Multi Collagen Plus

$ 23.95 

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The Best Time To Take Collagen for Weight Loss

Image courtesy of Call Centre Helper

Weight loss is a difficult goal to accomplish. Each day, there are tons of people struggling to lose weight they have put on, but having an impossible time at it. There are tons of weight loss products on the market because of this that claim to give out miracle cures. Some of it works and some of it doesn’t, but even when it comes to those that work, they often aren’t a permanent solution. Certain weight loss remedies aren’t sustainable, and some of them come with side effects people don’t want to deal with long term. But a weight loss remedy with powerful effects and minimal side effects does exist, and that remedy is collagen. 

Collagen is an important protein in the body that has many surprising benefits. It’s an important building block in the body that is produced naturally. When you take collagen, you are adding something to your body that already exists, and that’s part of why it comes with minimal side effects. Collagen can be found in many drug stores as well as online, and to experience its weight loss benefits, you need to know exactly how and when you need to take collagen. And we can help you with that. We’ll tell you what collagen is, how it works, and when to take it if you want to lose weight. 

What is Collagen?

person putting collagen powder in their ceramic mug
A tasty drink with a spoonful of nutrients. Image courtesy of verywellfit

Collagen is a protein that makes up a large percentage of the protein in the body. It’s a protein that your body produces naturally that you can also find on the market to buy. Collagen provides your skin, your bones, and your muscles with the strength they need to perform at their best. It is known to be a building block because of the way it helps build up major parts of the body. A whole 30 percent of the protein in your body is made up of collagen. It is one of the most important proteins in your body. 

When it comes to collagen, there are 28 types, and some are more prominent than others. Four types of collagen are most well known because of their important functions in the body. There is type I, which is found in all connective tissue, type II, found in joints and discs, type III, which is found in skin and blood vessels, and type IV, located in the kidneys, eyes, and ears. There is also a fifth one that is almost as well known as the four. There is the type V collagen, which is found in the eyes, skin, and even the placenta. Without collagen, the main parts of our bodies would not be able to function as well. 

Collagen is on the market in a few different forms that suit people best based on their needs and lifestyles and can be taken as a supplement. It can be swallowed as a capsule, or taken in powder form, and powder form is one of the most popular ways to take it. Collagen powder, also known as collagen peptides, make for an easy way to infuse collagen into your diet. Collagen powder is hydrolyzed, which makes it easier to digest. You can put it into any drink no matter the temperature, and you can even put it into food. The last way to use collagen is in liquid form. It can be added to drinks in liquid form, so it can be used similarly to the powder. 

Benefits of Collagen

Collagen is greatly involved in the health of every major organ. It is involved with replacing dead skin cells, giving skin its skin elasticity, helping blood clot, reducing joint pain, and reducing skin dryness. Collagen helps reduce joint pain and helps prevent bone loss. As you age, your body loses collagen and therefore some of the benefits it brings, so taking in more collagen will reverse those negative effects. 

Collagen has a few other benefits as well, like boosting muscle mass, providing structure to the arteries, as well as nail and hair strength. It can even contribute to your brain and gut health, and on top of all that help you lose weight. There are so many good reasons to start taking collagen, and if you want to lose weight, it is definitely something you should consider. And with collagen like many other supplements, to get the best results, you have to use it in the most efficient way. 

Side Effects of Collagen

Collagen is a supplement that is not known to cause any major side effects. It is one of the major benefits of taking collagen for weight loss. Many weight loss remedies come with several awful side effects, but that isn’t at all the case with collagen. Collagen almost comes with no major side effects when taken in normal doses, but it does have a few minor ones. A mild side effect of collagen is a heavy feeling in the stomach. This can lead to some slight discomfort, but nothing too difficult to handle. There is a chance that you can experience mild diarrhea after taking too much collagen. And if you go overboard taking collagen, you could experience more major side effects like skin rashes, hyperglycemia, an overaccumulation of calcium, and kidney stones. Though collagen is very forgiving, so as long as you take the right doses, you will feel more than okay.  

How Does Collagen Impact Weight Loss?

woman with oversized jeans and a bowl of fruit and measuring tape e
Getting results will feel so good. Image courtesy of Eat This Not That

There are a few different ways that collagen works to assist weight loss. Studies have shown that collagen affects multiple functions in the body that have a direct impact on weight loss. Because of the way that collagen affects your cells, muscles, and organs, it will have an affect on how you put on weight in a major way. 

Collagen improves satiety. One of the biggest obstacles many people face on the road to weight loss is appetite control. Some people have a much larger appetite than they would like, and therefore take in more calories in an average day than necessary for their bodies. That causes them to put on a lot of weight or maintain a high weight, and collagen can prevent that. Having less of an appetite will cause you to eat less throughout the day, making you eat less calories than usual, leading to weight loss. 

Collagen improves joint pain, and that is something that impacts someone’s ability to move and burn calories. When you have joint pain, even when it's mild, it can be tough to convince yourself to get any exercise. In fact, you may avoid doing even light tasks just to avoid feeling any level of discomfort. Collagen helps to rebuild bones and cartilage, which can reverse the pain in your joints. When the pain in your joints is relieved, you’ll be a lot more comfortable being up on your feet and getting an adequate amount of exercise that will lead to weight loss. 

Collagen also changes the way your body stores fat. This is a major factor in how it contributes to weight loss. It exists in every cell in your body, and that includes the fat cells. If you have decent levels of collagen in the body, that gives the body’s cells an important building block needed to function at their best. And since collagen is a type of protein, it doesn’t get stored in the body as fat because proteins don’t get stored as fat. So the more collagen that exists in your cells, the less fat cells will be stored in your body overall. 

Where To Get Collagen

Collagen can be found at a few popular drug and department stores. You can find collagen in supplements and powder form at Target, GNC, Rite Aid, CVS Pharmacy, and Walgreens. It will be on the shelves, so it's something that you can just pass by and pick up during any shopping trip. And when it comes to buying it online, you have many more options available to you. You can buy collagen on websites like Amazon, Nature Made, Sprouts Farmers Market, Dr. Emil, and The Vitamin Shoppe

bottle of collagen
Everything you need for healthy skin and a healthy digestive system. Image courtesy of Dr. Emil.

Dr. Emil’s Multi Collagen Plus has a number of great benefits that make it worth taking. It is the number one best selling collagen on Amazon. To give you the full picture, the list of benefits includes:

  • 5 types of premium collagen peptides. Collagen peptides are short strings of amino acids that boost muscle growth and muscle repair as well as bone growth and repair. These powerful peptides will give you the maximum benefits you are looking for!
  • Fast absorbing capsules. How fast something absorbs in your system determines how quickly it takes effect, and these capsules will take effect right away.
  • Supports healthy joints, bones, and digestion. Each of these things can impact your ability to lose weight when they aren’t in top shape, and collagen will help prevent that from happening. 
  • Gives hair, skin, and nails a youthful appearance. With collagen, you will not only feel better, but you will look better as well. 

How To Take Collagen

There are multiple ways you can go about taking collagen for weight loss. You can go with collagen powder, collagen supplements, and liquid collagen. How you take collagen can depend on your lifestyle choices. If you like to get up and go, a collagen supplement can be the best way for you to get it into your system. You can swallow capsules, and even chew on collagen gummies.

The most popular way to take collagen is in powder form. Collagen powder, also known as collagen peptides, is one of the most effective and potentially delicious ways to take in collagen. Collagen powder has been hydrolyzed, which makes it easy to digest, and it works really well added to drinks and food. You can put collagen powder into any drink or food that you want, and you won’t even notice it. If you enjoy making recipes, or simply have a smoothie habit, this will be the best way for you to get your daily dose of collagen. 

Liquid collagen is the least popular way to take it, but if that sounds like more your style, you can certainly find it. Collagen can also be added to drinks in liquid form, and it's a different texture going in than the powder. You can potentially have liquid collagen with plain water and still enjoy it. If you don’t want to make a flavorful drink to take in some collagen powder, this could be the best method for you. 

When To Take Collagen For Weight Loss

So when should you take collagen for the best effects? The truth is that collagen will benefit your body about the same no matter when you take it. So if you’re looking to maximize its overall effects, you don’t need to focus on the time of day you are taking it, but depending on your lifestyle, you might find it more beneficial to take it at a certain time over others. 

If you are prone to the mild gut issues you can experience from collagen, you might find it best to enjoy it in the morning mixed into your favorite day time drink. If you have trouble sleeping on the other hand, it is best to take collagen at night before you go to bed. It can help you enjoy a good night’s sleep when taken right before sleeping. 

Collagen is a powerful protein that can aid your weightloss journey in unexpected ways. If you find yourself sold on its positive benefits, you can get it online or in person as soon as you need it! This is a supplement that you have nothing to lose from trying except weight.

You should consult a licensed health care professional before starting any supplement, dietary, or exercise program, especially if you are pregnant or have any pre-existing injuries or medical conditions.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases.