Collagen is currently being studied for its other potential benefits like nail and hair strength, gut health, and brain health. 

How Is Matcha Collagen Used?

matcha smoothie
Your overnight oats just got even healthier. Image courtesy of Kim’s Cravings

Now that you know all the benefits of matcha and collagen, you likely know that they will pair well together. Both are commonly used as a powder, and so mixing the two powders together to create a super powder has been super simple to do. You can use matcha collagen in the same ways that you would use matcha or collagen on their own. You can make it into tea, blend it into smoothies, and bake it into desserts. 

Matcha collagen can also be used for topical applications. If you’re interested in making DIY products or enhancing the ones you already have, try adding matcha collagen. It can be used to make face masks, hair conditioner, and even sugar scrubs. Ingesting matcha collagen is the best way to go about benefiting from it overall, but it is also an amazing beauty hack that can also work well from the outside. Use matcha collagen everywhere that you are willing to to get the maximum benefits that you can get from it. 

Side Effects of Matcha Collagen

Matcha collagen is an amazing combined supplement that offers lots of great benefits, but like with anything, it can come with some less than desirable side effects. One significant effect that can come from matcha is the side effects that come from too much caffeine. Caffeine makes people feel more alert and awake, but too much of it can cause you to feel anxious. On top of that, it can also cause headaches, insomnia, irritability, and frequent urination. Other matcha side effects include upset stomach, diarrhea, and insomnia. Insomnia is another issue that is mostly caused by overconsumption of caffeine. 

The tannins present in matcha can cause some stomach issues. When tannins reach an empty stomach, they can aggravate the acidic environment in your stomach, making it best to drink matcha collagen alongside food. Matcha is known to inhibit fat absorption, which can be positive in many cases. But although it regulates a person’s weight, unabsorbed fat goes into the digestive system to be released, leading to diarrhea. This effect can also be made worse through the presence of caffeine. 

Not many side effects come from the collagen side of this combination. Most of the side effects you’ll encounter will come from the matcha, but collagen can come with some side effects as well when used too much. A mild side effect of collagen is a heavy feeling in the stomach. This can lead to some slight discomfort, and there is a chance you could experience mild diarrhea. More severe side effects of collagen can include skin rashes, hyperglycemia, an overaccumulation of calcium, and kidney stones. Like with anything, you should avoid taking too much matcha collagen. That way, you will get to experience the benefits without all the drawbacks that come from taking too much. 

Matcha Collagen is a powerful combo that leads to a load of benefits that bring health to every type of body. Each one works great on its own, but combined, it is a really powerful supplement that brings far more benefits than drawbacks. When you take matcha collagen regularly, but within proper limits, you will improve your health significantly and drawbacks will be practically nonexistent. This is a combo that you’ll be glad you tried. It is just as delicious in a drink as it is nutritious.

You should consult a licensed health care professional before starting any supplement, dietary, or exercise program, especially if you are pregnant or have any pre-existing injuries or medical conditions.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases.

Author: Dr. Emil Hodzovic

Holding degrees in both medicine and Sports + Exercise Science from renowned research institution Cardiff University, Dr. Emil Hodzovic has the dual distinction of being a practicing clinician and respected authority in nutrition and supplementation.

During his parallel careers as a personal trainer and professional athlete, Dr. Emil recognized a critical flaw in the supplement space: too much emphasis on appearance and performance—and zero concern for making holistic health and happiness accessible to everyone.

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