We all appreciate the wonderful benefits of taking collagen supplements– from the wonders it does for the firmness of our skin, the health of our hair, the strengthening of our joints, and even enhancing our gut health. As we age, we continue to lose our collagen stores, which is why taking a collagen supplement might be something you’re interested in starting. But when is the best time to take your collagen supplement? There are conflicting opinions all over the place, so let’s set the record in this article as we discuss:
- Best times to take your collagen supplements
- Is there a wrong time to take your collagen?
- How to get the most out of your collagen supplement
What is collagen?
Before we dive in, you may be thinking, “What is collagen, anyway, and why should I take it as a supplement”? Collagen makes up for 30% of your body's protein, and it has a variety of benefits when taking it as a supplement. It is best known for being in supplements that are marketed for hair, skin, and nails. As a person ages, their body naturally loses collagen, which is why taking a supplement can be beneficial.
Do I need to take a supplement to get collagen in my diet?
No, you do not necessarily need to take a supplement to get collagen in your diet. There are a variety of foods that contain collagen naturally. However, eating collagen rich foods will not directly raise the collagen levels in your body, because collagen is absorbed as amino acids. So, some foods that can help with collagen levels are:
- Fruits with Vitamin C, such as oranges and strawberries
- Vegetables such as mushrooms, cabbage, and asparagus
- Meats like turkey, chicken, or pork skin
- Foods with Zinc like dark leafy greens or whole grains
What is the Optimal Time to Take Collagen Supplements?
Should it matter what time of day you choose to take your collagen supplements?

Many of us have busy lifestyles, but that doesn’t mean we don’t take time for exercise and work to include healthy foods in our diet. If you’re considering adding a collagen supplement to your routine, it’s a good idea to first decide what form you’d prefer either powder, tablet, or capsule. Then you’ll need to decide what time of day best suits you to take your collagen. Although there is information claiming that taking your collagen at one time is better than the other, it’s simply not true. Experts in the field agree that as long as you’re taking the appropriate amount, you can take your collagen whenever it works best for you. This leaves you with a few options:
- Taking collagen in the morning
- Taking collagen with lunch everyday
- Taking collagen in the evening
It can be beneficial for your routine if you take your supplements at the same time every day. As with some medications, some supplements require that you take them around the same time daily so that they are effective, but it also will help you to remember to take them each day because your routine is the same.

Take your collagen in the morning or during the day
If you’d prefer to take your collagen first thing in the morning, that’s a great idea! Many people like the idea of getting their dose early on before they start their day. If you decide you’d like to work with a collagen powder supplement, then you can add your dose to your morning coffee or tea, or even just have it with a nice refreshing glass of water. There are recipes all over the place that allow you to include your collagen dose as well–such as smoothies, omelets, and even pancakes.
If you have digestive issues, it is also a good idea to take your collagen supplement in the morning.
If it’s tablets or capsules you like instead, simply follow the instructions on your supplement bottle and take your recommended dosage. It’s that easy. Many people might be wondering whether or not these supplements should be taken on an empty stomach, to ensure that they are digested properly. However, collagen tablets or capsules will break down just the same if you take them with or without food--so whichever you choose, either way should work out just fine. If you don’t get around to taking your collagen until lunch, not to worry, as long as you get in your recommended dosage, you should be just fine.
Take your collagen before bed
Another way you can take your collagen supplements is as you’re winding down for bed. People have claimed that collagen before bed is an optimal choice because this is also when your body rests and repairs itself-- making the collagen more effective. However, there is no study to back this up. It really just depends on when you prefer to take your supplements, not what time of day (or night) it is. If you enjoy a cup of relaxing lavender tea or a hydrating glass of water before bed, you can take your collagen supplements that way.
Best times to take your collagen:
- Daytime. Take it in the morning with your favorite beverage–hot or cold– or even in your breakfast. You can take tablets/capsules with water before you eat or after.
- Nighttime. Feel free to take your supplements before bed as well, if that works better with your lifestyle.
Adding collagen to your food

What are the best ways to add collagen into your food?
The good thing is, most collagen supplements don’t taste like anything unless there is flavor purposefully added to them. Dr.The Dr. Emil’s Multi Collagen Peptides Powder does not have a flavor, and can be mixed into pretty much anything.
Collagen smoothies
Adding the recommended amount of collagen powder into a smoothie that has a balanced ingredients list– such as multiple fruits, a dark leafy green or two, a fat like avocados or nut butters, and a liquid like a plant based milk or water can be a great way to add collagen to your morning routine.
Collagen oatmeal
Oatmeal is a great way to add supplements into your diet because it can be a modge-podge of many things. Throw whatever you like into it, a scoop of collagen, and then top it off with your favorite fruit or drizzles like nut butters or sauces. That sounds like a perfect, well-rounded breakfast!
Collagen coffee
Another morning addition that is arguably the easiest way to get your collagen supplement in is to add it to your morning coffee. You can customize your coffee however you enjoy it, and just add the recommended amount of collagen to your hot coffee, blend it up, and you are all set.
Collagen in soups and stews
Since it is flavorless, collagen can be added to stews and soups, and dissolve more easily, as well since the liquid is hot. In some soups, collagen can act as a thickening agent, which can be helpful in some recipes. This is a great way to get collagen into your diet if you choose to take it in the evening or for lunch.
If you aren’t interested in taking a supplement in powder form or adding it to your food, Dr. Emil’s Multi Collagen Supplement is in capsule form, so you don’t have to worry about the flavor or trying to mix it into your foods.
Is There a Wrong Time to Take Collagen Supplements?
Can you take supplements at a bad time?
Now that we know you can take your collagen supplements at any time that works with your schedule, we’d like to dispel the myth that there is a “wrong” time to take them. Whether you prefer to take them in the morning, with your snack, at lunch, or bedtime– or anywhere in between–you can rest assured you’re going to get the full benefits of your supplement.

However, if you’re just starting out with collagen supplements, you might want to consider starting off small, and then working your way up to the full dose. By adding too much at once you might experience some uncomfortable side effects such as bloating, so feel free to split up your doses if that works for you.
Want to ensure collagen is doing its best for you?
- Do reduce the amount of sugar in your diet.
- Don’t overdo it with caffeine.
- Do keep fruits and greens in your diet, or consider a Vitamin C supplement as well.
The best way to ensure your collagen is doing what it’s supposed to is by making it work with your body and your schedule. Find a time that works for you and keep to your routine. Pretty soon you won’t even have to remind yourself anymore, and including your supplement will become like second nature. Whether you use powder in your drinks, or pop your capsules with your morning water or tea, make sure you add it to your routine in a simple and easy way.
Although there are no wrong times of the day to take your collagen supplement, it is important that you take the correct dose and stick with your routine. Whether you choose to have it in the morning, or take it at bed time, you’re going to be well on your way to taking better care of your body.
Remember, a collagen supplement is not necessarily for everyone and you may not actually need to supplement it in your diet. If you don’t need it, you don’t have to take it. Always consult your doctor before you make any major changes in your diet, as it can affect your health in the long run.
You should consult a licensed health care professional before starting any supplement, dietary, or exercise program, especially if you are pregnant or have any pre-existing injuries or medical conditions.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases.