Multi Collagen Plus

$ 23.95 

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What Happens When You Take Too Much Collagen? (And What to Do)

Is it true that you really can have too much of a good thing? With many things in life, there is a point of diminishing returns-- when too much is really too much! Many people want to see more radiant skin, have their joints ache less, and feel all around better-- which is why they’ve chosen to add a collagen supplement to their lifestyle. Although this supplement is completely safe and we encourage you to take it daily, can you take too much collagen, and what happens when you do? Let’s get to the bottom of this question and see:

  • What happens to your body when you take collagen?
  • Can you take too much?
  • What you can do when you take too much collagen

What Happens to Your Body When You Take Collagen?

How is collagen absorbed into your body?

collagen supplement by dr emil
Multi Collagen Plus with Biotin and Vitamin D is the perfect way to get all the best benefits of collagen and biotin together.

As we know, collagen levels in our bodies begin to decline with age, which is why many people have turned to collagen supplements to help them retain great skin, hair, nails, and relieve pain associated with their joints. If you’re looking to add this popular supplement to your daily routine, a good place to start is by learning how a collagen supplement will be absorbed into your body. Collagen supplements are typically found in powder, capsule, and tablet form. Even though it can provide many benefits for your skin, this is not something you can use in a cream or gel form--it is too large to pass through the first layer of skin.

Image courtesy of paljournal.net

So once you take your collagen supplement-- in whichever form works best for you--it will be absorbed in your gastrointestinal tract and taken to exactly where it is that it’s needed (where collagen is lacking in your body). The collagen will then promote ongoing collagen production in whatever areas need it the most. Studies have shown that even after four hours, the levels of collagen peptides can still be elevated, meaning it is still working hard to provide the stimulus for new collagen production. As you progress with your daily collagen dose you’ll start to notice changes to the levels of hydration in your skin, help with pain in joints, and it may even help you recover a little faster after an injury. This is why it’s key to stick with your collagen routine, because daily supplementation is the best way to see the results you want.

Collagen Dosage

Studies have shown that even after four hours, the levels of collagen peptides can still be elevated, meaning it is still working hard to provide the stimulus for new collagen production. As you progress with your daily collagen dose you’ll start to notice changes to the levels of hydration in your skin, help with pain in joints, and it may even help you recover a little faster after an injury. This is why it’s key to stick with your collagen routine, because daily supplementation is the best way to see the results you want.

You will really start to see the effects of your collagen supplements when you take it consistently. Whether you choose to add it to your morning coffee or tea, put it in a smoothie with lunch, or take it each night in capsule form, the important thing is to make it a part of your routine. After several weeks of taking a collagen supplement, you may notice your skin feeling more supple and hydrated, your joints aching less, and your hair and nails less brittle. These are all signs that collagen is doing what it needs to do! Although some people see results in around four weeks, we suggest you take it consistently for at least 12 weeks in order to see the results you’re looking for. 

Key takeaways:

  • Collagen supplements are absorbed through your body through your GI tract
  • Wherever there is a lack of collagen is where the peptides will go to first
  • Take daily to see the results you want

What if You Accidently Take Too Much Collagen?

Are there risks to taking too much of this supplement?

collagen supplement by dr emil

If you’re considering adding a collagen supplement to your routine, one question you might have is can you take too much? It might at first seem like an odd question, because our body in fact produces collagen, so how could you take too much? While this may be true, it is not generally regarded as a good idea to take an overwhelming amount of collagen at one time. Collagen supplements have been around for a while, and they are safe to take, but it’s always a good idea to stick within the recommended doses-- or the limits discussed by you and your doctor. Daily recommended dosages of collagen depend on your age, weight, height, and what form your supplement is in. If it’s a powder you could expect to take 10-30g, while if it’s a capsule, your recommended dosage might be 1,750mg. You can get your collagen in powder, tablet, and capsule form and take it at any time of day that works with your schedule. 

The amount of collagen you’ll take will also depend on what your goals are. If you’re looking to fight some of the effects of aging skin, or want to give your hair and nails a boost you might discuss with your doctor what the best option for you would be. However, if you have some joint pain or are curious about strengthening your bones as you age, your doctor might recommend a higher level to start with. Each person has a different amount that’s best suited to meet their goals, so make sure you speak with your healthcare provider about them.

Collagen Recomended Dosage

Key takeaways:

  • Do stick to the recommended dosage of collagen.
  • Do speak to your healthcare provider about your collagen supplement goals.
  • Don’t go overboard because you don’t see results yet.

What Do You Do if You Take Too Much Collagen?

Stick to the recommended dosages, and you won’t have to worry about this!

It might be tempting to go above the recommended daily dosages of collagen to “kick start” its effects, but should you choose to do so, speak with your doctor first. Although collagen is extremely safe, if you choose to take more, be aware that you might experience an upset stomach or bloating. Because collagen is something our body already produces, there are no harmful side effects of taking too much--besides being uncomfortable! It’s best to play it safe and stick to the dosage that’s right for you. After all, there are no studies to show that upping the doses will help you reach your health goals any faster.

Choose a collagen supplement with a safe, healthy, and effective collagen dosage to reach your health and wellness goals. Click here to shop Dr. Emil Nutrition's Multi Collagen Plus.

In addition, if you have any allergies to shellfish or eggs, you might want to avoid large doses of supplements that contain this type of collagen in case it could trigger an allergic reaction.


Key takeaways:

  • Do stick to the right dosage unless you want an upset stomach.
  • Do read the supplement’s label to ensure it won’t trigger any allergies.
  • Don’t equate higher doses with faster effects.
collagen supplement by dr emil

When collagen supplements--in the right doses-- are combined with a healthy regimen of diet and exercise, you’ll be on your way to reaching your goals in no time. Collagen is safe and easy to use each day, but we recommend sticking to the right dose for you and eliminate the possibility of uncomfortable side effects.

You should consult a licensed health care professional before starting any supplement, dietary, or exercise program, especially if you are pregnant or have any pre-existing injuries or medical conditions.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases.

Author: Dr. Emil Hodzovic

Holding degrees in both medicine and Sports + Exercise Science from renowned research institution Cardiff University, Dr. Emil Hodzovic has the dual distinction of being a practicing clinician and respected authority in nutrition and supplementation.

During his parallel careers as a personal trainer and professional athlete, Dr. Emil recognized a critical flaw in the supplement space: too much emphasis on appearance and performance—and zero concern for making holistic health and happiness accessible to everyone.

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