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How Long Does it Take Milk Thistle to Restore Liver Health?

Liver health is important to a person’s overall health and wellness. Your liver is one of the most vital organs within your body and is responsible for a lot of the systems that keep you healthy. If you’ve been on a quest to improve the health of your liver either for preventative reasons or you are trying to reverse some side effects you’ve begun to notice, then you might be curious how long you should wait before trying something new. 

So when should you notice a difference? Well, the short answer is it is different for everyone and it depends on which method you are using. In this article we’re going to focus on milk thistle and its effect on your liver. Specifically, we’re going to talk about how long it takes milk thistle to restore your liver health. So if you’ve been taking milk thistle for a while now and you are wondering if you should continue or not, there are a few tips and signals to watch out for that can help you decide. 

LiverAid by dr emil- 60 Capsules / 30-Day Supply

If you aren’t taking milk thistle, and you want to start so that you can improve the overall function of your liver, Dr. Emil’s Liver Aid is a good supplement to start with. It is formulated with milk thistle and other natural ingredients to help give your liver the support it needs. And with his medical background and extensive experience with the supplement production process, Dr. Emil is a great source to ensure the supplements you take are safe and effective. 

If you are already taking milk thistle and you’re looking to learn more about the effects you should be noticing, keep reading. Here’s a list of everything we will cover: 

  • Why is liver health so important 
  • What is milk thistle 
  • How milk thistle works to improve your liver
  • How long should milk thistle take to restore liver health
  • Signs of a healthy liver
  • Warning signs to watch out for

Why is Liver Health so Important 

The health of your liver is essential to your overall well being 

Milk thistle can help your liver, but how long does it take for milk thistle to improve liver health?

Before we get into the specifics about milk thistle and its effect on your liver health, let’s get a quick review on why liver health is so important in the first place. If you don’t already know, your liver is responsible for breaking down nutrients in your body and filtering out harmful toxins. Your liver is a vital organ in your body and without the proper care, a person can develop liver diseases and other related illnesses. 

Along with liver diseases themselves, without the proper care for your liver you are more prone to catch other illnesses and diseases which can be harmful to your body. Without caring for your liver, your body can’t flush out toxins from your body and you can become sick or contract serious health concerns. This is where milk thistle can come into play when you are trying to improve your overall liver health. 

What is Milk Thistle?

Where does milk thistle come from?

Milk thistle is a great tool to use for restoring liver health.

Whether you are just hearing about milk thistle now or you just need a refresher, milk thistle is a Mediterranean plant that gets its name from the milky liquid the plant leaks when it is crushed. While it does not actually contain any milk, the white speckling on milk thistle’s leaves also gives it the appearance of being dunked in milk. Milk thistle is often referred to as the healing plant and can have a positive and restorative effect on your liver. 

One of the most active ingredients in milk thistle is silymarin, which is extracted from the plant’s seeds. Silymarin is believed to have antioxidant properties and can help improve poor liver conditions. If you or a person you know are taking milk thistle, it is probably for liver health. Though, milk thistle does have other healing properties and can be beneficial to those with diabetes or other conditions. 

How Milk Thistle Works to Improve Your Liver

So can milk thistle really “heal” your liver?

Milk thistle is known as a healing plant but what does it do for your liver?

There are plenty of liver support supplements out there and they all contain a variety of different ingredients that promise to help repair your liver health. But which is most effective? While liver supplements containing artichoke root, zinc, and dandelion root can be effective in helping support good liver health, milk thistle is one of the most popular and effective ingredients for liver support.  

One reason that milk thistle is so popular is because of its silymarin properties, as well as its ability to not only prevent liver damage, but also to help repair previous liver damage. Milk thistle works to help your body do its job to naturally filter out toxins. If your liver is struggling to filter toxins from your body from previous liver damage or your liver just needs a little extra help, milk thistle can provide the extra support needed.

Along with filtering out harmful toxins from your body, milk thistle can also help to produce more cells to repair liver damage and prevent future damage from occurring. Milk thistle is a good supplement for anyone with liver damage, even damage done by excess alcohol and drug use. Milk thistle is effective in assisting the body with glutathione production, which is found primarily in the liver and is a strong antioxidant. 

Anyone can take milk thistle, but it is especially beneficial to those who have previous liver damage and are trying to get their liver health back. But, milk thistle can also be taken as a preventative measure as well. People who have diabetes and are more at risk for liver related illnesses are a good candidate for a lot of milk thistle’s healing properties— as well as those who suffer from other liver related diseases like fatty liver disease. 

How Long Should Milk Thistle Take to Restore Liver Health?

So you’re taking milk thistle for your liver health; now what?

How long until you begin to see the effects of milk thistle take place?

The question of how long it will take before you begin to see results while taking milk thistle varies based on a few different factors. Variants like the dosage of milk thistle you are taking, the form in which you are consuming milk thistle, your age and lifestyle choices, and the beginning health of your liver are all things that need to be taken into consideration. Taking milk thistle early on for liver damage might prove to be more effective than someone who took it later. 

Here’s a list of some of the other factors that might impact how quickly milk thistle will take to work:

  • The state of your liver at the beginning of treatment
  • The dosage of milk thistle you are consuming
  • Complications due to lack blood sugar control 
  • Cancer (the presence or lack of cancer in the body) 
  • Other liver related illnesses that can affect the liver (diabetes, etc.)
  • Ongoing toxins exposure 

There is no set duration time of when you will see results from taking milk thistle, but there are some things you can look out for that are signs your liver’s health is improving. Along with that, milk thistle has additional health benefits you may notice, including: 

  • When applied topically, can help with skin irritation 
  • Can help regulate and stimulate immune system
  • Milk thistle can help fight against oxidative stress, which has been linked to Alzheimer’s 

Signs of a Healthy Liver 

Look for these signs that your liver is getting healthier 

While there is no set time for how long milk thistle will take to work, there are signs you can look for. 

Because everyone’s body is different and reacts differently to everything you put inside of it, there is no standard time frame in which milk thistle will take to work in. However, there are signs of a healthy liver that you can keep an eye out for. If you aren’t seeing any results, consider consulting with your primary care provider about upping your dosage of milk thistle. 

  1. Increase in energy 
  2. Reduction in brain fog or tiredness 
  3. Reduced pain that was caused by inflammation 
  4. Restored eye and skin color (in severe cases, toxins can build up in your eyes)
  5. Your blood work looks better
  6. An increase in your appetite 

These are just a few of the benefits you might begin to notice after taking milk thistle. Chances are you aren’t going to see drastic changes right away, or sometimes not at all depending on your current health status. If you have questions or concerns it is always best to consult your primary care doctor. 

LiverAid by dr emil- 60 Capsules / 30-Day Supply

Warning Signs to Watch Out For 

Problems with your liver often show symptoms 

Keep an eye out for these signs and symptoms that something is wrong with your liver. 

While taking milk thistle doesn’t have any reported adverse side effects, it is not a fix-all for every liver related problem you might have. If you are suffering from a serious liver condition or you aren’t noticing a change in your symptoms or that your liver is getting better, you should consult with your primary care doctor. To help you decide when it is time to call your doctor, here are some signs to watch out for that indicate a more serious problem with your liver

  1. Bruising easier than normal
  2. A decrease in appetite 
  3. Swelling in the legs and ankles 
  4. Skin and eyes take on a yellow hue (known as jaundice) 
  5. Abdominal pain and/or swelling 
  6. Dark urine color
  7. Itchy skin 
  8. Pale stool color 
  9. Chronic fatigue 
  10. Nausea or vomiting 

Even if you aren’t experiencing these signs and symptoms, if you are worried about your liver it is best to seek medical attention from your doctor. They know your health history best and can advise you on what your next steps are. 

Milk thistle is a great supplement for liver health.

If you are currently taking milk thistle, then remember to give it time to work. It won’t work overnight and might take some time to show the positive effects it can have on your body. Be patient with it and talk with your doctor about the appropriate dosing recommended for you if you aren’t happy with your results.

If you are not currently taking milk thistle to help improve your overall liver health, Dr. Emil’s Liver Aid is a good supplement to try. Backed by a real doctor, reviewed and loved by real people, and made with natural ingredients in the USA, it’s a supplement you can trust to work and support your body in the way that it deserves. 

You should consult a licensed health care professional before starting any supplement, dietary, or exercise program, especially if you are pregnant or have any pre-existing injuries or medical conditions.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases.

Author: Dr. Emil Hodzovic

Holding degrees in both medicine and Sports + Exercise Science from renowned research institution Cardiff University, Dr. Emil Hodzovic has the dual distinction of being a practicing clinician and respected authority in nutrition and supplementation.

During his parallel careers as a personal trainer and professional athlete, Dr. Emil recognized a critical flaw in the supplement space: too much emphasis on appearance and performance—and zero concern for making holistic health and happiness accessible to everyone.

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